Capt. Westyn Elizabeth Roberts Posted July 6, 2003 Posted July 6, 2003 DuCouer: Of course, you MUST see "The Black Swan" (Tyrone Power) as well as "Captain Blood" (Errol Flynn). It's been forever since I saw it, and now I can't find it anywhere. I have seen some VHS copies for sale on Ebay for pretty cheap, but I need DVD with closed captioning for my little Sea Bob. Fair Winds! Capt. WE Roberts "I shall uphold my indignity with the utmost dignity befitting a person of my undignified station."
captweaver65 Posted July 8, 2003 Posted July 8, 2003 I just had the mixed pleasure of watching muppet treasure island. it is a delightfully sick piece of work. :) my reactions were a mixture of laughing histerically,staring in shock and horror and lusting after Tim Curry as long john silver I don't know which was worse;kermit as capt smollett or miss piggy as benjamin gunn I just love the captain's clothes that lj silver wears. beautiful hat that has just the right amount of rich looking trim. gorgeous captain's coat. and of course his charmingly evil smile and laugh. I recomend it as a first rate pirate comedy/spoof. Capt Weaver "No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. " Dr. Samuel Johnson Capt Weaver's Pirate Perversions
PirateMunkee Posted July 12, 2003 Posted July 12, 2003 My favorites... Pirates of the Caribbean (Saw last night. AWESOME!!!!) The Island Disney's Treasure Island The Goonies (Ok so it isn't a "Pirate" movie per se but about Pirate Treasure)
PirateMunkee Posted July 12, 2003 Posted July 12, 2003 Jolie Rouge said: Few o' ya 'ave put much response ta Yellowbeard I'll reckon a few o' you 'aven't seen it. If ya be one o' them lubbers, get off yer duff, an' go rent it. NOW!!!! Damn forgot about Yellowbeard. I loved that movie. Had that comedian Marty Feldman. Damn, memories
JoshuaRed Posted July 13, 2003 Posted July 13, 2003 The best pirate films in order: Pirates of the Caribbean TNT's Treasure Island The Black Pirate Captain Blood
Capt. Westyn Elizabeth Roberts Posted July 18, 2003 Posted July 18, 2003 Hello all! Just thought I'd drop a line and make you all aware of another movie that features pirates. "The Real Macaw" It's a movie about a macaw (of course) who speaks fluently only to his owner (Jason Robards) and the owner's grandson. The macaw (who's constantly referred to as a parrot) takes the boy on a mission to Coral Island to find...a buried pirate treasure! The macaw is about 150 years old, and remembers when he was captured in an ancient tomb of some sort, along with a treasure trove of golden tribal masks and ancient jewelry. The movie starts out in 1850, and there are several pirates there. Then, it goes to modern day (1999/2000), and the pirates of old are out of the picture. There is a man who is a direct descendant of the evil pirate who buried the treasure. He chases the boy and the bird across the globe to Coral Island. Of course, the first half hour of the movie is the only part with actual pirates, but it's a good movie that you can watch with the kiddies. John Goodman (Dan from "Roseanne") lends his voice to the macaw. Yours, Capt. WE Roberts "I shall uphold my indignity with the utmost dignity befitting a person of my undignified station."
TalesOfTheSevenSeas Posted July 21, 2003 Posted July 21, 2003 A few scenes from the upcoming movie "Pirates of the Death Star" coming soon to a galaxy far, far away.... Hey!! Wait a sec! Wasn't the eyepatch on the other eye?!!! -Claire "Poison Quill" Warren Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas
barnegat Posted July 24, 2003 Posted July 24, 2003 Hi, I'm relatively new here. Just saw Pirates of the Carribean. I seriously love this movie. Johnny Depp, though a wee bit hard to figure out where his character is coming from at first, he kind of grows on you. I don't care how inaccurate some of the details are. I love the POTC ride and have for many years and often thought about the bigger picture. BTW, if anyone cares, in the card & gift shops like Hallmark, they sell these little porcelain houses, usually and mostly with a Christmas theme. However, there is a Halloween line and they have a pirate wreck with sound effects. The line is under the Dept. 56 name. The thing is $80 but I love the sounds it produces because it puts me very much in mind of the POTC ride. I also ran across something similiar in Michael's crafts stores. It's a little larger, rocks back and forth, also with sound and the pirates sing 15 Men On A Dead Man's Chest. This one is $50. Aauughh, very tempting. I need more junk around the house. Loved the Yoda photos. Other pirate movies favorites- Treasure Island (Charleton Heston 1985?) Captain Blood Muppets Treasure Island
Mad Maudlin McCrumb Posted July 26, 2003 Posted July 26, 2003 I got one nobody has yet mentioned.. I'll say it, then run for cover.... Ice Pirates!! "You have a woman's skin, m'lord! I'll wager that hides never been rubbed with salt and flayed off to make stockin's for a pirates best cabin boy!"
captweaver65 Posted July 27, 2003 Posted July 27, 2003 TalesOfTheSevenSeas said: A few scenes from the upcoming movie "Pirates of the Death Star" coming soon to a galaxy far, far away.... Hey!! Wait a sec! Wasn't the eyepatch on the other eye?!!! TalesOfTheSevenSeas, yer a really sick guppy hitin yoda and SW nitpickin geeks all in one post. nice pictures too Capt Weaver "No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. " Dr. Samuel Johnson Capt Weaver's Pirate Perversions
captweaver65 Posted July 27, 2003 Posted July 27, 2003 Mad Maudlin McCrumb said: I got one nobody has yet mentioned.. I'll say it, then run for cover....Ice Pirates!! ice pirates may not be mentioned in this thread,but it was more than mentioned in worst pirate movies. and watch out for them space herpes!!! Capt Weaver "No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. " Dr. Samuel Johnson Capt Weaver's Pirate Perversions
Cascabel Posted July 31, 2003 Posted July 31, 2003 My all time favorite pirate movie is Treasure island starring Charleton Heston as Long John. A truly WONDERFUL casting job in all the secondary characters also. Once you see it, you will throw rocks at most other pirate movies and all other versions of Treasure Island in my humble opinion. It is available for rent, and can be had for as cheap as $9.95 on My second choice would be Roman Polanski's 'PIRATES' mostly for the character portrayals of Capt. Redd, and Don Alphonso. I also like the Disney version of Treasure Island, mostly for Robert Newton's classic portrayal of Long John. I never did think much of the Errol Flynn type pirate films. (sorry if this is blasphemy) >>>>> Cascabel
Capt. William T. Popples Posted August 3, 2003 Posted August 3, 2003 Fer my money it's gotta be either Roman Polanski's "Pirates" or the ever hilarious "Yellowbeard" "...Aye, lets have a few glasses-O-rum...that'll put us in the mood..." -from Tresure Island ( Radio program with Orson Wells )
Rosalinda Posted August 4, 2003 Posted August 4, 2003 Pirates of the Caribbean is me most favorite...because I think all pirates should be at least half staggering drunk all the time or completely drunk half of the time...and slur their words as much as possible. Bonus points for wearing dreadlocks and painting the eyes with kohl (though I doubt that's authentic). Extra bonus points for just looking very much like a bad-arse pirate enough to make even a 48 year old lass squeel with excitement. Uh, I'm not talking about me self, mind ya! Because, of course, I'd bloody hafta kill Jack Sparrow if I met him, I would! But not before I was done with him...
Morgan La Scylla Posted August 13, 2003 Posted August 13, 2003 Against All Flags has got to be my all time favorite followed by Captain Blood. Just can't get enough Errol Flynn! And yes Yellowbeard and Cutthroat Island are frequent popcorn movies we watch over here! And Jamacia Rose mentioned 1976's Swashbuckler with Robert Shaw and James Earl Jones. I hope that it was intentionally done as a comedy, because it did give me a chuckle or too. But a good flick nonetheless. Swashbuckler Page at IMDB Hoist the colors Laddies! We're goin' in fer the kill!
Mad Kestrel Posted August 13, 2003 Posted August 13, 2003 barnegat said: I also ran across something similiar in Michael's crafts stores. It's a little larger, rocks back and forth, also with sound and the pirates sing 15 Men On A Dead Man's Chest. This one is $50. Aauughh, very tempting. I saw that ship as well, the last time I was in Michael's. Very cool! And they had put it on the very top shelf, waaaay up and out of immediate sight. I'm planning on hitting the Michael's right after Halloween, in the hopes that they won't have sold all of them and they'll go on that after-holiday sale. Crossing me blades fer luck instead of me fingers... Mad Kestrel Privateer #9, IFoRP Captain of the Thanos (Fairhaven, CRF) But why is the rum gone? - Capt Jack Sparrow
JoshuaRed Posted August 14, 2003 Posted August 14, 2003 OMG this is too funny! I happened to run into Michael's today during lunchbreak to get some odds and ends, and saw this same rockin' pirate galleon! I was all set to buy it until I saw the 50.00 tag. Guess I'll wait till after Halloween too when it's 25.00. Course Michael's always has good coupons for 40% off or more in the paper.....
JediKnightOfTheCarribean Posted September 2, 2003 Posted September 2, 2003 TalesOfTheSevenSeas said: A few scenes from the upcoming movie "Pirates of the Death Star" coming soon to a galaxy far, far away.... Hey!! Wait a sec! Wasn't the eyepatch on the other eye?!!! WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS?!?!?!?!?!?! TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME!!!! plz Anyways one of my favorite childhood movies was Hook. Capn' Hook was such a great bad guy too bad he died
TalesOfTheSevenSeas Posted September 2, 2003 Posted September 2, 2003 I ran across them by accident. One is from pages 8 & 9 and the other is from -Claire "Poison Quill" Warren Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas
Ol' Cap'n Flink Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 Favorite pirate movie... I'd probably have to say Yellowbeard. Graham Chapman is amazingly vulgar that it makes it hilarious! The new Pirates of the Carebbean is nice too. And the Disney's old Treasure Island. Favorite Quote from Yellowbeard: "She couldn't be yer mother. No woman ever slept with me and lived!"
captweaver65 Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 I just saw "Nate and Hayes"(1983) for the first time. it is a really good movie. set right after the end of classical piracy. it stars Tommy Lee Jones and Michael O'Keefe. Tommy play a Captain who longs for the days of piracy just past. full of action with humor and romance. love it! Capt Weaver "No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. " Dr. Samuel Johnson Capt Weaver's Pirate Perversions
BatSpell Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 Ahoy! These are some Pyrate or nautical related movies that I love!: Pirate Of The Caribbean! Cutthroat Island! The Ghost and Mrs. Muir - This movie is doesn't have a pyrate in it per-say...but it does have a dead sea-man. I highly reccomend this movie fer thoes of ye who 'ave never seen it!- This movie is an older one-If I remember correctly, It's a black and white movie. That Hamilton Woman- This also does not have any Pyrates in it but does have a natical theme to it-the main love interest of a young girl is a Naval captin (movie is based on Heratio Nelson)- This movie is a black and white...and is from the 1940's.- I also highly reccomend this movie as well. Deadly Drucilla Pause My Friend, As You Pass By. -As You Are, So Once Was I. -As I Am, So Shall You Be. -Prepare You Then, To Follow Me. (written on a gravestone)
MadMaryFlint Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 AAAHHH! That's my favorite movie! The Ghost and Mrs. Muir is the best movie, you guys! You should see it! Gene Tierney's attitude is great, and I just love Rex Harrison! Ohmygod, I miss that movie.. I haven't seen it in awhile. It's packed away, and it's a VHS anyway. All we have at the dorm is a DVD player... "I just wasn't intended to have that kind of happiness, and I haven't missed it, really I haven't. Sure, I've been lonely at times, but there've been compensations." <-- that's one of my "pity me" quotes from that movie, but there are tons of great quotes. I especially love Rex's monologue... GREAT MOVIE!!! And, yes, I AM a teenager who's favorite movie is in black-and-white and made in 1947 (I believe). Black-and-whites are classics (sometimes..)
Savvy Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 Hmm. As for me, I must say - Pirates of the Caribbean Treasure Planet Honestly, I don't remember many of the older Piratey films, mates. I nearly deserve to be keelhauled, aye? But I shall fix this error by goin' on a renting spree the next time I be in town. :angry: Slap me silly and call me Gilly, but I do like those two films I listed above quite a lot. Treasure Planet is a very good movie, and I know it's a tad overly futuristical then the good ol' pirate movies.. ah, oh well. As for Pirates otC, that movie is GREAT. Seen it 4 times - 'tis a record for me threatre visits. Me aboslutely favorite movie o' all time. -- Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate.
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