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A wee bit of Barbossa trivia...

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I was asked the other day about Barbossa's first name.

For the life of me I never remembered hearing one so.... I called the writers office and, according to Terry:

"The name Barbossa was a nickname that the Pirate gave to himself, having forgotten his own real name, very long ago. "

So, whoever wrote and asked me that.... there it is. OFFICIALLY he has no first name. B)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



He forgot his own name and it only be a nickname?! B) I thought it be Hector Barbossa. Hector being the name Johnny came up with and teased Geoffrey with during filming. Hey Bess, if the writers have any thoughts about giving Barbossa a woman for when he comes back to life tell them to give me a call, I'll play that woman-lol! B)


I can't imagine yelling out "Hector" in a moment of passion. Couldn't Johnny Depp come up with a name that had a little more umph! LOL!

You go Christine!


Johnny said that he came up with it because he liked the idea that Barbossa was in dreaded fear of having folks discover that his real name was Hector! NO idea what possessed JD to think of 'Hector', but when I was watching Ed Wood, I noticed that the cabbie in one scene has his name written on the door of his cab, and the name is 'Hector'. Perhaps JD got a chuckle over that name when filming, and decided it would be a good one for ol' Barbs - who knows... :huh:



I heard it Was "Vinnie"... But,seriously Folks...

:huh: RtR :huh:

"For I have dipped My Hands in Muddy Waters, and Must a Pirate be- A short but Merry Life shall be My Motto!"- Bartholomew Roberts


Yeah.... ain't life grand?? :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Ahoy, Bess-It's Been ever so Long-Hours Even- Since I've Shared M'Lady's Sweet Company-Ye Were in wonderful Voice Today, Madam.

:lol: RtR ;)

"For I have dipped My Hands in Muddy Waters, and Must a Pirate be- A short but Merry Life shall be My Motto!"- Bartholomew Roberts

Ahoy, Bess-It's Been ever so Long-Hours Even- Since I've Shared M'Lady's Sweet Company-Ye Were in wonderful Voice Today, Madam.

:lol: RtR ;)

(Flash to a picture of *Babe* standing by the farmhouse gate...)

La! La! Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! ;)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



ROTFLMAO, i still feel sick as a dog but i'm glad i dragged myself in here, this is a good one LOLOL.. :lol:

Well, forgetful or not..the name suits him ;)

Thanks for this Bess ;)

He forgot his own name and it only be a nickname?! :lol: I thought it be Hector Barbossa. Hector being the name Johnny came up with and teased Geoffrey with during filming. Hey Bess, if the writers have any thoughts about giving Barbossa a woman for when he comes back to life tell them to give me a call, I'll play that woman-lol! ;)

Ooo, sorry sweetie, but I think they (if you'll excuse the expression)...

already have Barbossa *covered* ;)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


if the writers have any thoughts about giving Barbossa a woman for when he comes back to life tell them to give me a call, I'll play that woman-lol!

Uhm and uhm...i think you'd have one or two challenges on that one :ph34r:

They've got Barbossa covered eh?

Mmm.if i could be a fly on the wall :ph34r:

*praying hard he's in POTC 2*..


One or two meaning other women who would gladly do all and everything to be "Barbossa's wench, wife or whatever" in a movie or out of a movie LOL.. :ph34r:


The thing is the majority of women who are trying out for the pirate extras are more into Jack Sparrow. So that right there helps for those who are Barbossa fans. :ph34r:


Hmmm... Barbossa a nickname... having forgotten his real name. I find that hard to believe .. he being a witty & sharp minded man. Unless there was a part in his life where he got amnesia. ;)

I don't know... I can imagine crying out the name "Hector" during moments of passion. Besides... the greatest military mind in history was named Hector. & .. Hector meaning "holding fast". I can see him with that name. :) Sexy name, really. & here Johnny thought it was a perfect teasing name.

;) Ahhhh... Aye, Charity. Jack may have a slew & harem of women... but us ladies who adore Barbossa... :::points to signature poster::: or I can point to some of the woman pirate characters from Pirates of the Spanish Main & Pirates of the Crimson Coast card game... he's the kind of man who would have those type of women at his side. Beautiful, deadly & cunning.

The BRIDES of Barbossa! :: evil grinz::

So.. Bess... Barbossa's... "Covered".. huh? Oooooo.... Wonder if the mysterious "covering" is aliken to the Crimson Angel or Calico Cat from Pirates of the Spanish Main/Crimson Coast.


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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