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OK, i'm not too fond of me on pics and finding my "costume" makes me look about 100 pounds heavier then i am.. B) i've finally chosen three pics i thought were just about acceptable to post.. B)

Two are of this guy...is it me or does he look like another Mac Namara offsspring?

LOL, i thought he looks like him but maybe it's me...

All pics now together in an album:


Password is enjoy

About 49 more to be added when the cdrom comes from the store.

It was a great atmosphere, not only the pirate part but the whole fantasy festival was cool.

Many amazing costumes, pirate and fantasy alike.

One British man did a lecture on piracy and the interesting thing was his own ancestors were pirates

He told us ever since Henry Morgan there has always been a Morgan who's an admiral in the Navy up to this day.

He also told us that the Normans like the Vikings and other Nordic peoples came to Constantinopel and raided and overwon it and scatched in a huge rock the equivalent of the present day graviti, in fact probably the first graviti to be ever done by a human.

Most interesting was to hear precisely where the Jolly Roger came from.

I have heard bits and pieces here and there but this man told us precisely, the Jolly Roger's origine is the "Black upon white" flag of the Knights of the templars who had first a white flag with a black bar on the bottom and later started to use as their logo so to say, a skull wit two bones.

It was all interesting but most of all entertaining as this man didn't just tell the lecture he "played" it, what a wonderful way of getting told about things.

The men is truly a wonderful entertainer.

Anyway, i felt so good there i decided not to buy anything but go back tomorrow for another nice day out, this time all alone so i can wonder around with my own thoughts and impressions and do and not do as i want.

I can recommend it, it's nice to do so now and then B)

I'm off to bed for some rest... B) LOL..)


holy crap... I dinna know I had a brother... laugh.gif

Well, there's a lot we don't know B)

There's alot more then i told about as it's the biggest fabtasy Fair in Europe.

LOTR counsil (Fans and actor encounter, questions etc i think, going to do that today), witches giving info on wicca etc, sword fight demonstrations and work shops, mideaval dancing and god knows how much more..too much to see in one day :)


Neat photos! That sounds and looks like an interesting event. Pirates, witches, elves and wizards...as if D&D leapt off the stat sheets and come to life.

The origin of the Jolly Roger is rather muddy. Not to say that that speaker had it right or wrong, but I've heard stories...

(For what it's worth, this is from something I wrote elsewhere)

"It's been suggested that 'Jolly Roger' derives from 'Jolie Rouge' and originally applied to the red flag rather than the black one; it would be just like some pirates to call their no-quarter flag 'jolie' ('pretty'), but I'm not sure if the use of such a phrase has been confirmed. The red flag is certainly older than the black one."

Hey Charity, what do you think about moving this topic over to the Raids forum? It would really fit there better than here.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



Gee that looks like a whole lot of fun. Makes me want to hop a plane for the next one, whenever it be.

Great pic's, yup Duncan's got a brother! LOL!

Rumba Rue

** B) **


Sure, move it to raids, doesn't matter to me where it is :)

I've got some more pics B)

I had the greatest time, it was heart warming how the people seem to feel "close'and everyone is like you know each other for years.

As usual, age falls away and any age get's along and make contact.

It's the topics (like POTC) that get people together.

It's not about pirates each year, it was the theme this year but it's not to say it won't be fun.

Last year they had the knight games with lances, lots of horses etc.

That would've been great to see too.

I'll definitely go again both days next year if i can :)

Duncan you will find this interesting as you told me you do mideaval a lot, most re-enactment and themes on this fair is mideaval, a whole lot actually, you should've seen the swords they had, they sold them all over the fair...holy crap!

And, i actually found a Belgium place that sells awesome cutlasses.

So now i know where to go as soon as i can afford 69 euro+ to buy it.

The professon doing the lecture on Pyracy did a great job again, he's so funny and makes it a show and includes the audience a lot too.

Mission, i myself know from a book of David Cordingly and also the pirate museum i went to the flags used to be red a lot more then black so maybe that's not all correct but oh made up with it i the way he told and other things i didn't know yet.

He gave us who talked with him afterwards a business card and told us we can write and ask anything we want to know and even though it may take a little while he álways writes back.

Rumba Rue, you're welcome to be my guest, everyone is who'd visit Holland and needs a place to sleep.

I'm not rich and cannot offer a 3* hotel but hospitability i can B)

Any way, here are the pics B)

Phew never posted this many, but my first "Pirate event" (and probably last for some time..) is worth it B)

The pirate show was spectacular!

One of them is sadly blurry as it's the coolest pic of the pirate show..

All my pics sofar now in album:


Password is enjoy

Feel free to look around, but it's a bit of a mess of many different pics through each other, i have to put them in the appropiate folders yet :)

49 more to be added when i get the cdrom from the store B)


Charity lass I luv the pictures, I luv the outfit, and I luv the hat. You look great. Seem ta me you had a great time a the fair. One of these days I will get a picture of me posted. How knows when.

Sealegs Constance

I am what I am


Thanks Constance :)

I loved wearing it, and then again i hated it.

My fabric stretched..it feels like thick cotton and it still stretched.

So i had to pull it tighter and tighter and at some point i couldn't anymore..not much left of the cleavage :lol:

Also, the boning is CRAP..so i'll be making a new bodice sometimes and buying good fabric and get the boning from the USA.

It wasn't fun though..the "model" as i showed it here on the pic was no where to be found on Saturday :lol:

Still, i did get a lot of compliments so i guess it was ok :lol:

I had a wonderful time, that's for sure..dang there were good looking pirates there..shame they were all in "company", not many single pirates out there these days it seems :lol:


Great pics !!!! Perhaps you can give us advance notice when it's coming up next year. I may try to make it.....

>>>>> Cascabel


Hey there Cascabel!

That's a nice surprice :)

Never seen you here besides on the pictures.

I have to say sadly next year there won't be any pirates to be found :unsure:

It's a fantasy Festival and this year it was themed pirate but normally what you see there is fairies and elfs, vampires and lots of medieval.

I'll definitely be warning you all when something cool piratal or otherwise comes up.

I've uploaded pics in the gallery, but will undoubtfully be uploading better ones after my pics from the normal (far better) camera come in on Tuesday latest.

  Charity said:
Hey there Cascabel!

That's a nice surprice :)

Never seen you here besides on the pictures.


Ye can never tell who may pop up from below decks when ye leaves the hatch open !!!!!! There's always a few of us lurkin' down in the bilge....

>>>>>> Cascabel

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