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I sort of like the idea that my persona stole his shoes from a victim (gentleman passenger) during the taking of a prize. And if said victim was well-off, even if just middle class, during the first quarter of the 18th C., there is a decent chance his heels would be painted red, imitating the style of the higher classes. Therefore I was thinking of possibly painting my heels red. (With a good deal of scuff, worn off parts, etc).

Is this feasible, or should I not even bother? Thoughts, gents?


OOO! If you close your eyes and click them three times, do you get transported back to the GAoP??! Oh, wait..that was ruby slippers....sry... :ph34r:

As I understand it, red heels were all the 'rage' amongst the aristocracy, and perhaps middle-class gents imitated the fashion, but I have a question: Would either a middle- or upper-class gentleman wear them as 'travelling' shoes?? And, if they did have them, would they be stowed away until he reached his destination? And would a pirate, a rebel against class destinctions, chose to wear 'em or toss 'em overboard?

Personally, I like the idea. The shoes would have a history and story all their own, adding another colorful layer to your persona...


(eep - I'm not a gent, hope ya don't mind me 2 shillings :ph34r: )


JoshuaRedHeels - sure why not! :ph34r:

Good question Das, about whether they would wear them as travelling shoes. I'd venture to say yes...for centuries, people have had a tendency to dress up while traveling, at least until the past 40 years or so. A gentleman bound for Barbados from London, I'd imagine would want to look his best while strolling the deck, dining with the captain, etc...


Well if the Traveler is traveling..... he still has to have shoes right? So I would think that if the fashion was to wear red heels (and also the underside of the tongue of the shoe) then why not do it on all of his shoes? He is probably imitating the court fashion.... not actually going to court.

The trick is finding the right paint....

I did paint mine. I forgot what I used to paint them with though. I put it on, then didn't like it and tried to get it off.... it didn't work to well but it did tone down the red.

Check them out


not a very good picture of the shoes (the one with me in the justaucorp) but there is a good picture of Mark Beaby's shoes and they look great with the red heels.

How do you like the shoes? I was hoping that you would post some pic on the Piratebrethren forum....

Do they look like commoner shoes or do they look like upper class shoes.

On the link above, I think the Kevin Garlic shoes (they are mine) look like commoner shoes (which is why I was semi-hesitant to red the heels). The Beaby shoe from Bjarne's boots and Sarah Junipers look like they would belong to an upper class gentlemen.

Something more to think about.

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IF I decide to paint 'em, I'll probably use oil paint as it was available at the time. I've been meaning to post a pic of my shoes, just haven't got to it yet. They look almost identical to Garlick's pair.

When I ordered them from Jarnigan, I had requested them to be customized with a 7/8" strap instead of the big fat ones they typically make, which are for later 18th century. They said they could do it, but when I got the shoes, the straps were still too wide for my 1" buckles. So I just whipped out some sharp shears and set to work. I trimmed the straps to fit, and put a little more flare/curve into the tongue like Garlick's. They look good! Other than Jarnigan not customizing them like they said they would, I love 'em. I'd say they are sort of middle class shoes, not really poor looking, but definitely not upper-class with the higher heels and square toes.


Ask and ye shall receive! Here they are -


The toes aren't squared off as much as Garlick's, but I'm happy with 'em for a first pair. The buckles are Godwin's 1", and you'll notice on the left shoe I accidentally broke a prong off, but in retrospect I like that. Adds a nice used, personal touch. Also goes to show why buckles got bigger and beefier as the century wore on. These dainties aren't very durable! :ph34r:


WOW, those are great shoes! Wish there was a seller here at our events in Calif. selling those. It's hard to buy shoes without first trying them on to make sure they fit.

Rumba Rue

** ;) **

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