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  Sjöröveren said:
"Sjöröveren" is Swedish for "the sea rover." And it's supposed to be spelled "Sjörövaren" but I guess it's too late for that. And, as discussed in other threads, it's best not to try pronouncing it without a safety net and liability insurance. That, and the burden of figuring out how to type a "ö" have led to most folks round here calling me "Sea Rover" which is fine by me.

Hoho! En riktig sjörövare! Pratar du svenska också?



I don't think I ever posted here when I was around some months (or was it years?) ago. Jessie is my name, easy as that. K is my last initial. I'm not very creative when it comes to giving myself names, tho other people have come up with some pretty good ones for me. :huh:

"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear, and life stands explained." --Mark Twain

:Dbeer.gif The Name Of Scrounger Wos Given To Me By My Captain,I Wos At My 1st Event In Chatham UK With Not Much Cash,Kids Would Offer Me Sweets & Scraps, Adults Would Offer Grog, And If The Crew Needed Somthing Or Other Id Find It For Em. By The End Of The Day I Wos Named... forum20smiley20treasure.gif

Hey Jim, you forgot the "Wee"!

Weeeeeeeeeeeee!!! B)

Me, my real name is Kass. Well, my full name is Kathleen, but that's what Kass is short for. It started off when I was 12 and my friends' Mom who was from Germany couldn't quite say "Kathy". I always hated being called Kathy anyway, so Kassie I became.

Then my Irish-speaking friends told me it was pretty common to call a person with curly hair "Kass" (or rather "cas"). It's the Gaelic word for a curl. Incidentally it's also the verb to turn a corner and the adjective "twisted".


Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!

  • 4 weeks later...


Well... at the moment... I feel like a Country Music song.

Lady Barbossa... rather obvious, right?

I mean... I fancy Barbossa. He's my fav character of all time now. No character tops him, even James Bond has a difficult time vying with Hector. I congradulate Mr Rush on such a fantastic character.

But here is where it's more like a Country Music song.

I may have the name... but more and more I am finding that the name means nothing or very little. Should see the amount of claimed Barbossa's out there who just don't fancy having a Lady with the same name. Automatically curses this lass.

So... at the moment... the name is nothing more than that. The Lady I emphasize on most of all. But the Barbossa name - despite he's my fav character - has little meaning any more other than it's created poor Lady B into a devil of a woman, evil incarnate. Think Davy Jones but female... with a heart still.. and SO out to destroy.

Amazing what happens in 3 years, isn't it? How a character can develope, either good or bad.

I actually have her in a story somewhere pondering on becoming a vicious pirate hunter now. Hellish, isn't it?

Brushing all that off... Lady since I am a woman... Barbossa cause I fancy Barbossa a lot. He's my fav... and he's no black and white character. Hell of a pirate... and he's more connections to reality than Jack does.

~Lady B


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Cheeky Actress....

Okay..for those who are not farmiliar with the english term 'Cheeky' it means: Naughty, Mischievous, Sassy

Okay...just pick one. The character of Mistress Lilly McKinney is one of High Court/Courtesan during the late 1690s, thus the naughty and mischievous part. To 'sub' her income, Lilly had taken up acting. This, from what I've read and been told, was not uncomman.

That's pretty much it in a nut shell.

Member of "The Forsaken"


Get ta know me a little 'n it all becomes terribly apparent. :blink:

"If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777

Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog


Hmm so lets see if I can follow this train. In 1995ish I played a game on the GEnie network called Multiplayer Battletech. there I took the name Shadoe Ryder(nothing to do with the motorcycle) but as the web and online games grew I often found that name already taken so it often gets shortened to shadoes or shadoe42(42 of course being the answer to the ultimate question of Life the Universe and Everything)

My pirate name of Edward Onyx or Black Edward is basically my real first name Edward with something that sounds nifty. Oddly enough I was going to call myself Edward Emerald but then found out from the cast director for a local fair that there was already a long established character there with Emerald as her first name so I changed it to avoid any confusion and the like. Since this particular character is still in the creation process it was easy to alter the name and Onyx goes more with the Black Edward moniker than emerald :) :blink:


Seeing as I missed this last time it was resurrected...

"Long Tom" is the name bestowed on a number of notable cannons, apparently some historical as well as some fictional, the most piratical of which is owned by the estimable Jas. Hook of Peter Pan fame. Being that Tom be me given name, and seeing that I'm perhaps overly inclined to shoot my mouth off a bit, it seemed to fit.


Me name is rather simple. Ta me Scarlett represents passion and beauty. I like the hypocrisy behind Sir Henry Morgan's exploits and I like the thought of rumrunning and went with his last name. 'ere I did not add the "Lady" to the beginin since sometimes it meets with jests about me piratical abilities(then they meet with me blade)...but it 'as its own story. B)


"I know indeed what evil I intend to do, but stronger than all my afterthoughts is my fury, fury that brings upon mortals the greatest evils. -Euripides

"Well behaved women rarely make history."


Matusalem, besides the rum brand, I actually took from the french canadian movie Matusalem i& II: les derniers de Beauchesne (transl: The last of the Beauchesne's) of which my real-life surname is. In the movie, the lead character Pillipe Beauchesne is competing against pirates.

I looked at my family tree, and much of my family, incl. Beauchesnes emigrated from France to canada between the 1660's to around 1710. In the Golden Age of Piracy, it's a wonder that we even got to this side of the pond.

  Captain Jigme said:
Actually, I'd like to change my username.

Is there anyway to do this besides deleting this acount and starting anew afresh?


If you really want to a new name, go ahead and change it. All you'd lose is your post counts. Unless you've reached the skull symbol (which is sacred in MIssion's book of things), worrying about post counts is for gits. (IMHO)

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


  • 3 weeks later...

My name is a no brainer...... Hidden Watch Jewelry = The Time Keeper. But I thought maybe it should have more of a deeper meaning. So I went to How will you be defined in the dictionary? at quiz galaxy and typed in my name. For years, I've told people I'm smarter than I look........doh!!! :lol:

The Time Keeper --


Pretentiously academian

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

Missed that last plank walkin'? Well, don't worry mate, get one of these here hidden clocks. Pin it on, flip it down and be right on time to see that scurvy dog go down!

Pillagers%20badge1.JPGwww.ClipClocks.com Many themes to choose from!



John = gift of God

Hector = steadfast

Sterling = adhering to the highest standards

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




Greetins' mates,

I absolutely loved reading this entire thread. You can find out so much about a person just from the background of their screen name. To me, it's like checking out someones bookshelf when you first visit their house...hope I'm not the only one who does this.

Anyway, Blackwarden is the name, or part of the name, from a long line of personal fictional characters and personas. I came up with the name back in the 80s after watching the movie Dragon Slayer. While it was never a blockbuster, the dragon at the end certainly got my attention. More importantly, the main character was Ghalen?? Bradwarden, and the name just had a certain ring to it. Considering myself awfully witty and creative at the time, and not about to plagiarize, I changed a few elements and the rest is history. My RPG and fictional writing characters immediately became known as Blackwarden, either as a given or surname.

Today, Blackwarden has been part of my many strange hobbies. My SCA name is Wayland Blackwarden (actually able to document due to the river black and an old abbey in Berkshire). I have a whole slew of RPG and creative writing characters with Blackwarden as a surname. My favorite iterations however, are from EQ2 with Bradeyn and Gavyn Blackwarden.

Most recently, the name has made it's way into my pirate persona. Not wanting to abandon my old standby name, I worked it into my pirate history. According to tales, Nathaniel Warden got the colorful addition due to a not so pleasant encounter with a former French friend turned turncoat. Although "Nate" was a terribly tempting element to work with, I simply could not resist throwing "black" in front of the last name.

So that's my story. Not as interesting as some of the entries I have read, but hopefully entertaining to some.


Blackwarden :blink:

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