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Tsunami Kate

William Brand

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Is it me tighter corset, or me ribs showing? No matter, feed me up an' roll me out, William! B)

OOps! That was my outside voice;)!

"Big on self-reliance and personal responsibility. Down on culture of victimology. Nobody owes you a thing and life isn't always fair. Spend a little more time being grateful and less time bitching and you just might find a smile replacing that scowl. Being miserable doesn't make you 'deep;' it makes you insufferable."-The Thirsty Celt


~Sail it like you stole it!~

"Silence is Golden; Duct Tape is Silver"

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:rolleyes: mmmmmmm...that looks delicious...i like the crescent moon on it!

OOps! That was my outside voice;)!

"Big on self-reliance and personal responsibility. Down on culture of victimology. Nobody owes you a thing and life isn't always fair. Spend a little more time being grateful and less time bitching and you just might find a smile replacing that scowl. Being miserable doesn't make you 'deep;' it makes you insufferable."-The Thirsty Celt


~Sail it like you stole it!~

"Silence is Golden; Duct Tape is Silver"

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Really?? Do tell...as I happen t' be fond o' them meself :rolleyes:

OOps! That was my outside voice;)!

"Big on self-reliance and personal responsibility. Down on culture of victimology. Nobody owes you a thing and life isn't always fair. Spend a little more time being grateful and less time bitching and you just might find a smile replacing that scowl. Being miserable doesn't make you 'deep;' it makes you insufferable."-The Thirsty Celt


~Sail it like you stole it!~

"Silence is Golden; Duct Tape is Silver"

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I am the second son of my father, so my heraldic emblem is the cresent moon. I fly the stars and moon on my buccaneer flag, owing to my connection to the Middle East. Apart from that, it is much easier to look at the moon than the sun. I prefer reflected glory.





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Wow! That's awesome, William! somethin' to reflect upon, most surely :ph34r:

OOps! That was my outside voice;)!

"Big on self-reliance and personal responsibility. Down on culture of victimology. Nobody owes you a thing and life isn't always fair. Spend a little more time being grateful and less time bitching and you just might find a smile replacing that scowl. Being miserable doesn't make you 'deep;' it makes you insufferable."-The Thirsty Celt


~Sail it like you stole it!~

"Silence is Golden; Duct Tape is Silver"

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So good I'll need to visit confession after B)

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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Whoo! JAcky's up! * grin * Hi Mr. TAr

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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*drroooolll* :lol::lol: Wants t' tear into All o' those meals,(minus th' eggs, due t' allergies, sorry..although they are fine lookin' t be sure;)

Good morrow everyone*fills mug wit' a steamy black mug o' Turkish coffee...an' has th' grin o' someone, who's been thoroughly satisfied th' evenin' before ;) *

OOps! That was my outside voice;)!

"Big on self-reliance and personal responsibility. Down on culture of victimology. Nobody owes you a thing and life isn't always fair. Spend a little more time being grateful and less time bitching and you just might find a smile replacing that scowl. Being miserable doesn't make you 'deep;' it makes you insufferable."-The Thirsty Celt


~Sail it like you stole it!~

"Silence is Golden; Duct Tape is Silver"

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Good day to ye, William;)! Tis certainly so :lol:

OOps! That was my outside voice;)!

"Big on self-reliance and personal responsibility. Down on culture of victimology. Nobody owes you a thing and life isn't always fair. Spend a little more time being grateful and less time bitching and you just might find a smile replacing that scowl. Being miserable doesn't make you 'deep;' it makes you insufferable."-The Thirsty Celt


~Sail it like you stole it!~

"Silence is Golden; Duct Tape is Silver"

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;) Well, I am certainly no angel :lol:

That looks scrumptious, an' after a hard day at work, fillin' in fer sick folks, Ill definitely find some sinful enjoyment in it;)!

OOps! That was my outside voice;)!

"Big on self-reliance and personal responsibility. Down on culture of victimology. Nobody owes you a thing and life isn't always fair. Spend a little more time being grateful and less time bitching and you just might find a smile replacing that scowl. Being miserable doesn't make you 'deep;' it makes you insufferable."-The Thirsty Celt


~Sail it like you stole it!~

"Silence is Golden; Duct Tape is Silver"

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mmmm yes warm teaspoon biscuits and rasberry preserves. cup of Twinings English Breakfast Tea..

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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