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(cont'd from above post)

Terry: At the same time actually Lee Arenberg was circling as well.

Lee: I’m still circling.

Frank: Bruce, tell us a little about second unit. It was shot here in California as well as in the Caribbean. That must have cause a problem or two.

Bruce: Well there was matching issues. We cheated a little bit. Some of the water work was actually Long Beach Harbor. You never thought the water looked so clear. But between that and the movie magic we were able to blend St Vincent’s in the Grenadines, which is the southern portion of the Caribbean pretty successfully.

Frank: Do you remember any real problems? I mean shooting on water must be a nightmare in general.

Ted: Weren’t you just complaining about Gore and the ships, just back stage Bruce?

Bruce: At the end of every water movie you say “that will to be my last water movie.”

Terry: That started with Pearl Harbor?

Bruce: Yeah, we’d had wrecks and you know the boats would start taking on water. I remember one afternoon, very late, in fact it was nighttime we get a call that Kiera’s boat just crashed on a reef. I was able to get in touch with the captain and I think they were all falling over themselves to carry her ashore. It ended up ok because they had hit the reef in like about a foot of water. But that would go on all the time.

Terry: I will always remember fondly the Porta-potties at the back of the “Black Pearl?” I hate to destroy the magic.

Bruce: We gave them out as crew gifts at the end of the movie. The end of the ship…we didn’t have enough money, so we decided: “Well we’ll only build ¾’s of a ship,” and we left blue porta-potties at the end of the ship.

Ted: That spoiled the illusion.

Frank: Boy those would go for a fortune on EBay, wouldn’t they? Lee this was kind of a throw back role to the days when Hollywood had those great character parts. So you got to be Walter Brennan for this.

Lee: I say this, any time an actor looks good, and this is not to schmooze it up, it comes down to good writing.

Ted: Lee, you’re in the next movie.

Lee: Really, I think that was half the battle for us. The writer’s intention was that the supporting players are going to carry the ball, carry some of the storyline. I know it’s exciting in any movie when you do get to do any scenes. But in Pirates they would come to us with new scenes for Pintel and Ragetti. “We need some exposition and you guys are perfect.”

Ted: “Hey we need some exposition. Johnny won’t do it…” “We’ll do it!”

Lee: We’ll do everything.

Ted: “So, are we on camera?’ “Oh yeah.”

Lee: We definitely had a great experience in terms of all the production values that were put in the movie. You definitely felt [it] when you saw the warehouse were everything was being put together when you saw carriages and hundreds of cannons. You get, as an actor to build your character.

They’ll have hundreds of costume pieces. They sort look at you physically and they sort of match what you look like. It’s just fun to create a character that way. I think it’s very inspirational for an actor, especially when you’re a character man to be really treated like you’re important to the story. When you get that kind of encouragement you’ll do anything for the team.

Ted: What we tried to do when writing the screenplay we were looking and say “ok, what is missing from modern movies?” One of the things that’s missing is the studio system where you’d have all of these really great character actors under contract and they’d be there. One of the ways they’d use them is if they had a scene that was kind of just laying there like a log, they’d say “hey we’ve got this great guy who does bizarre pirate characters. We’ll throw him in and let him carry some of the scene.”

That’s why those movies were so entertaining. So when we were working on the movie we’d imagine to ourselves that we had all these character actors under contract to use. Like Murtogg and Mullroy, in our minds this was like a second string vaudeville, or a sort of Ritz Brother basement version of Laurel and Hardy that happened to be under contract.

The little thing they do about the Black Pearl we imagined was just a variation of the one famous comedy routine they had. It made it a lot easier to write and then when they went on to cast it they got these incredibly great actors who filled those roles and who just ran with them.

Lee: I always say I was really lucky they couldn’t find short, bald and crazy eyed in London.

Terry: All the other pirates were skinny and gaunt.

Lee: I had a license to eat.

Frank: Lee talk about your make up because you really looked disgusting in that movie. I mean the teeth are just green and dripping, the eyes are yellow…

Lee: It was two hours in the make-up chair. It would start with latex around the eyes. That led to a lot of painting and then they would glue the hair on and glue the beard on. And I’ll tell you something it was a great preparation time for me, every day, to sit in that chair and have this artwork kinda happen on my body. When you’re done, they throw the contacts in, pop the teeth in and “Hello popette!”

Frank: And you were saying to me earlier about your relationship with Mackenzie, that you sort of came up with a back story.

Ted: Gay!

Lee: Well the one that works for us…(looking pointedly at Ted). My thing was that pirates they tend to work as a team but for the most part they’re solo players and they’re always looking out for themselves. Here are these two characters that are very much in a symbiotic relationship. So I figured maybe I was his uncle or something.

Ted: Gay!

Lee: He’s the young nephew and his mom is my sister. Whatever works…

Frank: Let’s get some dirt on some of the other actors. Since Johnny is not here tonight… Somebody tell me about working with him. He looks like he was a real pain.

No response, laughter from the audience.

Frank: You thought I was joking didn’t you?

Ted: It’s get a little dicey on location from any time. Actually he’s great. It was absolutely a terrific experience.

Bruce: No, he was fantastic. One interesting thing, an unnamed person from the studio called me the first day of dailies and said:”Are you guys drinking at lunch?” They just had not seen any of the screen test. And the first time out it was: “wow, this is going to be a fun ride!”

Ted: It really was one of those moments where they hire Johnny Depp and they say: “Hey, he’s got the cheek bones, he’s a great actor, he’ll be a terrific pirate.” And then he shows up. He helps build and create that make-up and that character. There was some concern but it only lasted a week until they some pieces actually cut together. And from that point forth, the studio completely supported the performance. So there was that icky period where they were going “what is this?” But once they saw how it actually worked and Johnny basically said “look this is what you hired me to do, you either trust me or you don’t” they trusted him. Well done.

Frank: Now most people know who he based the character partially on…

Ted: Bruce!

Frank: Most people don’t know that.

Bruce: Me and Keith Richards. No I think it was Keith Richard and Pepé Le Pew.

Frank: Now is there any truth to the rumors that Keith Richards is going to be the next film?

Bruce: None.

Frank: What about Pepé Le Pew?

Bruce: Would people like to see Keith Richards in the movie?

Audience cheers.

Terry: Now you haven’t asked about the third movie, though. But anyway…

Ted: Oh and just so everybody knows the subtitle for the second movie is Dead Man’s Chest not Treasure of the Lost Abyss. All right, tell your friends.

Terry: Now we have to kill them all.

Frank: You’re doing something that might be considered slightly risky and that’s shooting both sequels at the same time or at least all in one foul swoop. This can’t cause you any problems, can it?

Bruce: Oh no. No, because two water movies back to back…no.

Terry: But the fanbase is so strong and supportive of these films that there’s no risk what-so-ever.

Frank: We’re not talking commercial risk, but the risk of going insane actually making this.

Terry: You bring up a good point because one of the things that Ted described was one of the advantages of the first movie was…go ahead it’s your line.

Ted: Basically low expectations and the element of surprise. It worked in our favor in a big way.

Terry: And of course now expectations couldn’t be higher and that makes us all…

Ted: That’s a Charlie Brown line: There’s no greater burden than potential.

Terry: So that’s made us all work very, very hard in a very frightened manner.

Frank: Your watch words should just be “how bad can it be?”

Filming for "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest" is slated to begin in February, 2005.


Seems they say it's the official title, but i guess even so it could change again right?

Not too much of the vail lifted but i actually do enjoy some surprise left for the next movie..still .... B)

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  Charity said:
(cont'd from above post)

Seems they say it's the official title, but i guess even so it could change again right?

Not too much of the vail lifted but i actually do enjoy some surprise left for the next movie..still .... :D

Anything can change.

It's the magic of the movies. :D

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Oh yes, i remember some things in the past..the excitement is getting greater as the date they start to film comes closer.

I don't know if it's just me, but i just feel.."There's something in the air", some kind of magic..

So great :D

  Charity said:
Oh yes, i remember some things in the past..the excitement is getting greater as the date they start to film comes closer.

I don't know if it's just me, but i just feel.."There's something in the air", some kind of magic..

So great :D

Naw... I think that's just Pirate sweat. :D

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


  Iron Bess said:
Anything can change.

It's the magic of the movies.   :D

Yeah, just take a look at the sordid history of the production of the 4th Indiana Jones movie. You couldn't count the changes on an abacus. [Assuming you can actually count with an abacus. It's like a slide rule...one of those mystical calculating devices that proponents always claim is faster than a calculator but which no one else understands. I think I'm going OT here...]

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


  Black Hearted Pearl said:
Fifteen men on Pearl's chest, Yo ho ho and give me more rum.

Well I dunno if I want fifteen men on MY chest, maybe around me.... but hey the Seven Dwarfs were really cool....censored.gif

Rumba Rue (fanning herself smiling)

  RumbaRue said:
  Black Hearted Pearl said:
Fifteen men on Pearl's chest, Yo ho ho and give me more rum.

Well I dunno if I want fifteen men on MY chest, maybe around me.... but hey the Seven Dwarfs were really cool....censored.gif

Rumba Rue (fanning herself smiling)

ye always bring a smile to me face rue

anyway i be one of thoise idots that live under a rock so i dont know anything about anythin so i find this educational when is it scedualed to be out if anyone knows.... probibly not

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff


I may be wrong (and I frequently am) but I thought I heard something about PotC 2 being released for the summer of 2006...


Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend

Pyrates of the Coast

"All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

"Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."


SHOOT..how did that ..

I always do, sorry..something's slipped here, but i always say it's posted by someone else.

Not meaning to steal anyone's story here, never would! :lol:

  Charity said:
......Filming for "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest" is slated to begin in February, 2005.


grace...GRACE???!!! Hey!!! You STOLE this post from crossing-blades!!!!!!



LOL, Charity - thanks for giving her a bit o' credit...and good thing you did, 'cause I think she'd make you walk the plank, certain sure! :lol:


  dasNdanger said:
  Charity said:
......Filming for "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest" is slated to begin in February, 2005.


LOL, Charity - thanks for giving her a bit o' credit...and good thing you did, 'cause I think she'd make you walk the plank, certain sure! :huh:


Aye, tis not good ta be stealing from a pirate ya know. :)


Oh man, Dead Man's Chest, are you serious?

Couldn't they be a LITTLE less Disney-like, stealing everything from good books? Wow. That's rather sad. Yeah, they can CALL it an allusion to RL Stevenson, but it's really just uncreative.


I heard at the casting call that the actual casting agents say it was "PoTC: Treasures of the Lost Abyss." Were they misinformed? Or corrupted by rumours?



No no no...no stealing meant or done here, there's the code to consider..one doesn't steal from another pirate :huh:

cause I think she'd make you walk the plank, certain sure!

Ahhh..I'd end up with Jack Sparrow on that spit of island would I?...

Naah..'won't go there..I'm loyal to Capt. Barbossa :huh:

Official working title for POTC2
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
Couldn't they be a LITTLE less Disney-like, stealing everything from good books? Wow. That's rather sad. Yeah, they can CALL it an allusion to RL Stevenson, but it's really just uncreative.

Correct me if I'm wrong... but alot of times, isn't the production/working title usually different than the release title anyway?


Captain of the Iron Lotus

It is the angle that holds the rope, not the size of the hole.

Anyone ever heard of a film called "Blue Harvest"? (Probably by that name, you haven't. Bet most of you've seen it, though. :huh: )

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."




I've added to the quoted post i did this was originally posted by you on the Crossing Blades, sorry again i forgot to do it right away :)


I have the shirt.

Have you heard of "Pink Harvest"? I have that shirt too. :P

Horror, Like, Totally Beyond Imagination :P


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

Guest SirenSong

Personally I prefer Treasure's of the Lost Abyss...Sounds much more...elusive and secretive.


Ahoy, Bess.

Welp... then may as well deal with some newspapers around the US... cause, a friend of mine here told me it was even printed in the newspaper that Keith Richards was going to be in the sequels.

Sad... I know.

Dead Man's Chest... I guess is not as bad as The Curse of the Black Pearl. Lord knows - except for a few who do - what will be in the sequels.


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

  Captain Wolfy Wench said:
I heard at the casting call that the actual casting agents say it was "PoTC: Treasures of the Lost Abyss." Were they misinformed? Or corrupted by rumours?


People can only tell people what they themselves have been told. They might have tossed that titale around at some point early on but believe me, *Dead Man's Chest* has been the working title for a long time and just may stay as the release title as well.

Would I bet my dog on it??

Nope. :blink:

I likt it though, I hope they keep it. Given the entire story line of the second movie... it just REEKS with innuendo!! :ph34r:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


  LadyBarbossa said:
Ahoy, Bess.

Welp... then may as well deal with some newspapers around the US... cause, a friend of mine here told me it was even printed in the newspaper that Keith Richards was going to be in the sequels.

Sad... I know.

Be that as it may.... the writers say no, no Kieth RIchards and they are not WANTING to use Kieth Richards so (Shrug) I guess the world will have to go on guessing.

Personally, I could care less. :blink:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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