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Pirate exhibit in Oshkosh WI

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I read in No Quarter Given about an exhibit that is coming to the Oshkosh Public Museum.

I checked on a little more info.... & got reply back this morning.

I'm excited!



Pirates swarm ashore here in Oshkosh on June 18th and leave by October 31, 2005. That is 20 weeks of way too much fun.

We are closed Mondays and any national holidays. Hours are Tuesday through Saturday 10:00 to 4:30 and Sundays 1:00-4:30

No cost to get into the museum but we are asking for a $2.00 per person donation...and you get to cram it into a donation box shaped like a pirate treasure chest with a glowing red eyed skull on it.

I am still working at artifact loans so we are not firm on exactly what we are having here. By the middle of this month I should know exactly.

Don Maitz is loaning us 14 works of art including the great 40 Thieves seven foot long painting. We are working on many hands-on exhibit items for all ages of kids including pirate drinks and pirate food smells, load a dummy cannon, dress up, skeleton in a cage, sword fight to the death and more.

Where are you out of and would you like to help out for one day with an event here at the museum? I would like to run a sword fight (SCA type of rapier rules and safety) mock trial, and if I can get a big portable water tank, walking the plank contest. Let me know what you think and we can go on from there.

Thank'e kindly...

By the way we will be selling or auctioning off the props that we create for this exhibit so be on the look out for stuff you might want while you are here.

Mike "Sea Dog" Breza

Assistant Director Oshkosh Public Museum




Anyone.. PLEASE help out with some artifacts!

Also... some of you pirates around this directin... what ya think? I mentioned this in the Fool's Gold topic under Crews. I think it would be a great time for some Invasions!


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, Aye, Sjöröveren!! That's what I am hoping. I know that there are crews around the Lakes... made an attempt to get ahold of them. Alas, those listed in No Quarter Given.... I got bouncing from cause the emails no longer existed. But.. I do hope that some are able to come. A couple I got through to are unable to come due to previous bookings. & I am waiting to hear back from a couple more.

Spoke to Barbosa & he'd think a trial or 2 would be fun! I agree! I was thinkin' the same thing... though, I thought about the trial of Anne Bonney & Mary Read as well as Kidd & another pirate. Though a trial with Jack & Barbossa would be hilarious as well.

Would like to get as many historical, fictional & created characters there.

Good time for a summer Invasion. Plus.. we can always return as well. Give them as much publicity as possible. Mr. Breza is thrilled to have some pirate assistance.

Royaliste... :: Shrugs:: I have no idea. To me.. that's not my business. Though, I have been told they are working on all those details. But if they have some awesome artifacts like a traveling exhibit with Am Rev War items that came to the Hoover Museum a couple years ago.. than it will beyond wickedly awesome!

Here is another email Mr. Breza sent to me:

Dear Lady Barbossa:

I had been a reenactor of the French and Indian War time period for many years prior to starting to work for museums. I know from first hand experience what a joy it can be to be at a place where a great crowd of people are at who enjoy and appreciate the hard (fun) work that a reenactor does.

I also have been, more often than not, on the bad end of things were an organizations is hosting a festival or event and they expect reenactors to show up, do a performance and then just leave...quite forgotten and with nothing to show for their time put in, not even a thank you. I do not plan to abuse the people who volunteer at the Oshkosh Public Museum.

For Pirates who come to the museum for a scheduled event, such as the Saturday June 18th exhibit opening, we would like to offer a small amount to cover gasoline. In the past we have set out the finger food snacks, water and soda... as long as you do not stand in front of the public holding a can of Pepsi. Nothing says "swashbuckler" more than a can of Mountain Dew in one hand and a Mars bar in the other. The other fine temptation that I can dangle out there is maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe--- if we can fund it---a full color image on a t-shirt. Look at the cover of "On Stranger Tides" book to see the image I am talking about. In the past I have given out coffee mugs from the museum to each person as well as a that-day-only museum gift shop discount.

This is still all quite loose as we are not sure of all the funding we need just to get the exhibit artifacts here and the props built. But that is the museum's problem and we are hard at work on that.

So I would like to hear from you as to how many people would like to be here for an event? What would they like to do while here, meaning what can they do for the public that will be staring at them? Where are they coming from? Suggestions?

Some basic info about what we cannot do:

1. No firing of guns, cannons, fireworks... as we are with in city limits and it takes a great deal of paperwork to allow for this.

2. No fire pits as we have to watch over the visitors here who do not know that a fire can burn you. Like wise we have heavy traffic here in the summer months and a hole in the lawn, even filled causes concern for us.

3. Drinking of anything alcoholic on our property is not allowed- inside or outside. This is due to insurance coverage. We get asked this about once every year as someone wants to host a party at the museum and we go around with this issue. Sorry, it just does not pay for the museum to pay out more for all the permits, watchful staff and insurance to warrant this.

I look forward to hearing from you about all of this and the start of working towards a fun event(s).

The file sent along with this message is a city bus sign that we run in Oshkosh.


Michael Breza

Assistant Director

Oshkosh Public Museum

1331 Algoma Blvd

Oshkosh WI 54901

phone 920-424-4750

email brezam@publicmuseum.oshkosh.net

I know it's Mid-Feb ... & the exhibit is in June.. but.. trying to take tally & plan some things so he's not all that suprprised.

Ideas anyone? Anyone willing to come as a Historical character? Fictional? I'm hoping to get Toby to Join us as Jack Sparrow... would like to see a Long John Silver there as well... perhaps some historical figures like Blackbeard, Stede Bonnet, Bart Roberts, Morgan (hehe, that be your queue Morgan! ;) ).. Rackham, Kidd... Grace O'Malley, Anne Bonney & Mary Read... & whoever else.


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

  • 4 weeks later...

I received another email from Mr. Breza this morning & this has me VERY psyched!


Hey I just wanted you to know that the Oshkosh Public Museum has gotten in $10,000 in sponsorship dollars for the Pirates exhibit. We are expecting more but this major sum will enable us to cover the basic core of the exhibit, that is the shipping in of artifacts from Florida, Canada and the east coast of the US.

We are on a roll!

Michael Breza

Assistant Director

Oshkosh Public Museum

1331 Algoma Blvd

Oshkosh WI 54901

phone 920-424-4750

email brezam@publicmuseum.oshkosh.net



I'm still planning on going ahead with having as many pirates as possible to show up that weekend - June 18th & possibly also the 19th - to help promote this exhibit.

This won't be the only time that we will grace this exhibit. :)

Please.. by all means let me know if you are coming on June 18th & 19th. Mr. Breza would like to have a tally so we can make proper arrangements for the piracy invasion. :lol:


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Oooo, just received another email. Check it out all you midwest priates!


Yes we are getting on loan from Don Maitz 14 of his paintings.

We are getting in shipwreck artifacts from the Mel Fisher museum and the Tallahassee State of Florida museum that tend to be everything including the kitchen sink of Spanish Galleons stuff. The artifacts come from the 1600 something wreck and the 1722 hurricane wrecks of silver plate fleets from out of Panama. Sorry not much on treasure, as you can imagine why, but plenty of what remains of weapons, tools, ship parts, personal items, ceramics, glass, cast iron, cannon balls, musket shot.... all of these artifacts fall within the Golden Age of Piracy time frame. All told we ought to have maybe 30 some artifacts from shipwrecks.

We are having loaned to us a short musket, brass barreled blunderbuss, Royal Navy cutlass, and the famous Captain Cook's short sword from a museum in Canada. These are all 18th century artifacts.

From the National Firearms Museum we are having loaned to us three splendid examples of pistols from the 18th century.

From the Oshkosh Public Museum we are pulling out several pistols and a musket from the 18th century. One pistol is all brass covered in the Moroccan or Moorish fashion and another pistol has a wide duckbill like barrel muzzle- it is to die for! All told we ought to have about 12 artifact weapons on display.

The Blackbeard artifacts from Queen Anne's Revenge are NOT on loan to us due to not getting a large sum of money to cover that expense soon enough. We still could if another sponsor comes through. But to mount this exhibit we have to press forward with what we have now. If we get a sponsor in the next 3 or 4 weeks then we still could bring in Queen Anne's Revenge exhibit for 10 weeks out of the 20 that the exhibit is open, but as a "side" exhibit, next to the main pirate exhibit. This is just a bit of difficulty in managing many different artifacts coming together from many different sources all at the same time. It is a juggling act to say the least but a fun job to manage.

I am working on bringing in just a few film props. Oddly it has been easier to track down artifacts over 200 years old than a hat used in a film that is 5 years old! Oh well. This in not firm yet but I think it will work.

All of this is without the hands-on stuff we will create here and have installed within the exhibit. We will have dress-up station with three coats and three tricorns. A sword fight to the death hands on station, 8 different ship's smells, examples of gross foods eaten on board, name that pirate flag challenge, name that real pirate challenge, name that Hollywood pirate challenge, hands-on spy glass, hands-on swivel gun, and the biggest thing of them all...you get to load a fake cannon! What little kid, or warped adult, would not want to try that out?


Indeed! What warped adult wouldn't want to try all this out!

Come ON all you Midwest pirates! Unite & lets help with this!


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Lady B, I think I can give you at least a 95% commitment from Sjoroveren, myself, and the powder monkeys (ages 12 & 9) for June 18 & 19th in Oshkosh. Just give us some idea what you want us to do, besides just show up in costume. I'm sure Sjoroveren would bring some medical equipment, if you want, and play the ship surgeon. Just let us know. I think it's a grand opportunity! :lol:


June 18 is marked on my calendar. But Oshkosh is a good 178 miles from me, so this will be a major hike. (Yeah, I know, if YOU are coming from, say, Iowa...)

Plans will need to be made.... Hmmmm...

My fever-addled brain is not working this morning, but I may have my son (William the Bloody) that weekend, and this would be an AWESOME outing for us.


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"




Wel.. let me discuss this & let Mr Breza know.

I'm sure he can assist with where for us to stay if need be & other ideas.

If any of you have any ideas, belt them out. I'm curious to hear them.

Mr Breza mentioned he'd like to see a swordfight. I'm a bit leary on that. But only if we have a couple people who work on that & make sure people are well enough away.

Though, I'd like to have a trial or 2. :: grinz::

But... what he has in mind, thus far.. ::points to the above posts:: take a look & see. But I will still ask Mr BReza what else he may have us do.

Oh! If ANYONE has the NQG song book, we can sing a few songs. As to drinking, again.. no alcohol, but I will bring some Sarsparilla along & the closest to rum we will get with either be Sat night or I can bring some of those Tsunami "Jack Sparrow" truffles. :: HUGE grins::

Anyway... fabulous! Thank you greatly all ya's!

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Alas, Mrs. Barbossa, it sounds like a grand time. Meself, having grown up in Wisconsin would love to visit, but me treasures all been plundered. Ye must post pictures afterward. It, almost, be just like we's were there.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Alas, I realize my son will NOT be in Chicago that weekend, so it'd just be me. My wife may tag along, but only if there's good antique shopping opportunities in the area, and I do not make her hang around a musty museum all day.

A three+ hour drive each way makes me leery ... an over-nighter may be in order...


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"


  • 2 weeks later...


For those of you wanting to help out. Thank you GREATLY Red Bess & Sjöröveren.... Pete.. hope to see you there. I will try & eventually get a better idea of the compensation that they have in mind for us.

I think I may do an over nighter as well... unfortunately.

But.. aye.. we can also treat this as an Invasion, too.

Black hearted Pearl... I will most definitely have pictures taken. LOTS of them! I am known to be a photo whore.. as some would say. I can often use 3 to 8 rolls of film in 1 weekend!

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


OK.. I asked Mr Breza on some hotels in the area for anyone that may want or need to stay overnight.

Here's what he replied back with:

Here is a list of places to try. They are not ranked in any sort of order. The only bad place, and it is not on my list to you, is the Ramada Inn so avoid it.

AmericInn- 920-232-0300. Very close to the museum and right across the street from the Howard Johnson. Right next to exit Hwy 21- Hwy 41. Not sure of the price or how clean.

Holiday Inn Express- 920-303-1300. On the other side of the ramp from the AmericInn. Might be higher priced but very close to museum and food spots.

Howard Johnson, 920-233-1200. Older hotel, might be not so clean but ought to be cheap. Right across the street from AmericInn.

Hawthorn Inn, 800-527-1133. Newest hotel, ought to be clean but higher in price I would think. Just off the highway 41 about 2 miles from the exit to the museum.

Could you give me a conservative estimate on how many pirates that you have talked to might be here please? This will help in my plans and my contacts.


Artifacts and artwork ought to show up in April!!

Michael Breza

Assistant Director

Oshkosh Public Museum

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Lady B, thank Mr. Breza for the info. We are planning to make a mini family vacation out of the event, so I'm thinking we'll plan to stay Friday and Saturday nights. I'll check out the places listed and let you know what we think. We want to stay where there's a pool for the kids and it would be great if there was a good bar/pub/meetin' place right in the hotel.

Harrrr! I'm getting really excited about this event! :blink:



I very excited as well!

Eager to meet the lot of ya.

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

  • 1 month later...

So far.. there will be 4 or 5 of us there. Alas... I wish there were more. But... either I got no answer or other pirates are busy.

Nothing new... just that the artifacts should be arriving any day & they will be setting up soon for the exhibit.

As to where I will be staying? Haven't a clue yet. I haven't been given the chance to take a look around. Not kidding. I'm feeling like a slave to everyone else around me.

When I get that chance by some miracle of God to check with hotels & make reservations... I'll let ya know.

I have been working on trinkets for those attending to make it fun. Plus... I have 4 bags of pirate coins - 144 coins in each bag.. that can be handed out to those who come to the exhibit.

The exhibit I will talk further to Mr Breza about... if by some miracle of God I can be left alone so I can get MY work done... cause I want to know what exhibits that are interactive where if you all would like... to help the patrons to experience them a little more. Like the trying on the pirate attire.. cannon loading... the smells of a ship... etc.

Also.... I haven't done any research & was hoping to attempt to pull off a trial. So... if anyone has ideas or a script already for one... it would be GREATLY appreciated!

Well.. alas.. I must dash. I've been on too long already.



Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


I was digging around looking for local (Midwest) topics to resurrect from the archival bowels of the bilge, and someone has beat me to this one.


Still interested in attending. The weekend is marked, but many things may interfere with plans. My fingers are crossed...

I have no special plans or ideas. I hope to have all my gear in order (I still must finish my jacket; but I have sixteen gajillian props ... must decide...). I guess, then, simply BEING there is the best I can offer.


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"



I will ave ta see bout makin this at one tyme or nother. I live in these parts so it be a must. Than ya kindly Lady B.

Shoots anything that moves!!


Hawks.. would enoy havin' ya with the lot of us.

Hope to see ya there, too, Pete! Not sure when I will be in the Chicagoland area for a re-enactment in the next couple months. MAYBE Rockford.. we shall see. Otherwise, I will be at a couple others like Vincennes, Indiana this Memorial Weekend.

Oh... who ever brings some artifacts or whatever.. you may. I suppose... I may bring my tent. Merry D mentioned that Mr Breza would like something like that. But.. still working on that.

If we don't get the trial.. that's fine. We can help out with the exhibits.. as well as just saunter through ... steal gold, gawk & drool... as well as hand out the gold, I have 4 bags with 144 coins in each. So... should be plenty.

Yes, Pete... simply being there IS the best offer. :)


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


I'm hoping to make it up, if you have room for one more. I have a few factors that might interfere, but as I live only a short distance away (~1.5 hours) it can be a last minute decision, if need be.



Ahoy, everyone! I'm thinking we'll make reservations at the Fairfield/Marriott for Friday and Saturday nights-- it has a pool for the kids and looks like nice and reasonable. Not sure if there's a good pub nearby, but I'm sure we'll find something.

As long as just "being there" is good enough, that's great. We've been working to get our garb in order, and maybe bring a few "props" for fun. We'll keep thinking of things as the date gets nearer. Pete, Bildgemunky-- hope you guys can make it!


Aye... likewise.

Ok.. will look into that hotel. :D

All in all... I'm sure we will think of something! :)


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

  • 2 weeks later...

"June 18th & possibly also the 19th "

Can we get a confirmation on this? I now have eight hundred throusand separate conflicts for that specific weekend. But this Oshkosh thing was the first thing I put on my calendar.

I have a Civil War Reenactment (Norway, WI) which I am obligated to do, but I am trying to see if I can squeeze both into the weekend -- after all, I need to drive past Norway on my way back from Oshkosh...


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"


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