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Post yer colors, mates!

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im designing my colors right now,and was just wondering if there are any rules - number of colros,subjects,etc, and also wondering abut the size ratio.i want it to be authentic- looking. you guys' look awesome so i figure youre all experts.heres a sketch of my idea. let me know what you think- creative criticism is welcome


so does mine look ok? i havent seen any others with an anchor so i have my doubts.i have made minor changes to the rope.

Well . . .

There are 3 different approaches for that question:

1. Use only historically PROVEN flags, as seen:


-Produces VERY accurate Pirate ensigns

(Ed uses a simple skull as a "death's head," while some argue that a "death's head" included crossed bones as well, much like on a poison bottle.)

2. Use the PARAMETERS of historical references:

-A. LOOK at what is KNOWN and OBSERVE contextual contemporary DESCRIPTIONS of the pirate ensigns for a PARTICULAR period, with the oberservation of colors and symbols.

-B. Look at CONTEMPORARY art, esp ensigns, tombstones, and "folk art" (things a typical seaman would see, recognize, and be able to create) to get a "feel" for the WAYS and MANNERISMS that people viewed the images described in A.

-C. Design a flag that works within the parameters identified in A and B.

-D. Result-> personalized flag that is "fitting" for the period being portrayed.

3. Design one that fits WHATEVER YOU WANT.

-This may or may not be period correct, but is quite "FUN" to design and create.

-John "Tartan Jack" Wages, of South Carolina



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Historically speaking, you lass, are not actually very historical. Women who were privateers and pirates kept that fact hidden much of the time. The few who are known were not necessarily parading around. Fact is, facts are limited.

Here's my take. If you want historical accuracy then you need to keep your femininity a secret to outsiders. Remember most sailors are men and most men in the times we refer to were less than understanding of woman as equal (this fact can be debated also if you wish). So your colors would be more like those in Wages #2 example.

I find that there is a time and place for each role a woman might play.

In battle: I am as any man and am working on garb that will make the fact that I am a woman less obvious at those times. (I'm under someone else's colors in that situation.)

In an encampment: I find that a Sutler role suits me best. Selling goods and such. An independent Wench. Hence I need to dress as a respectable woman of the times. (I have no colors...just a shingle to hang out.)

In the evenings when in the encampment: I have every intention of letting my hair down and dropping the shoulders of my chemise ...so if I look the part of a trollop ...so be it ...I'm having fun and enjoying the company of those around me. (No one can see my colors at that time anyway, it is too dark.)

At a non-re-enactment event ...I dress for the fun of it. What looks best on me. As a performer I dress to look good. My colors are for my performer/my self. It doesn't matter what they look like as long as someone recognizes them and me!


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I went with Wages' #2 example. My flag elements come from Emanuel Wynn's flag (illustrations pyrated from Foxe's Pyrate Mythory page):


I then rearanged the hourglass to the end, colored the field about the hourglass red to indicate the the time for quarter was running out, and added a cutlass as per one of Roberts' flags:


Eventually I arrived at what you see in my avatar and signature. By the way I have changed out the 1841 cutlass for the one in Roberts' flag, I just havn't changed my signature or avatar yet.

Edit: Avatar updated.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

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Designed the flag meself, very original concept, aye? Thought it was pretty topnotch when I made it, but seeing some o' them vectored flags partially changed me mind. Any of ye mateys fancy making a nicer version free of charge?

Got the standard skeleton, hourglass and the not-so-traditional cannon. What're your thoughts?


I've got the heart of a pirate, just not the garb...
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I really like the skeleton. It looks like a period depiction, not a motley cru style biker skeleton.

Of course, the proof is always in the pudding. It would be nice to see the design on some wool bunting... say 9' x 14'



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thanks for the opinions.i am looking to keep it somewhat authentic looking,yet not copy from an actual one.i am getting that it somehow looks feminine? i just used the anchor from the marine corps emblem,the skull is obvious,and the star is more contemporary and probably will be solid white,to represent that i travel under the darkness of night

in my usual pirate garb i do dress very much like a man,but sometimes i dress more feminine.i love everyone elses flags tho.

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Designed the flag meself, very original concept, aye? Thought it was pretty topnotch when I made it, but seeing some o' them vectored flags partially changed me mind. Any of ye mateys fancy making a nicer version free of charge?

I wouldn't change a thing. Your flag has a ring of "realness" to it. (It's getting to the point where I'm reconsidering how much too modern mine looks! :huh: ) If I saw that flying over your vessel, I'd have no doubt that you meant serious business.

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Designed the flag meself, very original concept, aye? Thought it was pretty topnotch when I made it, but seeing some o' them vectored flags partially changed me mind. Any of ye mateys fancy making a nicer version free of charge?
I wouldn't change a thing. Your flag has a ring of "realness" to it. (It's getting to the point where I'm reconsidering how much too modern mine looks! :lol: ) If I saw that flying over your vessel, I'd have no doubt that you meant serious business.

Agreed, don't change a thing.

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All that work in designing.......only to paint it on? No way!! Stitch it together and you'll be more pleased with it! That will be an awsome flag...

"Without caffine, I'd have no personality at all"

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What about silk painting? You can do a thing where you outline the design that you want to keep undyed in washable kids glue. Then you apply dye on the rest. The dye runs right up to the glue lines and stops.

I think the hard part is setting the dye and getting rid of the excess without bleeding into the clear areas. Maybe completely cover the white areas with glue (or maybe wax), not just the outlines.

Just a thought.

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Here is a kinda "how-to" by a company that sells everything you'd need....


I listed the whole page, so you can check out all the different ways to dye cloth.... but you'd probably be more interested in Batik.......

NOTE: I'm not saying that Batik is the period way Pyrates made thier flags..... but it works if your not worried about it being authintic.....

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  but you'd probably be more interested in Batik.......

Here is an example of a batik flag... This flag is approximately 10' x 7' and we batiked it to add a little flair to our shop tent's back wall.



We do offer custom batiked jolly rogers as well as some of the standard rogers for sale. We can do various sizes and have currently done sizes from 8" x 10" up to the one shown above 10' x 7'. Info is not yet on our website but if it's something you are interested in, feel free to contact me.

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I recently finished one of two flags for myself.  I call this one the crossed pistols.


Now I need to recreate it on a piece of weathered canvas about 8 feet by 12 feet for my wall.  Aye.  I'm planning a big cuss of a flag.

Wow, that's a really cool flag!

Why thank you. I've been gone long enough not to notice the activity on this thread. There are some fine new additions.





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