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We couldn't post about this raid on a public forum, because we worried that the "victim" might see it ahead of time, as he is an avid fan of piracy.

On the afternoon of Sept 14th, 2003, Gary moved The Royaliste into position to allow her pirate crew to raid the a seaside home, known as "The Taj Mahal" for it's elaborate middle east architecture, in Sausalito CA.

Saber, Poison Quill and Lucky Penny Hawkings, burst into the Taj firing their flintlocks and chased the lady of the household upstairs!!!! (she was a conspirator in this!) We located our victim, Devon, who was celebrating his 16th birthday in front of the TV, and informed the thoroughly surprised lad that he was about to be kidnapped into piracy!

Lucky Penny followed him downstairs and kept careful watch over him to keep him from escaping while he put his shoes on while Saber and I discussed the Taj Mahal's future with her "former" owners- We told them that it would make a wonderful pirate haven once we had brought in a few barrels, built a bar, brought in serving wenches and spread around plenty of sawdust on the floor for when the lads get sick. (the Taj is sparkling white with marble floors *snicker*)

We then proceeded to handcuff Devon in a pair of iron wrist shackles, and bind his arms and shoulders with chain and a large heavy 18th century style lock. We then blindfolded him with Lucky Penny's sash and led him from the relative safety of his former home, all the while extolling the virtues (or lack of virtue) of the wonderful life of piracy he would soon enjoy.

We told him he'd never have to go to school again and that we thought it was silly to make him take English classes when he spoke perfectly good English already! We said that now he could spend his days raiding ships on the high seas, drinking grog and chasing wenches!

Soon we arrived at the Royaliste- But then I announced that I had a much better idea.... WE'D MAKE DEVON WALK THE PLANK!!!!

We led the blindfolded lad to a wooden plank and I carefully got him on to it. Then I said, "NOW LOOK DEATH STRAIGHT IN THE EYE LAD!!!!" and ripped the blindfold from his eyes!!!

There awaiting him on the pirate ship were all his friends!!!! Everyone shouted "SURPRISE!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!" and welcomed him aboard the ship.

We took them all out onto the bay for a 2 hour sail, Captained by Gary, with Saber at the helm. Devon served as the gunner and fired off a broadside to celebrate his 16th year!

We returned the newly initiated pirates to port, but had them sign the Royaliste's articles, officially making them pirates (and making a momento of the day for Devon!)

It was a fine day of piracy and certainly a day that Devon, his family and friends will never forget!!!! (and neither will we pirates!!!)

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



What a right lucky lad, Devon be! Just be sure he not be stealin' into the rum kegs. :ph34r:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


Aye tis a wonderful crew you be having on yon coast. Well met!!!


PS my birthday's in November.

Just kidding :huh:

"That's the navy for you. Rum in the scuppers today. Blood in the scuppers tomorrow."

Thrist is a shameless disease. So here's to a shameful cure!

"Loyalty, honesty and directness are traits I admire. Insecurity, snipes and disrespect I will not tolerate in the least."

B) RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR to that, mates!! Pyracy pays out in memories as well as dubloons....A hearty thanks to the crew, and 'Welcome aboard' officially as crew of the Royaliste, Lucky Penny... B)

As I told ye, good Cap'n, it was an amazing day, to be sure...to be out there on the ever-so-lovely Royaliste!

An' I'm honored as anythin' t' be one o' yer official types..Y'got this pirate beamin' from ear t' ear again!


*elaborate bow!*


"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-


I do have to add a couple o' bits of my own memories to the day that I realized I didn't....I'll be as brief as possible B)

Memory #1: Lucky Penny Hawkings and The Twisty Stairs of Evil

Mates, I've never seen a set of stairs so narrow! They were barely over a foot wide, I swear! Going up the stairs was hard enough; we made far too much racket for our own good...going DOWN them? Even more a fright. Needless to say yours truly 'ad a considerable time makin' her way down, what with the ol' cutlass an' all. Mutterin' and janglin and tryin' ever so hard not t' bang about! How I managed t' beat Quill an' Saber to the Birthday Boy was beyond my understandin'!

Memory #2: Dude, where's my press gang?

So as mentioned, by the lovely Quill, yours truly spent some time makin' sure that our prisoner didn't try to make some dramatic escape off of a balcony. So what's the Lucky Penny t'do in this situation? Here's the rough summary:

*Lucky Penny an' the Prisoner, standin' in a hallway, face t' face, the Penny brandishing her cutlass*

Me: "Yer not plannin' to run off now, aye?"

Him: "Er..no."

Me: "GOOD!" *pause* *blink* *looks in the hallway behind her* *look at the kid* "They're takin' a bit..." *peer down the hallway again, pensive fidgeting ensues*

Me: "Yer sure now? I don' wanna 'ave t' chase ye.." *pause, look AGAIN* "Bloody..where in blazes are they? Worse than that Sparrow fella, I tell ye.."

*sound, finally, of incoming backup*

Me: "Aha! That's it..." *run to the only way he can get out, stick the cutlass up like a gate, grin like a blinkin' idiot*

Memory #3: That's my line..or is it?

There were a set of girls talkin' before we set sail a wee ways away from where I was standin', and I could hear them going through the lines of a scene from POTC. For your amusement:

Girl: "...he says 'Where'd you get all these swords?' "I made 'em! And I practice with them three hours a day!' "

Me: *while leaning over towards them, just off the shoulder of one, in the closest thing to a Jack Sparrow voice a pirate wench can have* " 'Ye really need t'find yerself a girl, mate...' "

I think one jumped a bit. :)

Memory #4: Yo ho ho..that's my coat!

This one's kind of a funny, more personal one..but there was a point where we were sailing that I happened to be looking off at something behind me, when I caught this movement outta the corner of my eye. Look down, and there's the tails of me coat, flutterin' all dramatic in the wind-like. I don't know why..but it just made me all grinny and happy.

An' not one button fell off. ARRRR! B)

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-


And another momentous thing happened... Lucky Penny shot a flintlock for the first time!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! A milestone in every pirate gal's life!! She didn't get even a practice shot first before she had to do it in front of the captives- just a little verbal coaching before the raid that I believe went something like this:

It's loaded and primed.

Don't point it at anyone 'cuz it blows flame and smoke out the muzzle....

Oh yeah, and don't be surprised when the pan flashes and you've got a flame going right next to your hand for a couple of seconds..

It's easy just pull back the hammer and pull the trigger.

Lucky did just great. A natural born pirate! ;)

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


Oh yeah, and don't be surprised when the pan flashes and you've got a flame going right next to your hand for a couple of seconds..

I believe that was EXACTLY what it did. And I had to take a moment to go "Wow. That was bloody loud! I want one!!!"

Now how could I forget that???

Lucky did just great. A natural born pirate!  ;)




"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-

:) Ye can keep on shootin' that 'lock till ye pilfer one, I do 'ave a deck full 'o cannons....Now where'd that powder go??..... ;)


*glassy eyes*



Did I mention Boom?


I think as soon as I return from my birthday trip I will start the search..no spending money on kitschy Disney garbage...

Okay, well, maybe that pirate antenna ball I saw someone have a while back. But it would be nice to have a car to put it on!

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-

  • 3 weeks later...

What a great way to celebrate a birthday! Devon's 16th was the same day as my 52, but his was more memorable, I'm sure!


Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"


:) Those folks are still talkin' 'bout it! Pirate Birthday raids are about as entertaining as it gets, as the vibe is all good, everyone loves a birthday, as opposed to a shipload of charter passengers expecting to be pampered....

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