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PA Ren Faire Pyrate weekend

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Aye greetings Miss Cheryl, perhaps we'll make it down to MDRF next month and we can catch up with all ya's down there. The wife and I have been invited to a Halloween party, so she has actually showed interest in purchasing some garb. :huh:

Sept 10 "Pirates Day" is in Barnegat NJ. My daughter and I plan to dress up and walk around, I'm gonna pick up some "cheap" gold coins to give out to the kiddies. Should be fun! :lol:

And speaking of Maryland, I was just down in the small town of Mayo where I purchased a sailboat. The main reason why I had to put off the trip to PARF. Used up most of me dubloons. :huh:

So now I'm the proud owner of a 1976 Hutchin's Com-Pac 16, she needs a bit of refitting but no one would call her old. She has a bluff bow, lovely lines. She's a fine seabird - weatherly, stiff and fast. Very fast, if she's well handled. No, she's not old. She's in her prime." :)

I'm looking for a May 2006 launching and I'm trying to talk me better half into having a denaming/renaming party. :huh:

Well back to careening the hull.



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Ah, sounds like a sound boat luv. Sept. 17 will see some o us at an Enoch Pratt Library in Hampton promoting "Talk Like a Pirate Day" (the library is closed on that Monday and Tuesday evenin' is not good for school kids.).

As for MD Renfair......let's just say that me sis an' I will 'ave no bilgerats with us......but I am bringin' a gal from work and possibly another gal.....IT'S GIRL'S DAY OUT!!!!! Look out!!!!! Female pirates on the loose!!!! ;);););)

Mad Woman Cheryl

By Odin's mighty spear, I hereby snap and go berzerk!!!"

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sheesh... wish I had read this before I ventured to PARF this past weekend... me captain and I were sitting straight across from ye at Capt. Shuckies during the auction in the afternoon and we crossed paths at least 4 times that I remember that hat during the day.

hope ye had a good weekend ... I know it was stellar for me even though it was incredibly hot. (was me captain's first ever weekend at faire... seeing faire through the eyes of a "virgin" was quite refreshing)

As for making it to Pirate weekend.... due to circumstances and gas prices (2 hr. trip each way for me... and not working that weekend so no extra money coming in) it looks very doubtful if I will be making it. If I do... I have no pin... it will be Sunday......... red chamise.... black leather corset... black and red skirts... cavalier hat with white ostrich and peacock feathers.... armed to the teeth with a participant pass sticking out of my corset.... auburn hair in a ponytail town to the middle of my back... please stop me and say hi!! Me Captain will most definately no be in tow as he has his wee ones this coming weekend. :lol:

Hope I can make it..... I'll look for the pins if I do.


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barring any unforseen issues at the nasty four letter word starting with a W... I'll be there on saturday with parts of my crew and several others... I'll have the pin on one of my bags. Come say hi if you spot me...

Chaos, panic, pandemonium - my work here is done.


Crew Of The Vigilant

Baltimore Maryland Based

17th & 18th Century Naval Living History

Crew Of The Vigilant

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littlewing, you pick something out very feminine and very celtic like a brooch(hopefully fiona has an "X-rated tray") The love of my life is in need of new bodice adornments! Let me know how much it is and I'll send you a check for it and a return evelope postage paid to send it to me ok!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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Has anyone heard anything about this?

----- Original Message -----

From: "Donegan Godeu" <isle_of_islay@...>

To: <COMK@yahoogroups.com>

Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 8:23 AM

Subject: [COMK] Pennsic Rape Investigation

> Greetings to one and all,


> This information came to me via a newsgroup and I read it in the

> Butler County news.

> Please pardon this cross posting but I wish to get this imformation

> out. YOu may send it along to your own news groups so that your

> memebers are aware of the dangers of excessive drinking and poor

> judgement.

> Please gentlemen, escort the ladies and ladies, never walk alone at

> these events.


> sincerely,

> don



> From the Butler county News:


> State Police Investigating Reported Rape At Butler County Campground

> 08-12-2005


> The people attending the annual Pennsic Wars at Cooper's Lake

> Camground

> in Worth Township for the next week or so may prefer pre-17th century

> living, but they are still subject to modern laws.


> That's the word from Butler State Police, who are investigating a

> reported rape at the medieval gathering.


> A 21-year-old woman told troopers she was attacked by two white men as

> she walked back to her campsite early Wednesday morning.


> The woman said she was physically restrained, and a knife was held to

> her throat.


> She said both men sexually assaulted her.


> Troopers have not released a description of the suspects.

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Has anyone heard anything about this?

----- Original Message -----

From: "Donegan Godeu" <isle_of_islay@...>

To: <COMK@yahoogroups.com>

Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 8:23 AM

Subject: [COMK] Pennsic Rape Investigation

> Greetings to one and all,


> This information came to me via a newsgroup and I read it in the

> Butler County news.

> Please pardon this cross posting but I wish to get this imformation

> out. YOu may send it along to your own news groups so that your

> memebers are aware of the dangers of excessive drinking and poor

> judgement.

> Please gentlemen, escort the ladies and ladies, never walk alone at

> these events.


> sincerely,

> don



> From the Butler county News:


> State Police Investigating Reported Rape At Butler County Campground

> 08-12-2005


> The people attending the annual Pennsic Wars at Cooper's Lake

> Camground

> in Worth Township for the next week or so may prefer pre-17th century

> living, but they are still subject to modern laws.


> That's the word from Butler State Police, who are investigating a

> reported rape at the medieval gathering.


> A 21-year-old woman told troopers she was attacked by two white men as

> she walked back to her campsite early Wednesday morning.


> The woman said she was physically restrained, and a knife was held to

> her throat.


> She said both men sexually assaulted her.


> Troopers have not released a description of the suspects.

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Thanks for the information Rumba. No I really have not heard anything about that.

Great dream Lass. I dreamed that I sold my kids off to a captain of a ship as powder monkeys. Can't wait until Saturday.

Not sure what time we are getting there might be when the place opens, or around lunch time. Cannot get an answer out of my sister. Will find out later from her about what time.

Sealegs Constance

I am what I am

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Cool, I'm also not sure of my arrival time yet but I'll probley be there most of the day. I was thinking we could meet where MercenaryWench is working so she doesn't miss out.

(If thats ok with her boss!)

I don't have a pin but I know you guys do so I'll try to be sure and approach you first.

Is anyone else coming Saturday???

If anyone sees a short chick with straight long brown hair, black leather bodice, red skirt w/a fish net over it, and a cheap dagger with mermaid for a hilt thats me. I will be with a normal (or at least he looks normal, don't be fooled!) blonde haired guy.

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I gotta give ya kudos for even getting him to go. I guess it's better than not at all. I still can't get my guyfriend to go. They'll be times he'll start to want to give in. He'll hear how other friends of his are really in to it too. It'll be a shocker if I ever get him to go, let alone get him to dress up. He dresses in all kinds of costumes anyway, don't know why this would be a problem-lol!

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I gotta give ya kudos for even getting him to go. I guess it's better than not at all. I still can't get my guyfriend to go. They'll be times he'll start to want to give in. He'll hear how other friends of his are really in to it too. It'll be a shocker if I ever get him to go, let alone get him to dress up. He dresses in all kinds of costumes anyway, don't know why this would be a problem-lol!

Press him, I got a belaying pin you can borrow. :rolleyes:

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