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Well i just got me new garb in this morning...

Its a black irish style dress with a bodice swen into a full skirt that openes in front and a floor length natural muslin chemise. Too which i am adding a bright blue under skirt from a ventre that flopped a while back ago.

So what kind of garb has anybody invested in lately i know i cant be the only one what dosent have any dabloons left to spent before the next faire.

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff


working on it

lil sis had the camera and is being an idiot cause i'm mad that i got a speeding ticket. Her friend is being a pain in the arse telling me i need to learn how to drive and take resposibility for my actions all i have to say is it was you that caused me to take another way home. i'm just pissed and that doesnt make good pics.

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff


New garb I've invested in? Well, I ordered a bodice (my first too!) and it's still not here. I'm getting upset, cause I want it, but I'm trying to be patient. Almost done embroidering my skirt from last season, so it's not new, but it looks much better. Other then that, I'm still on the lookout for new pieces for the coming season.


You know, I hate the camera thing. I don't carry one with me at events, so I never get pictures of my stuff unless someone else takes them. And then they never seem to get good pictures of my stuff. Annoys the hell of out me. Of course I could just buy myself a good camera and take my own damn pictures... :ph34r:

You can't see things too well, but this is my new kit. You can't see very much, but it's a ladies hunting outfit from 1692. (if you want to read about the history, that's here)

My persona is a well-known Covent Garden courtesan who became a procuress and wealthy "businesswoman". So I thought I should be attired as such. I'm wearing a wine waistcoat (you can see the colour on my right arm) under a brown and gold brocade frock coat lined with safflower-dyed silk. The petticote matches the frock coat and has a nice little train. I'm also wearing a Steinkirk cravat, shift, safflower-dyed sash, and my good ol' stays and holding my hunting whip. Forgot to order the ostrich feathers for my hat in time, but I did trim it up with lace a bit.

But I look twelve... :ph34r:


Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!


I saw it in person and it's STUNNING. Kass, the quality of that far surpassed anything in the entire building! Hold on a sec, lemme see if I have a better pic of it's detail....

  RumbaRue said:
Thank you Kass, first for the wonderful picture (you too Joshua) and second, for knowing the correct period for your garb!...Anyways, you look absolutely lovely and I truly understand your textile interest and the way stiches are done, more power to you!

And thank you, Rue, for your compliments (and thanks Josh, for posting the picture).

I've always been a bit of a nut about the details. :rolleyes:


Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!


Yeah what's the deal with Ren Faires anyway? C'mon! Maybe when they first became popular most people dressed the part proper to the era, but nowadays it's utterly laughable. Why don't they change the name to Fantasy Faire or GetYourKillBillSwordHere Faire?


JoshuaRed, hiya

I think you'll find that the majority of hard core Ren enthusiasts still love historical accuracy, but there's a huge variety of patrons at faires nowadays. They vary from the most extreme fantasy folks who wear Conan the Barbarian type clothing, all the way over to delicate-winged fairies. Some Renaissance faires are a bit more strict, other faires do tend to open up the themes to include more fantasy-type characters and costuming.

Personally, I applaud anyone who even makes half an effort to get into character. Authentic or not. If they're having fun, that's all that matters to me.

The whole idea is to have fun. I cater to all kinds of costuming needs - and if my customers want fantasy, they'll get it. By the same token, if they want the most historically accurate ensemble, I can do that too. It's all part of being in the costuming business - we have to cater to the customer. And if the customer wants a combo Ren faire/pirate crossover ensemble, by God, I'll make it for them - authen tic or not.

As I said -for most people, it's all about having fun and feeling pretty/handsome/etc in your garb - not who has the most authentic costume.

By the same token - if my customer has strict guidelines to adhere to - I can do that as well. It's all about the customer, and what they want.

Very Merrily,


  JoshuaRed said:
Yeah what's the deal with Ren Faires anyway? C'mon! Maybe when they first became popular most people dressed the part proper to the era, but nowadays it's utterly laughable. Why don't they change the name to Fantasy Faire or GetYourKillBillSwordHere Faire?

Some actually are called "Fantasy Faires", Josh. And I think now the words "Renaissance Faire" have come to imply fantasy. And they probably should. I don't think any Faire I've ever heard of calls itself historically accurate. When I used to tell people I was a historical reenactor and they asked me if I did Ren Faires, I would explain to them the difference between acting and reenacting. Acting is theatre. Reenacting is portraying a historic event. You can change a script, but you can never make the Normans lose the Battle of Hastings. :rolleyes:

And for reasons I don't understand the medieval period and the Renaissance get confused with elves and unicorns and Tolkein. Don't know why. But as long as the Faires don't start throwing around the sacred word "Historical", I don't really have an issue with them. There are some really cool costumes at the Faire...


Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!

And for reasons I don't understand the medieval period and the Renaissance get confused with elves and unicorns and Tolkein.

It makes sense Kass, when you look at pop culture since 1980. Dungeons and Dragons, The Hobbit, Conan, and scores of other late 70's/early 80's films all the way up through POTC and Lord of The Rings. People saw these movies and said "Hey that looks much cooler than the real Renaissance stuff...I wanna do THAT!"


Yea, we get the 'fairy crowd' here at the local faire. They color themselves up with make-up and flit about the faire with their wings.

With the exception of S. Faire that tries to make itself 'historical' adnausem, the rest of the faires are pretty 'loose' which I actually prefer. However, after doing years of working S. Faire, I have it drilled into me what's period and what isn't. I've tried my darndest to get away from that, but sometimes I still wear two skirts, and the bodices I make tend to be of a more historical view.

The group that does the Queen bit here at the local faires,

St. Elizabeth's Guild is very, very strict on what they allow for costuming, but then that's understandable as they are presenting their version of Royalty .

I've got my wonderful beaded frock coat, will I wear that to an event? Yikes, I'd probably die of heat stroke because it's such a heavy material!

I really feel for the Nobles here wearing their heavy velvets, as temps at some of these events can get into the triple digits!

Rumba Rue

** ;) **


I pretty much don't mind the fairies, elves, unicorns, hobbits and so on. But Klingons is when I draw the line! There was one ren faire that no longer exists. They went from Renaissance Faire to Fantasy faire. Everything went along okay until Klingons became involved as well. It just got a bit nutty! ;)


I'm with you, Christine. The fantasy stuff doesn't bother me. But when sci-fi enters the picture... uh, no. That's what sci-fi cons and Star Trek conventions are for. Look in the bookstore, people. There's the fantasy section and then there's the sci-fi section. Different, see?

It's not that I don't love both. Or I should say, all. I was raised on Star Trek. My X used to tell me that I was really a Klingon in disguise. ;) And I love fantasy. Some friends of mine run a fantasy LARP and I love really getting into character and inventing what kind of clothing they'd wear, etc. But boy, do I get upset when people get their fantasy mixed up with reality. Once, I was playing a "Mongorian" (an Asian warrior race that was a mix of Chinese and Japanese culture). I wore some Japanese stuff I had and invented a persona story that explained why my character was in this particular village, away from her people. At the feast, I volunteered to do a "traditional Mongorian dance" and knowing that I lived and studied in Japan, one of my friends said, "Great! We'll show these losers some real Japanese culture!" Silly boy! I did a bellydance in kimono! I wasn't going to do a traditional Japanese dance at a LARP! It's fantasy. I just made stuff up.

I likes me fantasy fantastical and my reality real, and never the twain shall meet! My Mum used to say, "A place for everything and everything in its place." I guess I think that applies to Faires too. ;)

There's room for everything really. I just wish I had more time in my calendar to do it all...


Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!


As long as everyone is having fun I'm happy. I agree Klingons at the Faire is taking it alittle too far, but if someone really wants to be a fairy or a pirate that's more MTV than the history channel than it's ok by me. If someone is excited enough by the faire that they go to the extra trouble to dress up, chances are good that they're ready for a good time. Last time I went to the faire some guy dressed up as King Authur from Monte Python and had his buddy walk behind him as the guy beating coconuts (to make horse clopping noises). I'm still laughing about it! ;)


Hey Christine, I remember those faires! I too thought I was in the wrong place when the crowd of Klingons showed up.

Did you know there's a pirate group (now located in San Diego) that does the local faire here that use to be the Klingon group? Just look at the emblem on their sign, it's the Klingon seal. LOL! But they do seem to be a friendly bunch of scallywags.

I still haven't figured out the "Wilds" yet. For those who don't know that the "Wilds" are, they are bunch of teen types who paint their bodies black and white colors and wear leather or fur type clothing and act like cavemen/women. They have their own 'fort' too.

I still can't figure out what they are doing at a Renaissance faire! If you happen to know, please clue me in.


In any case we all seem to have gotten off track here. This thread was suppose to be about Bloody Mary's outfit.

I can't wait to see your pictures Mary! I bet you look great!

Rumba Rue

** :) **

Rumba Rue

**I got lost in thought, it was new territory** ;)


Oh, yeah, so now they're pirates? Cool! Which local faire is this?

Aye, the Wilds. That's one I can't figure out either. And they go all out with their costumes and make-up. I noticed them popping up back at that Fallbrook one, when the Klingons showed up. They go to the local faires. I knew someone who was friends with one of them, but even she didn't know what it all meant. Or maybe she never asked them why they did it, I dunno-lol!

Aye Mary, can't wait to see some pix of your garb. ;)


...So embarrassed... don't know what to say here... :lol:

Used to work at the local Ren Faire many years ago. And I own a completely authentic, extremely detailed Klingon costume (with all the makeup, forehead & all)... My Klingon "Ship" has cruised the self-same Ren Faire in full costume a few times (No, I wasn't with them).


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"



Alas, we have the same problem in the SCA... Too many people equate the medieval and ren eras with modern goth crap :lol:

But *I* try to be at least somewhat accurate with my garb


Captain of the Iron Lotus

It is the angle that holds the rope, not the size of the hole.
  Christine said:
Oh, yeah, so now they're pirates? Cool! Which local faire is this?

Aye, the Wilds. That's one I can't figure out either. And they go all out with their costumes and make-up. I noticed them popping up back at that Fallbrook one, when the Klingons showed up. They go to the local faires. I knew someone who was friends with one of them, but even she didn't know what it all meant. Or maybe she never asked them why they did it, I dunno-lol!

Aye Mary, can't wait to see some pix of your garb. :huh:

I love the wilds and the dress needed some alterations pics coming soon

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff


So you come to the Escondido faire?

I know I'll be there, maybe not with PRP however. I will be selling stuff with my friend Dawn who runs 'Dream Lizard'. She sells beautiful freshwater pearls necklaces she puts together herself.

Most likely I'll have my feather hat pins and mis. stuff. I'll also have a bin of costume things for $5.00 for any garment (I had to clear my closet out).

Would love to meet you!

Rumba Rue

** ;) **


i'll be stayin over night at that one a friend is letting me help with the guild so i get to stay in escondido insted of going back and forth witch is a pain in the ass. I'll be looking for you rue

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff


Personally I love it when people post pictures of themselves or things they've made here in the Plunder section. Not only does it help identify the people behind the posts, but there are some really, really good seamstresses here at the Pub and I respect their advice and ideas. Criticism is fine as long as it's done with respect and offering ideas how to improve.

Rumba Rue

**One for all and all for one!** :unsure:

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