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  Charity Sweetlove said:
While not being a pirate movie, I do like the pirates in The Count of Monte Cristo.  Them fellers had their fingers in EVERYTHING, and they did it with panache.

When we´re talking this book as a movie I must say that some versions are brilliant(such as the french mini-series with Gerard Depardieu). But I resently saw an awful version that were quite new where they had taken away all of the sublimity in Dantes revenge...

  • 2 weeks later...
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Favorite pirate flicks (in no particular order):

The Black Pirate (groundbreaking)

The Crimson Pirate (bewildering mix of periods, but lots of fun)

Capt. Blood (awesome, due in large part to Raphael Sabatini's own book to screen adaptation)

Cutthroat Island (probably my top favorite to date)

The Black Swan (another great favorite)

The Buccaneer (saw this in the movies as a toddler, and never forgot it)

Hook (one of the best pirate crews ever)

Master of Ballantrae (Frustrating. They found pirates in paradise, so why would they ever leave to go back to Scotland?)

The Princess and the Pirate (w/ Bob Hope, and really hysterical)

Treasure Island (Robt. Newton defines the pirate and gives "Ahrrrr" to the world. He even says "Ahrr-men" at the end of a prayer during a burial at sea. Brilliant)

Blackbeard (see above)

Blackbeard's Ghost (wonderful, especially the Buccaneer restaraunt/ hotel)

Morgan the Pirate (rare Italian prod. w/ muscleman Steve Reeves. Compare him to Laird Crieger's authentic portrayal of Morgan in Black Swan)

Pirates (Gotta love that Spanish Galleon)

Yellowbeard (aka "Monty Python goes to Sea")

Masterpiece Theater's "Frenchman's Creek" (careful attention to period detail and wonderful casting)

Goonies (I only wish Spielberg would make a real pirate flick)


Capt. Ian "Mad Dog" Davies,

Ye Pyrate Brotherhood

"The Code of Our Brotherhood is Better than all the Lies of Nations!"


My fave pirate flick besides "The Black Pirate" (one of the only pirate films to actually dare to show pirates ACTUALLY pirating, lol) would have to be the 1990 TNT version of Treasure Island with Charlton Heston as Long John, Christian Bale as Jim, Oliver Reed as Billy Bones and Peter Posthelwaite as George Merry. The film is suprisingly dark, gritty and violent unlike the Disney version or Jackie Cooper/Wallace Beery version. Throw in some amazing original music from the Chieftains and you've got a helluva flick!

  JoshuaRed said:
the 1990 TNT version of Treasure Island with Charlton Heston as Long John, Christian Bale as Jim, Oliver Reed as Billy Bones and Peter Posthelwaite as George Merry. The film is suprisingly dark, gritty and violent unlike the Disney version or Jackie Cooper/Wallace Beery version. Throw in some amazing original music from the Chieftains and you've got a helluva flick!

If you are familiar with the N.C. Wyeth illustrations for "Treasure Island", it's fun to watch for where they have staged them in this version of the story.

Blackheartedly yrs,

--Jamaica Rose

PS -- Worst version of "Treasure Island" is the straight-to-video version done with Jack Palance as LJS (and I like Jack Palance in general). They completely changed the ending, and a lot of the story too!

--Jamaica Rose

Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993


"Bringing a little pirate history into everyone's life"

Find No Quarter Given

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Someone mentioned Monty Python, and I have to add that I love the Crimson Permanent Assurance, including the "Accountancy Shanty," at the beginning of The Meaning of Life.


Black Cat, Captain of theMatriarch

Test everything. Hold fast to what is good. -Saint Paul's first letter to Thessalonika 5:21

If you are familiar with the N.C. Wyeth illustrations for "Treasure Island", it's fun to watch for where they have staged them in this version of the story.

Indeed you are correct Ms. Rose! Much like Doug Fairbanks modeled the look, colors and costumes of The Black Pirate after Howard Pyle's legendary artwork.


I am a big fan of the hornblower series from a&e-it gives you all the nautical action you can handle and in my opinion the british navy taking prizes is good privateer action.

don't forget;

cutthroat island &

captain blood

Capt Weaver

"No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. "

Dr. Samuel Johnson

Capt Weaver's Pirate Perversions



With all due respects, Capt.Flint, I'd like to start a run on

the WORST Pirate Movies.. :huh:

My first nomination goes to ISLAND, by Peter Benchly.. "starring" Michael Caine.. what was THAT!?


Well while this might get me keelhauled, I vote Cutthroat Island as the worst. It's so far beyond trite that it's laughable. It's ripe with gross historical errors and blunders. It perpetuates this lame Hollywood notion that pirates don't actually rob, they just sail around "Adventuring" and fighting OTHER Pirates. And WHY must there always be a damned treasure map???? :huh:

It was filmed off Thailand which looks nothing like the Caribbean. Geena Davis was awful. I could go on and on about the ways this movie sucks. In the end though, I just found it inexcusable that with such a huge budget that Renny Harlin could have FINALLY made a movie about the REAL side of piracy, something Hollywood has YET to do.

I will say this about Cutthroat Island - the costumes are stellar and the music was amazing.


I have to agree with JoshuaRed. I was disappointed in Cutthroat Island when it first came out. I've watched it several times since, and I always think how much better it could have been. The "car chase" scene near the beginning was so hard to watch--so stupid. I couldn't stand to hear Geena Davis deliver her lines: a more wooden performance I've never seen. Matthew Modine's character seemed superfluous--no real reason for him to be there other than to translate the map.

I think Frank Langella was a great pirate, he really sunk his teeth into the role (no pun intended). But as a whole, not a great pirate movie.

Melusine de la Mer

"Well behaved women rarely make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich


Langella was indeed very good. However his costume, 20th century hair and massive serrated-edge cutlass were not so good. My fave thing about that movie was Gov. Ainsley who was portrayed beautifully, imo. He seemed to be the only character with a shred of potential authenticity.

  JoshuaRed said:
I will say this about Cutthroat Island - the costumes are stellar and the music was amazing.

Yes -- the music is very reminiscent of the old Erich Korngold soundtracks for the Errol Flynn swashbucklers.

I was just resting my eyes, when I heard the CutThroat Island main theme coming from the magic story-telling box (tv). I opened my eyes and discovered there was a commercial for the new X-Men movie -- but using the Cutthroad Island theme. That proves the music is good!! They are re-using it!

Blackheartedly yrs,

--Jamaica Rose

PS -- Just in case you aren't aware, we sell the CutThroat Island soundtrack CD's through NQG. We have a limited supply and there's not many left now.

--Jamaica Rose

Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993


"Bringing a little pirate history into everyone's life"

Find No Quarter Given

... on Facebook: facebook.com/noquartergiven

... and on Twitter: @NoQuarterGiven


I just watched The Black Swan again (for the umpteenth time)--I love that movie! Tyrone Power as Jamie Boy :D He's got some great lines!

Laird Cregar has got to be the best Henry Morgan ever--wonderful Welsh accent.

And George Sanders is villainously delicious! :D

Melusine de la Mer

"Well behaved women rarely make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich


I just watched the Steve Reeve's Morgan the Pirate last night. Appears to be a historically accurate (or at least trying to be as I am no historian) version of Morgan marching across Panama and taking Panama by surprise from behind. Anyone seen this film? The actors voices seemed to be dubbed in as if they are speaking another language; costumes are pretty good but Steve Reeves is wearing a duck tail 1950s hair do ala the Fonz through the whole thing and the love interest has a boufant! They show a guy getting quartered (well not all the of the gorry details). Absolutely attrocious! I don't think the movie explained very well the successfulness of Morgan or the greatness of the march across Panama but then again the main part of this movie revolves around his love interest so what can you expect.



I just this afternoon finished reading Cup of Gold by John Steinbeck. For those unfamiliar, it's his very first novel, and his only historical novel. It's about the life and times of Capt. Morgan. While it's a blend of fact and fantasy, leaning more toward fantasy, nonetheless it paints an amazing and I'd say believeable biopic of Morgan. HIGHLY recommended!

  • 4 weeks later...

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Disney).

If yer like me, we pirates have a fondness fer nautical rebel-types.. Cap'tn Nemo bein no exception... One of my favorite all time movies.. given' me great inspiration as a kid and all..

I just got the new 20,000 Leagues DVD.. and it's GREAT!

Disk 2 is the history of making the movie, narratives by anyone still living that had a part in it, including fun comments by Kirk Douglas, outtakes of P.Laurie, etc.... It answers many questions that I've had for years.. how did they DO that?!! Lots of footage that was thought to be lost from the Studio's archives.. great clips of the sub models, THE Squid, etc..

If ya love pirates, subs, and the sea, this is a MUST get DVD!


  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with Pirate Queen. The movie "The Black Swan" is one of my favorite pirate movies. It has all points of interest. Intrigue, romance, swordplay, changing loyalties, and don't forget...political crimes.


"I always sample a bottle of wine before I buy it."

I love that movie. I have a copy that I recorded off AMC one night a few years ago, and since then, I have watched it at least 100 times! I have been trying to find it on a DVD with closed captioning for the hearing impaired (Sea Bob is a little hard of hearing). However, no luck. Perchance I could find one on Amazon....

Anyway, I love the costumes in the movie, also. In fact, I am thinking about making my Sea Bob a costume rather like Jamie Boy's horseman costume (in the scene in which Lady Margaret falls off her horse). Maybe he will wear it when we get married at the PIP Festival in Key West. I love the voluminous white shirt and silver-studded black vest. Plus, the thigh-high boots are pretty sexy.

"What? No bite?"--Tyrone Power to Maureen O'Hara in one of the last scenes of the movie, "The Black Swan".



Capt. WE Roberts

"I shall uphold my indignity with the utmost dignity befitting a person of my undignified station."

  • 3 weeks later...

Funny how nobody has mentioned Roman Polanski's Pirates...is it that bad??? I have not seen it in years...to be honest and do not remember a whole lot about it but Walter Mathau as a Pirate? Brilliant.

One Comment on Cut Throat Island...Yes it was historically in accurate, Yet it was a rehased story line, but Hey it Was a Pirate movie....

Frank Langella was a great villian...and actually the Duagge Cutlass he used was actually accurate for the times....As for his Hair cut...well maybe he kept it shorter so that he could wear a wig when in Port...Just a Thought.

So Black swan is a must see huh?? Any others I should see??? :ph34r:



*mutters something about liking Disney's Treasure Planet*

Cat girl... captain. she used the word Neophyte. *is in love*

and while I'll admit it was another movie in which Disney seriously tweaked the story I liked the concept of pirates in the future. that and I really liked the 'X' being the astroid belts crossing.

Also, I'm looking forward to watching Disney's Sinbad. I know I'm probably going to twitch a lot watching the movie, but when kid movies start taking pirate themes the adult movies do to, and versa visa.

*cheers the slew of new pirate movies that are coming to screen* :blink:


:blink: Flea!

How can you say that Benchley's "The Island" was the worst

pirate movie ever made? It's probably has one of the BEST examples

of what a pirate raid on a sloop looked like. I suggest re-watching it,

also the hair styles were pretty cool, sure the story line was pretty

funky, and why'd they still be wearing or even HAVE 18th century

clothes left is beyond me?? but over all the basic potrayal of

the pirates is probably the truest ever filmed (as far as lifestyle,

and etc) Personally I can think of lots of crappy pirate movies I'd

rate before the Island ...Errol Flynn & Abbott & Costello names come immediately to mind...I know, I know...I've tread on St. Errol's name.

Not all his movies were great.

I'm prepared for the chain & round shot.

Hey, there's always Yellowbeard! :D




I just finished watching "The Crimson Pirate." Although some of it is a little goofy...a little campy, it was an enjoyable film, if you like pirate movies. The costumes are colorful, and the pirates seemed to have fun.


Capt. WE Roberts

"I shall uphold my indignity with the utmost dignity befitting a person of my undignified station."


I've seen Yellowbeard several times and adore it. I think that anyone who has not seen it, should rent it also. You will love it. As far as the film.... Island.. with Micheal Caine. I have to agree with it as being one of the worst films made. Yeah the pirate costumes, ships, and raid were pretty cool. But, I found the movie pretty boring and dumb. The story left a lot to be desired also.But, hey, it's just my opinion. I mean after all a lot of people here posted that they can't stand Cutthroat Island. Yet, I loved the film and have watched it many many times. To each his own...... The Capt.

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