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Top 10 items for your pirate kit

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I was reading back through the early posts on this thread because I remebered several of us had a hoot making up a FARBIE list of things. B)

Now that was fun! That is what most of us are here for... to learn AND enjoy doing it. If one becomes so bitter that they must attack the folks that have supported them and cannot roll with the flow of life, maybe it's time to seek some other venue?

I know that I get burned out and for that reason I am leaving the 1750 and on colonial period behind. I haven't yet decided on my top ten list for the GAoP period because I don't yet know enough about the common man of the era but I do know that I wont be doing ant "fancy" garb in this genre. Just a common puke laborer like I am in "real life", well now I'm a student, but what I was before the change. (But I'm STILL an a$$hole B) )


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I'd start with learning how to sew....... then you can make all of you own stuff......

(Yah... I know it's not a top ten list....... sometimes I just don't follow instructions at all........

;) )

Largely have to agree with Mister hand, here. Shoes vary in importance, depending upon environment. Generally socks and shoes are a must, when ashore; evidence seems to be equally weighted about shoes or barefoot on deck ["experimental archaeology" folks on the forum suggest that shoes are a must in rigging], so barefoot is excuseable in the right environment.

Starting with "almost right" is a good way to get involved whilst you settle on your period and persona and acquire your knowledge. The first post's suggestions are, of course, assuming GAoP ["Great Age of Piracy"] from around 1690 to around 1720, give or take. I'd recommend the knitted cap [Monmouth if possible] in an appropriate colour over a head-scarf, plus it is a chance to learn to knit [Heh!]. Manly arts, knitting and sewing are - or at least were.

Once you have "almost right" you can settle on specifics whilst "in traces," and thus won't be spending lots of money on, say, 1680 clothes when you're hoping to do 1725. This is especially true for the ladies, if they are not "being men." Even the oh-so-famous Anne and Mary were reported at trial of having been dressed as ladies except when in action. They dressed as men for combat, say those that were there, no matter the pictures in Johnson's book. So, "almost right" whilst you figure out what is "right," at which point you can exchange parts of your costume as you acquire, becoming more accurate [or more cinematic] as you afford.

History is, after all, for everyone, not only the wealthy.

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I'd recommend the knitted cap [Monmouth if possible] in an appropriate colour over a head-scarf, plus it is a chance to learn to knit [Heh!]. Manly arts, knitting and sewing are - or at least were.

Originaly I wanted to knit a pair of socks.....

Knitting isn't difficult, I learned and knitted a hat (well actully 3 1/2 hats ) Hats are easy enough, I now know that I don't have the patiece to knit a pair of socks tho.....

I have a red felted Manmouth cap..... the sucker is really warm....


This Thrum cap..... I half hitched 6 to 8 inch pieces ow yarn onto the working yarn, and knitted them in about every 5 stitches..... then felted the thing.... It's really HOT.....


and this light weight (so it's not so hot) blue one...


At a parade or event where I know there will be a lot of cocked hats, I wear one of the knitted ones.....

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Jeesh!...Everything from one night stands to machine guns,but..I'm truely fu*king amazed that not a one of you topped your list with a ship.  Certainly a pile of weekend warriors have permeated this site. I'm embarrassed for all of the pirate world. For all of that, Partrick's lame assed reply is probably closest to home. Please get a life, and stop 'visiting' in pyracy,eh?  Go back to 'Star Wars'..It really was a better world before POTC, methinks

Just to be on the safe side can a moderator find out if someone used the Royalist login and password to smear Royallist by posing as him. This seems decidely out of character.

Good thought, William. If that has been the case, I will edit out my comments, and appologize to the Royalist.

So, Patrick, which hat are you going to wear to Ojai? I want to know which color to look for. ;)

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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I have a red felted Manmouth cap..... the sucker is really warm....

Nice hat! [grins] I have a natural wool Monmouth, with the lannalin still in which works for me brilliantly without felting. You can see some shots of it in the photos that AnnaMarie has posted in various threads here. Just don't tell the British. Apparently the pattern is still officially "controlled." In practical fact, as has been pointed out, there are any number of variations on the Monmouth Cap pattern available off the internet. Of course, that would be intellectual piracy ... ;)

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eesh!...Everything from one night stands to machine guns,but..I'm truely fu*king amazed that not a one of you topped your list with a ship.

Ya know.... the Royaliste is the name of the ship....

Captain Gary is the owner of said ship....

An interesting night.... but I am the Marine of the Royaliste.......

I have to argue.... untill the Captain can have his say.....

As the Marine.... Heck... I gotta defend the ship and the Captain.....

SO untill the Captain of the Royaliste can reply..... please.... don't post nothing bout it...... we will dissagree about it all later..... but heck.... we gotta give the Captain his say first.....

Sorry.... but I kinda take th' job seriously........

Untill I am dissmissed... I'm still the Marine of the Royaliste.... and will defend her........

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Hey... like many topics and threads in the Pub.... this one has split into two different things....

Untill we resolve one part of this topic..... this thread will still be two arguements......

But ... hey... once it's resolved... then we will be back on topic.......

Or maybe not.....

just the way th' Pub works..........

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From a beginer to other of same ilk:

1. As close PC (pierod correct) clothes as you have resources to make or buy.

2. if a seroius histoical reneenactor then camp goods as correct, if a :week end warrior" as many of us swabs are the the best you can do.

3. Weaponary as you can have leagally (damn rules) and saftly know to handle....even a lass should have a good knife about herself ( and know how to use it if needed).

4. Some sort of idea about mannerisms and way of speech.

5. More historical background then you ever thought to have.

6. A willingness to learn and teach otheres.

7.a reasonable sense of what is realistic for your ability, interests, time, and what you want to do with this....lifeway or hobby, takes all kinds.

8. GOOD CORRECT SHOES, or feet that are so used to walking over any ground it does not matter B) .

9. The idea of yes tis work but still should be fun, no point in spending time, effort, and cash if you dinae.

10. Drop any ego trips, there is enough to do learning AND teaching.

just me twa bits worth.

Ye ship's potter,



Mud Slinging Pyromanic , Errrrrr Ship's Potter at ye service

Vagabond's Rogue Potter Wench

First Mate of the Fairge Iolaire

Me weapons o choice be lots o mud, sharp pointy sticks, an string

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Whether weekend or full time, I still cant believe everyone professes 'piracy', but doesnt think about ships; nothing a bit personal, and..if you care to play pirate, you'd best not wear your feelings on your shirtsleeve. Now, that said, sometimes we open our hospitality to strangers, as many can attest. This week, at a reenactment, our crew worked hours at my command cleaning, rearranging, and making room for some guests, who turned out to be land pirates, plain and simple. So, my comments are simple, become 'highwaymen' or somesuch. Especially if you don't 'wish' for a ship..Hell, every pirate movie bases something on this premise. Don't get so damned uppity, or are the vane just getting more so???

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^ for those of us that dinae have the luxuary of actully working aboard ship, that does not mean that we do not wish we had teh oppurtunity to do so.......................and as this was a thread for people beginning to re- enACT.....ships may not be feasible. Even if it were that every pirate re- enactor / player could have or be ona ship and it would be better for te enviroment to use wind and sea to transport goods..........IT IS NOT ALWAYS Bloody FEASIBLE.


Mud Slinging Pyromanic , Errrrrr Ship's Potter at ye service

Vagabond's Rogue Potter Wench

First Mate of the Fairge Iolaire

Me weapons o choice be lots o mud, sharp pointy sticks, an string

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'Top Ten items for your kit' was the thread. 'Afore I had a ship, I dreamed of havin' one..seemed like the number one thing a pirate needed, owned or not..I guess no one dreams of ships to be a pirate anymore, heck, there's PirateCon.......The thread should then read 'structured pirate uniform idea's'..I'm bailin'..thanks, all, we'll see you at pirate events nationwide, as always...We are just continually learning lessons from 'pub pirates'.........not about piratin' , just the fuggin' internet thing,eh?...Thought it was about pirates, my mistake...

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The internet may be the means, but pardon me is this not about being as "authentic" as possible, ye have a ship and a fyne one (glad she is up and sailing again) . For the rest of us weasly buggers whom happen to like this time, point in history I thought it was to form a bit cooperration in learning.


An inasmuch as I would Comendeer a ship, not that i give a damn. if anyone was upset I did......the nice thing about pyracy is ye need mates to sail her.

Mud Slinging Pyromanic , Errrrrr Ship's Potter at ye service

Vagabond's Rogue Potter Wench

First Mate of the Fairge Iolaire

Me weapons o choice be lots o mud, sharp pointy sticks, an string

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Captain Gary of the Royalist,

Plain and simple I am not a pirate. I am a reenactor as are all the people on these boards. This list is kit for REENACTORS. Reenactors do not steal from others to sustain themselves or their family. I do not break the laws of other countries with permission of the country I depend upon for protection. I am rather confident that the true pirates of this world are not posting on internet forums that they have stolen from the other members of said forum.

Oh yes, and was it stolen funds that helped get your precious ship afloat after YOU ran it aground or was it funds given gladly from those who wanted to keep YOUR dream afloat.

As I stated before and you deemed me unworthy of response.


I do not want a ship in my kit for many reasons. 

For starters, I am a reenactor.  I portray a woman in the times.  Not to say a woman would NOT own a ship but honestly, without all of the modern machines and technology it would be HARD work for a wench to work a winch.  This is part of the reason there were so few women working as sailors on ships.  Even if I am reenacting as a man I do not want a ship, again, I would simply be a sailor so my kit should reflect this. 

Some reenactors choose to volunteer on others ships for the experience.  Could they do this if they owned ships of their own?  Nay they could not.

Reenacting is something we do for leasure, it is not only the ship we want but the history of life surrounding that time.  For many the time needed to devote to a vessel is, as you know, extensive.  Most choose not to take that path.

Additionally, I don't know about anyone else here but, I do not consider a ship as part of ones "kit" anymore than I consider a log cabin part of the kit of a pioneer reenactor's kit.  That would be foolish.  Ones kit should be portable.  A ship, although movable is far from portable. ...unless your ship is a toy.

Next, this thread has turned into what the starter pirate reenactor needs.  A ship is not for the starter pirate.  If it were there would be no one to pay for passage on someone else's ship.

Now, ask me what is on my top 10 "dream" list in reality and you would see a detailed description of the ship I want.  However, I play at this.  It is not My reality.  It is not your reality either.  You portray a Pirate ship of the GAoP but you do not make your living at piracy (well for all I know you may make some of it that way). However, the outward appearance is that you make your living with the "tourist" crowd.  There is NO shame in it but THAT Royalist is the reality of it.

Royalist, you would have done well to stop at the end of your first sentence.  Many of this "pile of weekend warriors have permeated this site" are your bread, butter, and "hired" help sirrah!


Do you steal from others to live day to day. Have you boarded a ship by force on the high seas and taken what you wanted?

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You are so critical for real, that some things 'sail' right on past you!..Amazing that none of you unloaded on whoever it was that topped their list with 'a beau'....As for the heavy 'reenactor' title, do you realize how many in the reenactor community don't think 'pirate reenactors' haven't a place?..s for my 'bread and butter', you have no idea, and your rant is superfluous....As for 'running my ship aground', etc..you also have 'no idea'..other than the great help on the part of all who support us, and came to basically 'Tales' call last winter, well, we've been aground dozens of times,(only once underwater) blown two engines, been dismasted, blah, blah, blah....I seldom air my laundry here. But, as stated, many thanks to all who really know and understand the 'scoop' behind this particular ship, or who's kids frequent our decks on a regular basis, or just get to visit once in their lifetimes, for it is you whom we continue to climb thru adversity ( yes, even all the bragadosio reenactors) We've always welcomed pirates,both 'polyester' and 'authentic',jumping them at times thru extremely long lines during Tallship events, just because they show up in garb.. Now, adieu... I seldom 'visit' these threads, so don't worry, you have your soapbox back....

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Well anyway, my first "in person" experience will be next weekend in Oceanside, and after that in Ojai. I'll post more thoughts on a kit then, but for a beginner it seems the best advice may be:

1. Stay within your means. Be honest with yourself about what you can afford and what you really want out of the experience, whether it be "weekend warrior" or full-time, honest-to-god Pyrate (oh god did I just jump on a bandwagon there?)

2. Develop a character and do your research. It will help to know what you need if you know "who you are" and what your station in life would demand of you.

3. Always keep an open mind and be ready to learn from others. There are lots of people out there who are clearly very passionate about all this, have been around for a while, have had many unique experiences, and probably have a lot of wisdom to share if you are polite and patient enough to learn from them.

4. Don't be afraid to ask. Again, there seem to be a lot of people doing this in whatever capacity and they've all got lots of ideas! Many heads are better than one, and from creating working shoes out of modern desert boots to patterns to history to language to literature to building your own ship, someone has an ingenious idea or three out there.

5. Have fun! That is the whole point, no matter what your goal or dream. When it stops being fun, either stop doing it or find a way to make it fun again. Otherwise, it's just not worth it (nothing in life is).

And that's my rather pompous two cents. Other people have said it before, or said it better, but take it for what you will and as I learn and grow, I'm sure my "wisdom" will change in many ways. For all of those of you who have had a part in it, or will, or may, a humble thank you.

Avast, ye scurvy dog!

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My last words on the subject.

I emphasized the word reenactor not because I think myself special for that but because the root of the word is ACTOR. This is not reality ...your ship is reality.

I admit, the prop in his kit is bigger than mine.

I am sorry that I did not take offense when the lass who listed a beau at the top of her list did not insult my friends here on the pub.

I also apologize that I accused the Royalist of not being a pirate, admittedly, I do not know where he gets his funding and in all honesty I do not recall him claiming to be a pirate.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.

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'Top Ten items for your kit' was the thread. 'Afore I had a ship, I dreamed of havin' one..seemed like the number one thing a pirate needed, owned or not..I guess no one dreams of ships to be a pirate anymore, heck, there's PirateCon.......The thread should then read 'structured pirate uniform idea's'..I'm bailin'..thanks, all, we'll see you at pirate events nationwide, as always...We are just continually learning lessons from 'pub pirates'.........not about piratin' , just the fuggin' internet thing,eh?...Thought it was about pirates, my mistake...

Get real. If you were an authentic pirate, you'd be in gaol, or living hand to mouth in some third world country. The Pub is NOT reality. You have a ship. Fine. Most don't. Some don't care, and simply want to learn something or have some fun. That does not make them targets for your scorn.

I think my 100 quid would have been better spent donated to a nice charity. I won't make the same mistake again.

Hope you enjoy the hole you are digging for yourself.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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As the initiator of the post, I will say that my intention was to create a list that would help the newbie (or person new to pirate re-enacting) develop a list of the things that they would need. Maybe I should have spelled it out a bit more to avoid the confusion and feather ruffling we are having now.

For every ship owner/captain in the GAoP there were probably hundreds, if not thousands of sailors. So to put "a ship" on a list for newbies would be a little absurd.

As I was trying to help the new folks out, I kinda lost interests and enthusiasm when others chimed in with funny or cute stuff. But, as you all well know, once you click the "send" button on the new post, it creates a life of its own and has the potential to be uncontrollable.


Come aboard my pirate re-enacting site


Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!

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Anyone who contributed to last winter's call for help by Tales of the Seven Seas who feel slighted may show up, receipt in hand, and I'll refund your donation. I live on a disability retirement, and donate most ship's earnings to crew or other charity events, since I cannot earn outside monies. Royaliste' operational costs run well over 1000.00 a week during the show season. Proceeds from last years donations from 'the grounding' bought three gallons of bottom paint, and eleven tubes of caulk. Remaining monies borrowed by myself still total around 30K with another 15K to spend in a few weeks. The soapbox is all yours, mates, as we are back to sea once again....no internet, blogs, or chocolate

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My kit (not my Star Wars kit but the pirate kit) includes:



pewter Mug

wool skirt

linen shift

shawl for around waist or around arms, depending on the weather

scarf for head

leather kit bag

leather shoes with silver buckles

striped socks (I knitted them myself so they are really too hot to wear; I generally wear leather sandals I purchased at a renfaire)

leather sandals



a few silver rings


I can't imagine why a modern day GAoP reinactor would want or need a boat or ship, given the expense involved. I wouldn't mind owning a nice sleek yacht, but I sure wouldn't call it a "pirate" ship. :rolleyes:

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OK, I've been giving this alot of thought, and finally decided how to approach this.

In order to make the list, first I need to decide what my job is. I am a natural born hunter and scrounger, with a background in carpentry and forge work. (Iron that is, not money or documents.) In the U.S. Navy I was a "Hull Technician" which was the 20th century name for a Carpenters Mate. So now I have my background I can begin to research what I need to make the portrayal "come alive" so to speak.

These items are not in order of importance, just what I think essential for starters.

First item(s): Common seamans clothing.

Second: simple sea chest of my own construction.

Third: A good knife and sword/cutlass

Fourth: eating utensils and mug for drink.

Fifth: Bedroll (blanket and tarp)

Sixth: hunting weapons; musket, hogspear or pike

Seventh; a good compass

Eighth: Flint and steel, tinder, etc.

Ninth: Haversack or equivalent of same for carrying gear ashore.

Tenth: Tool box with some basic hand tools to top off the portrayal, and knowlege of how to use them.


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Interesting approach Bo...

I have to say that I never really thought to approach it that way (which seems to be common sense, so "duh" on me).

If I had to pick a crew position, it would probably be "cooper". I have always been intrigued by that profession... and they have a bunch of extra kit. I think they are a little higher up on the food chain as far as pay goes... 1 1/4 shares?

But my alternate impression, the fancy git one, is of a privateer ship's owner. So many of our events (historical and non-historical) are land based that I think that would be cool.

Don't have to risk anything but capital, and get to strut around like a peacock.


Come aboard my pirate re-enacting site


Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!

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