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Leather Capps faced with Red Cotton, and lined wit

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Does anyone have the slightest idea of what these could be?

Foxe has a picuture on his site that has a sailor with a red cap/hat.


Think its close???


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I've always assumed that they were something like that, but not for any definite reason, just if I try to think of a cap with a facing that's what I come up with.


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Yuk yuk...

If it said knit hat, I might go along with that, but the "leather", faced with red cotton.... geesshhh...

My original thougth was that it was stiff thick leather, but maybe its more pliable.

Egad this is a tough one.


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I agree, I have a hard time fathoming a leather cap faced with red cotton.

Of course, in the last few days I've seen weird stuff like this:


You have to admit, you can't get much more bizarre than this. And what the...! Is that dancing guy wearing trousers!?!?! In 1675!?! In Holland!?!?!

Going back to your original question, my answer would be no. The pick on Foxe's site is of a guy wearing a kit cap. Not of a guy wearing a leather cap faced with red cotton.

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And white socks with black shoes?!?! Sheesh... :rolleyes:


"With this Fore-Staff he fansies he does Wonders, when, God knows, it amounts to no more but only to solve that simple Question, Where are we? Which every chi'd in London can tell you." - Ned Ward The Wooden World Dissected, 1707


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Dammit Foxe, you have me laughing out loud in my cube! I'll wake my neighbors! :rolleyes:

Actually, that looks not too different than some of those "drunken" re-enacting pics we posted awhile back.

Josh, I believe he also has a pipe up there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
No it's not....no one has leather blackjacks hanging from their belts along with 3 pounds of swag and bangles. I see no 4' rapiers....no black leather bodices....no thigh-high bucket boots...CLEARLY This is not a Ren Faire! :)

No it's not....no one has leather blackjacks hanging from their belts along with 3 pounds of swag and bangles. I see no 4' rapiers....no black leather bodices....no thigh-high bucket boots...CLEARLY This is not a Ren Faire! :)


That cracks me up....sounds like me at faire minus the bodice....

about the hat.....It appears to me that "Devo" had hats like that..

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  • 2 years later...

Probably being naive here, but that pic of the red hat, as unfocused as it is, immediately struck me as a simple workman's cap, rather like this from the Townsend catalog:


This is just based on the way it seems to sit on the head.

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Yeah, not really interested in anything knit... I read somewhere about leather caps and I was hoping someone had come accross something new I could use... Obviously the pic of the red cap at the beginning went down a bad road and turned into some sort hat o' provisions...

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