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Lookin for a sig maker

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let me see what i can do

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff

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  • 3 weeks later...

Skull pyrate Carter, if that be yer work there for Finn, I would be very much grateful to your generous skill if ye'd be makin' one for me as well?

I too not be havin' a picture of me pirate garb yet, just gettin' started ye see... Just something with me motto (current sig stolen from Captain Roberts) and mayhaps some jolly rogers and a bonny lass or two!

Sea Captain: Yar, that be handsome pete, he dances on the pier for nickels!

Sea Captain: Arrr... you gave him a quarter, he'll be dancin all day.

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Aye, mates! I be lookin' for software to compose those great siggies. If'n yoose can point me in the general direction as well as where to locate pictures to put in 'em, I'd be much obliged! :P


You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.

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Tis a beauty of a sig! If ever the wind shall cause our paths to cross, I owe ye a drink at the least! ;)

I hope ye don't mind that I credited ye below the sig...wouldn't be proper not to afterall! But if ye don't be wantin' more work, mums the word! B)

Oh, and incidentally, I think ye have opened up a can o' worms for me by introducin' me to that there pirates xxx movie! Oh...how am I going to justify that one to the wife? B)

Sea Captain: Yar, that be handsome pete, he dances on the pier for nickels!

Sea Captain: Arrr... you gave him a quarter, he'll be dancin all day.

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B) Aye! Raise yer mug with me in a toast to yer craft and drink to yer hearts content for the ale be paid from my pocket today! B)

Sea Captain: Yar, that be handsome pete, he dances on the pier for nickels!

Sea Captain: Arrr... you gave him a quarter, he'll be dancin all day.

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Sorry to be a pain such a pain in the a**.... but I will be anyway....

Sigs be cool.... but when they take up half the screen, and you have nothing to say........ dang...........BAD SIG...........

A sig should be happly subtle.... say who and what you are.... but not so blataint ..........not so HUGE.............

Bad joke..... "If you have no dick, you'd drive a truck this big"

I am not doing well, discribing my grips...... but I will try....

Why so many HUGE sigs? Takes to long to download and I'm using a DSL.... so what about those on just phone lines? A huge Sig takes up too much space..........

This is an artistic arguement...... say what you have to say in the most effecien way possiple...........

I wanna make a sig..... but it will not be huge..... but as tastefull as a Pyrate can do.....

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I can understand the problem with larger signatures (with pics), and the time it takes many a folk to load threads when they're there. I've been on both sides of the fence, using dialup in the past, and currently having a cable modem. :lol:

On the other hand...

I do like the signatures you've made for a few folks, Skull Pirate Carter. In the interest of (possibly) aiming for a smaller picture (perhaps half to third the size), if you're free to do so, could you make one for me? I have two things in mind for it, and if you need a PM on the details, let me know.

Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@

Dead Men...Tell No Tales.

Welcome, Foolish Mortals...

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Patrick Hand, I certainly be catchin' yer drift! So, no needs to be gentle about it! This be me first sig and all, so it may take me some time to find exactly what be workin' for me! In the interest of readability and download speeds, I reduced the sig Skull pyrate Carter gave me by a mere 20% and it reduced the file size from 101kb to just 27kb. It also made it a little more subtle, whaddya think?

Sea Captain: Yar, that be handsome pete, he dances on the pier for nickels!

Sea Captain: Arrr... you gave him a quarter, he'll be dancin all day.

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Arrgh! I don't be wantin' to be trouble to no one...I do appreciate the sig ye be makin' me Skull pyrate Carter..but until I can get it down to a size that's still readable and small...I'll just make do with this one I whipped up.

I be thinkin' they be havin' a point seein' as i dont have a pic of meself in garb or such thing... ;)

Sea Captain: Yar, that be handsome pete, he dances on the pier for nickels!

Sea Captain: Arrr... you gave him a quarter, he'll be dancin all day.

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