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Even "Pyrates Gots Standards" Mate!

Pyrate Behaviour Standards.......  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Pyrate Behaviour Standards.......

    • 1. Does ye got any "Pyrate Standards" mate?
    • 2. Can Ye define whot yer Pyrate Standards of behavior are?
    • 3. Does ye Pyracy Standards change when ye be in a "foreign" port mate?
    • 4. Will ye share it wit yer mates here?Some of us might need some educatin' or entertainment.
    • *
    • Cheers and Grammercy fer takin' the poll. Yer dubloon be in the mail... ah...someday... maybe!

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This here be a continuation of "Pyrates whot got Standards" mate.....


1. Drink

2. Clothes

3. Mates(Friends, pals, paramours, and so forth)

4. Behaviour

5. Conquests(..ooh that be under behaviour?)

6. Language

7. Misc -Argh ye fill in this blank matie!

Notice Drink seems ta come first fer some reason? He he...

So I starts it off..cause I knows If'n I don'ts then someone else beats me to it. I says when ye be a guest in someone else's port, ye trys not ta drink ALL their rum... and ye tries not ta steal ALL their friends... and Ye tries ta show at least a modicum( whot the Hay does that mean) of respect fer yer hosts. But whot does I know? I be a Pyrate... I got whot Kind-O-Standards?

I seen a lot in my years as well.... Sailors,Civilians, Foreigners and Scoundrels.... where do a Pyrate lie in that mix? And how does ye behaves?....................................................?

Yers, D.L.


Pyracy in all it's Glory,



aka DurtyLaFey

member of a few crewes....but that be a personal question.


Strangely enough, when I'm piratin' I'm on me best behavior! At a pirate event on land I'm like a "pirate ambassador" in the public eye, and when sailing I need to have a clear head and fast reflexes fer the needs of the ship, and the discipline t' follow orders. So my pirate standards are these:

1. Drink as much as ye can without becomin' intoxicated.

2. Wear fine pirate garb proudly and with confidence. No apologies fer not bein' "period".

3. Treat yer mates w' respect at all times. Never bad mouth any o' them in public. Stand together if an outsider picks a fight.

4. Be on best behavior, so's the constables got no reason to shut us down.

5. See behavior.

6. No foul language, as we want to keep the kid-friendly pirate image.

7. Shoot as much black powder as ye can get away with; everyone loves fireworks!



Hmm, here we go.

1. Drink

Drink as much of whatever you like. Just don't puke on me or anything I own, go away to do that. Don't expect me to like you more when you're drunk, and do expect me to take your conveyence away.

2. Clothes

Wear whatever you like. Don't expect me to look at it or like it. Except if there are kiddies around, then cover the swimsuit areas, even if they don't have to. :)

3. Friends

Be good to your friends.

4. Behavior

Try whatever you like, I'll leave if it bothers me. But remember, other people are looking and probably have cameras.

5. Conquests

King of the mountain can be fun, but if you crow too loudly someone will probably push you off.

6. Language

Inuendo's are fun and swearing is decoration not substance.

7. My personal bubble has a radius of roughly seven feet. If you're that close and you piss me off, pain or death (depending on the instantaneous verdict) will swift. :lol:

The Duchess


Here's the rules the Pyrates of the Coast sail under... the articles if you will...

Pyrates of the Coast Articles

As a representative of The Pyrates of the Coast, I solemnly agree to abide by these articles for the duration of the voyage:

1. A crewe member shall have fun at all times.

2. A crewe member shall always pace him- or her- self. Obvious public drunkenness is not allowed and you risk being sent home.

3. When the group leaves, everyone leaves.

4. Excessive public displays of romantic prowess are not in the interests of the The Pyrates of the Coast. Predatory practices are forbidden.

5. A crewe member is courteous and polite at all times and shall not use foul or vulgar language when in public. A crewe member always allows a member of the public to go first.

6. A crewe member shall not point his or her weapon at the public and shall use extreme caution and discretion when allowing the public, particularly children, to hold weapons.

7. A crewe member shall not intentionally damage or destroy another's property. Stealing, either from a fellow crewe member or the public is cause for immediate dismissal and expulsion.

8. Gimmicks - active or inactive - are the exclusive possession of its innovator. No other crewe member shall adopt a similar gimmick without the creator's permission.

9. Stickers are not to be placed on establishment furnishings, glassware, etc. Further, a crewe member shall use good taste when placing stickers on members of the public.

10. When an establishment or patron buys a crewe member a drink, he or she shall order a well drink, unless he or she is willing to pay for a specialty concoction.

11. A crewe member never expects "freebies" on a voyage. He or she is always ready and willing to pay for everything. If you don't have the dough, don't go.

12. A crewe member shall always crewe member never argues in public.

13. When on a voyage, a crewe member is always sure to be well groomed and attired in clean, well maintained clothes and equipment. T-shirts and other "civilian attire" are not allowed.

That pretty well covers it - works for all of us at least...

-- The Captain

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com


Well met Mates..now I knows who's gots' standards...and whot they be....an education I gots from Captn' Hurricane...about his (adorable, great wonderful..ah mush and rot)..I loves that crewe...I does....anywho I appreciates it... and all them other stuffs YE ALL WROTE! It be true, them standards be similar we have..and me point bein' this: A Pyrate can be quite a rogue and scoundrel but perhaps we gots ta have standards since we may be reflectin' on all pyrates everywhere. Whot I does in me private life or off-hours is one thing, but how I behaves with me mates, well, there be a line in the sand. Who's drawin' that line is another question ah coarse! And whot faire/event we be at, whot hour O-the-day or Knight it be determines the bawdiness...or amount of rum/whiskey dare I say that be consumed... and the children issue... ah that be quite sacred ta me...their little faces ah..ya know it's precious.

Did I write a stinkin' bloody book or whot ya scalliwags and miscreants? Cheers,



Pyracy in all it's Glory,



aka DurtyLaFey

member of a few crewes....but that be a personal question.


Interesting concept .... standards....

some of the parts posted are just common courtisy.... (not using foul language in front of children.....not defacing other peoples property... etc....)

At PiP, I prety much behaved..... (well I drank..... but didn't make much of a fool of myself....) at Ojai..... well I do mess up on Friday night.... get drunk... wonder off by myself.... but I don't start fights or that sorta thing.... and I'm NOT driving....

On one hand, it would be interesting going somewhere, where it was just a bunch of BAD pyrates...... so you could just go wild.....

On th' other hook...... can't think of where that would be..... so using a line from the Northern California Rennisaunce Pleasure Faire..... "play Faire" (kinda like the Golden Rule ....)


Well, since Miss Lillie, Who be Me Particular Friend, Has Asked- Ahem- Ah, Yes...Standards...

1. Drink- either not at all, or to Wretched Excess-PIP was a Binge for Me-but t'was an Abberation- Usually Sober

2. Clothes- Wears what I Likes More than Historically correct at this Point-Mostly what I've Bought.

3. Mates- to them What I've Offended- I Apologizes-to Them what don't Accept it - get Stuffed!

4. Conquests- Love ta Flirt, But Married til Death do Us Part- or She wises up.

5. Language- Ahh, Yeah...there's another point- Doesn't really watch Me Tounge too Carefully- I mean, I do when I'm dealin' directly with the Lil' Darlin's- But Doesn't stop Me from shoutin' Obscenities at the Top o' Me Lungs, when the Mood Strikes-

6. Misc- Overall, I ain't got Much in the way o' Standards- I tries not to embarress Me Mates and the PRP- I tries, but doesn't always succeed-(sigh) Oh, Well- RtR :blink:

"For I have dipped My Hands in Muddy Waters, and Must a Pirate be- A short but Merry Life shall be My Motto!"- Bartholomew Roberts


Well Avast and Ahoy there dear Sir RtR, particular friend-o-mine back! I set the trap and you done took it! I made this here "standards" just in case you'd reply! Now I knows how bad ye swears! Ye allways hides it from me... ah thanks...wait ye do use the F word profusely.. but so do all those other men we was with...It were a problem of mine NOT usin't as I recalls now!So Cursin' 101 be important...yep.

All seriousness, it true, all pyrates gots ta have some kind of standards and we gots ta share 'em fer then we can all get our stories straight... if ye know what I mean mates :huh: !

Til mayhem strikes our hearts again!

Pyracy in all it's Glory,



aka DurtyLaFey

member of a few crewes....but that be a personal question.


Ah, Me Darlin' Lillian- Ya Got Me-And If I got to get got, I'm glad it's Ye doin' the Gettin'. Aye, Madam- 'tis a Two Way Street- These "Standards"

and "Morals" some of Us Preach- for Others while We Ignores 'em Our Own Selves- Touche' Mon Ami- ARRGGH, these Perceptive PRP Women!

:huh: RtR :huh:

"For I have dipped My Hands in Muddy Waters, and Must a Pirate be- A short but Merry Life shall be My Motto!"- Bartholomew Roberts


Standards? I have standards? Well as long as the guy can get it up ta par, thems good standards.

On the other hand I do respect where I be and treat those there the same. You gets what ye dish out.

An' Roger an' Lillie ye be me good friends an' I luv ye both!

Rumba Rue

**I saw, I came, I plundered** :P


Thankee, Rhumba Rue- and I enjoyed Jammin with Ye at PPP-and to Those of Ye that Haven't Met Our Ms. Rue in Person, She Designs, Creates and Wears FANTASTIC Pyratical Clothing. She is a True Original and PRP to the Bone. And Ye can Quote Me, :blink: RtR :blink:

"For I have dipped My Hands in Muddy Waters, and Must a Pirate be- A short but Merry Life shall be My Motto!"- Bartholomew Roberts


BTW- Whoops! Sorry Me Dear- My Bad. Rhoger the Rhed :lol:

"For I have dipped My Hands in Muddy Waters, and Must a Pirate be- A short but Merry Life shall be My Motto!"- Bartholomew Roberts


Aye thank you my dear Roger for your kind words. But this not be the forum for such. It should be in the Plunder section (and PRP site too),or Rabble Rousing or even Beyond Piracy.

Now back to our topic at hand, STANDARDS.

Rumba Rue

**Basking in smiles** :)

  • 2 months later...

Standards... aren't them those newfangled land sharks wot ye drives with a stick?


*ducks behind the bar*

Ok, seriously...

I have standards for me and me crew... For the most part, we're well behaved... but we do drink alot of rum. None of us have caused problems with it, however.

I expect my crew to have a good time... if you're not having fun, find out why... if you can't fix it, go home a'fore you ruin everyone else's.

I'm always in garb... hell, I'm in garb at this moment, typing on this forum. Call me a freak... I like my garb. When I'm in garb at an event, I require my crew to make an attempt to be in garb as well. When we're asked to perform a song, those wot can sing are asked to sing with their Cap'n... Our goal is to have fun and make sure other people have fun in our presence.

When ye crosses us, expect to be delt with. We don't tolorate theivery, or attempts at violence. I have a cat o' nine and a set of manacles, and I knows how to use them and wot authorities to turn people over to. "All in fun" is ok, but only to a point.

Everything else is kinda... go with the feel of things.


Captain of the Iron Lotus

It is the angle that holds the rope, not the size of the hole.

I definitely change behavior. At a Pirate fest.,party.,or faire., I am on my good behavior.,no body likes a jerk and its for a good time., a really good time for all., maybe even little old lady's and children. (Normally I am grouchy and opinionated) In public., I am nicer than grumpy me. (Besides theres always a bigger pirate around than 5'8" me.)

How do I act in a foriegn port? for me thats on the other side of the big pond.

When over seas I pirate around in my own world there is no "Renn Faire" where I go.,I am the pirate fest . A period shirt .,long shorts., a waist sash and leather pouch .,probably dive slippers (water socks) a doo rag and a tricorn along with piratical jewelry (Silver) .,work well in the Philippines.

However for everyday carousing., you must realize it is a foriegn country . English is VERY GOOD there., actually propper English therefore I dont joke much.,it complicates things and they most often dont get it. But as a foriegnor in there world I am drunk on 2 dollar Rhum and in good form........They do not have a sherrif or state patrol., Drinking is legal in the vehicle., not the driver., but a bus load of passengers!!! very legal. If your not stupid drunk., but buzzed., your actually accepted in the public (plenty of open bars) and it is a peaceful place. Ever seen a 3rd world jail? You wanna be a good guy trust me.

The beautiful thing is they accept my pirate attire as interesting but sort of normal tho it is very not? They seem to really enjoy it and smile alot.

Society there is very laid back and I can get away with it.., I highly recommend foriegn ports B)

I would not recommend Pirating or drinking in Japan or Taiwan........,they dont like pirate types.


I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"


Key West was realy cool about me Pyrate stuff........

Sonora CA. .... I got stopped by a cop for walking home from the opening of Pirates Of the Carribean...... (not doughnut shops open at night in Sonora..... )

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