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Maryland Renaissance Festivals (MDRF) Pirate Invasion Weekend

Is Set For September 24th and 25th.

The Captains and crews of the Privateer and Pirate Ships that

call MDRF home have again gotten together to plan a series of

events for their crews and those visiting pirates that want to


All Weekend:

Offsite pyrate encampment Friday afternoon thru Sunday Morning.

Visit http://www.thejuryrig.com or the post here for details.


(All events meet at the food vendor side of the White Heart Tavern)

11:30 AM Pyrate Meet and Greet / Photo Op

12:00 PM Pyrate Scavenger hunt hosted by "The Golden Behind"

$5.00 entry fee, winner take all, 2-3 person teams, Will run 90 minuets.

2:00 Pub Crawl Join us as we visit all 9 pubs on MDRF grounds.

6:00 Pyrates Royal lead Pub Sing - closing faire event for the day.


(All events meet at the food vendor side of the White Heart Tavern)

11:30 AM Pyrate Meet and Greet / Photo Op

12:00 PM Pyrate Photo Scavenger hunt hosted by "The Juryrig"

Ship / Team Based, Will run 90 minuets.

2:00 Pub Crawl Join us as we visit all 9 pubs on MDRF grounds.

6:00 Pyrates Royal lead Pub Sing - closing faire event for the day.

Duncan McGuyver

The Juryrig

Major Chaos

The Roving Eye

Captain Randy DeVille

The Golden Behynde

William Of Paisley

The Frigate Up-Royally

Captain Keltik

The Three Ravens

Captain Gavin Mowat

The Screaming O

Captain Chelle

The Polly Dodger

Comapss Rose

The Raging Hormones

Captain Duncan McGuyver

Crew Of The Vigilant

Baltimore Maryland Based

17th & 18th Century Naval Living History

Crew Of The Vigilant

The Juryrig

MDRF Based Social & Renfaire Crew

The Juryrig

Port Tortuga

A Piracy based Pennsic household

B09 Block, The Highlands (Up Hill & Left)

Port Tortuga

  Sealegs Constance said:
Thanks for the info Duncan. I will pass this on to my sister. She was wondering when we were suppose to meet. See you all Saturday.

<_<<_< Hmmm....she didn't pass the information on.......I will have to deal with her later <_<

Mad Woman Cheryl

By Odin's mighty spear, I hereby snap and go berzerk!!!"


OOOOOPPPPPPPSSSSSSS!!!!!!! I knew I forgot to tell her something last night. Man now I am in for it. :) I guess I will have to make it up to her by buying her a drink and paying for gas again. <_<

Sealegs Constance

I am what I am


Be sure to tak lots of pictures and share them all when you return. I think we all love to see our mates enjoyin themselves! Have a hearty time!



hi duncan!!!!!

hi cheryl!!!!!!



"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


So do we have a head count so far on the incampment????

It looks like this year will be better than last year..

I don't know what i'm looking forward to more,the faire or the camp?????

Well I will start the ships muster...(list)



Another year I can't go. My crew and I had plans but then I had to go on course (real Navy stuff).

Hopfully the MANTICORE out of Ontario RF (presently relocating to the new site) will make it next year.

William Blydes,

Master and Commander

William Blydes

I don't get lost, I EXPLORE!


Adventures on the High Seas

(refitted and back on station!)

  crimson corsair said:
So do we have a head count so far on the incampment????

It looks like this year will be better than last year..

I don't know what i'm looking forward to more,the faire or the camp?????

Well I will start the ships muster...(list)


Looks like the Crew of the Polly Dodger will either be traveling from home or staying at a near by Inn. I haven't any of my crewmates showing interest in Camping. Ah well... I do hope to come by and partake of the festivies after faire though.


Ahoy, is there anyone that be attending said event?


Arr, well I say 12 - 12:30 for people to meet and greet, stynks.

Half an hour is not enough time to tie message board names to the real life faces of new and used shipmates. Not to mention hanging out to chat or just general carousing.

Last year it were a disaster, crews broke away early and then dispersed instead of coming back to where the Pyracy Pub be gathering. Picture opportunities were lost, a lot of people didn't meet and a lot didn't get met, real world friends weren't made.

Shouldn't the main event here really be about everyone from the Pub meeting?

. . . Should I be marooned?


How about 2:00. so anyone running late can make it. does anyone have a proble with 2:00pm meet up???????????? That won't cut into the scavenger hunt,and Like stynky says< half an hour is'nt alot of time,it takes a half an hour to get everyone to hold still for a picture......

I am looking forward to meet everyone again this year.

Crimson Corsair


I can't imagine the meet n' greet being earlier than 11:30am, and those of us who want to participate in the scavenger hunt will need to go off at noon, so whoever wants to stick around can do so. Why don't ya meet us then go huntin' with us?

I guess I just mean to say it all sounds good to me...

  Bonnie Red Weasel said:
I can't imagine the meet n' greet being earlier than 11:30am, and those of us who want to participate in the scavenger hunt will need to go off at noon, so whoever wants to stick around can do so. Why don't ya meet us then go huntin' with us?

I guess I just mean to say it all sounds good to me...

Just remember... its teams of 2-3 and a $5 registration fee for the scavenger hunt.


I figurin' that if the hunt is over at 1:30 or 2:00 than the only thing anyone is missin is the 1st or 2nd pub.....and its not hard to catch up at a pub crawler....HA...that makes it more fun trying to catch up!!!!!!!!

But I may be alittle late and I don't see myself in the hunt anyway so... anytime after 11:30 should be good for me.....


  "Crimson Corsair" said:
How about 2:00.

2:00 sounds great. I know lots of people that don't even get to fair until after lunch time anyway.

So how about we use the White Heart Tavern as our all day base of operations. Those who arrive early can periodically check there for other members. The main assembley could be at 2:00, where we hangout, chat and wait for stragglers. Then sometime after 3:00 when it looks like everyone is present and accounted for, we take the group Pyracy Pub picture at 3:00. After that we can continue standing around displaying plumage and disperse as we would at a party, our hang out until the cannons go off, the singing ends and the police forces us off the property.

  "Bonnie Red Weasel" said:
Why don't ya meet us then go huntin' with us?

I would love to but that hunting part takes effort. :lol:

I don't know, I just might. There is already so much to do at the fair and I never get to do, see or buy everything I want.

I know my kids are pretty excited about the scavenger hunt.


Am looking forward to this weekend and no kids. Huzzah I will be by myself for a change. Um I will be with me sis, and a couple of other pyrate lasses. ;) Should be lots of fun see you all then.

Sealegs Constance

I am what I am


Ahoy thar mates. I just got me some news from me sis Mad Woman Cheryl. She has a ticket fer sale fer $12.50 one of her mates that was going cannot. Ifen ye want that thar ticket please either contact me or me sis and we can work things out. We should be there when it open this weekend.

Sealegs Constance

I am what I am

  Stynky Tudor said:
  "Crimson Corsair" said:
How about 2:00.

2:00 sounds great. I know lots of people that don't even get to fair until after lunch time anyway.

So how about we use the White Heart Tavern as our all day base of operations. Those who arrive early can periodically check there for other members. The main assembley could be at 2:00, where we hangout, chat and wait for stragglers. Then sometime after 3:00 when it looks like everyone is present and accounted for, we take the group Pyracy Pub picture at 3:00. After that we can continue standing around displaying plumage and disperse as we would at a party, our hang out until the cannons go off, the singing ends and the police forces us off the property.

  "Bonnie Red Weasel" said:
Why don't ya meet us then go huntin' with us?

I would love to but that hunting part takes effort. :D

I don't know, I just might. There is already so much to do at the fair and I never get to do, see or buy everything I want.

I know my kids are pretty excited about the scavenger hunt.

The White Hart is my home. I'm almost always there unless I've run off on a pub crawl. Our ship has a commissioning ceremony there on Saturday at noon and I'll be around there most of the day (minus a pub crawl or 2).

  Mad Woman Cheryl said:
Stynky, wot time is you gettin' there?

Well that's going to depend on how much drinking the crew does the night before and the morning thereof. But most likely it's just going to be a matter of when the crew gets their arses out of bed and into long boats. Or maybe how big a breakfast Flint makes that morning. . .

When are you guys getting there?


I'm aimin to get ther afor openin at 10. We have no kiddies or mates to be haulin around this year....just me sis an me......on the loose.......

Mad Woman Cheryl

By Odin's mighty spear, I hereby snap and go berzerk!!!"

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