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In a determined effort to get some bloody enjoyment out of living twenty-five minutes outside of a big city already (and as a reward for not buying the various superfluous piratical items I've had my eye on at various internet sites and shops), I extravagantly splurged and bought a ticket to see "The Pirates of Penzance" on Thursday evening this week. It's apparently a good seat, the guy said something about the orchestra seating/section/whatever (and it had BETTER be a good seat ... I mean, the ticket was for under $50, which really is good for a good seat at a nice show, I know ... but STILL) ...

I got the soundtrack awhile ago and still haven't found time to sit down and listen to the whole thing, but what I have heard, I've enjoyed. So, I was just curious -- if you've seen "Penzance," what did you think of it? Amusing? Entertaining? One of the best musicals/operettas of all time, particularly for a pirate lover?! Or should I have just splurged on the Jack Sparrow bedspread and skipped the show altogether?!? (Although, if you hated it THAT much, don't tell me -- I can't get a refund on the ticket. :lol: )

"Pirates ... were of that old breed of rover whose port lay always a little farther on, a little beyond the skyline ... if they lived riotously let it be urged in their favor that at least they lived."

~ John Masefield

Those who live by the sword, get shot instead.



i haven't seen it but have heard it is reallky good. i would love to go, but circumstances don't allow that pleasure at this time, but i love the work of gilbert and sulllivan! they were great! :P

~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire


I've only seen the movie on it, which was good. The music is good and Kevin Kline makes a great Pirate King-lol! I'm sure the stage show will be great, you'll have fun! :P


Well, I'm a Gilbert and Sullivan fan, so of course I think it's a good show if it is well cast. G&S shows take a remarkable amount of liguinsitic agility and it that is there they're great. Chances are it probably is, most people don't stage these shows if there is any uncertainty in the casting. So enjoy.


I love G&S too; especially some of their lesser-known works.

I saw a version of Pirates of Penzance back in the early 1980s when they had done a lot of slapstick work on the staging. Kevin Klien and Linda Ronstat were the leads during the Broadway run, but Jim Belushi was playing the Pirate King when I saw it.

Lots of fun, very funny, and if it's the same staging then watch out for the water fight after the intermission (the orchestra comes back in rain ponchos). :D


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

  • 4 weeks later...
i like the quote made by the pirates. quote: "we are all orphens."

Now... when you say 'Orphens" do you mean someone who has lost his parents or frequently?

The big theater festival in Stratford Ontario did it a few years back. It started by the book.. extreamly classic Doily Cart. Part way though the first few numbers the director comes on stage.... A monical wearing, riding crop welding German 1920's type yelling 'Cut, Cut!! This vis be all vong!!!"

Flooding onto the stage came all the cameras, makeup, and crew.....

Herr Director yelled that is vas not 'Sexy enouff!!'

He went up to the ladies and started ripping off dress parts... taking them down to their underwear... the Pirates got stripped too...

He gave the Pirate King a whip... Brent Carver, the PK was all scared of it until he got a good crack out of it....then he changed into a real swashbuckler....

The play turned into a 1920's movie lot production of Pirates... A major studio was making Pirates into a movie...

It got wilder from there... a great production

William Blydes

I don't get lost, I EXPLORE!


Adventures on the High Seas

(refitted and back on station!)

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