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Having some time ago attained the dubious honor of sufficient years to assume assorted duties and responsibilities, it has been a fair amount of time since I have read any pirate-themed fiction for "fun"

[an alien concept to yours truly fer sure!]

Anyhow, circumstances recently prompted me to read The Requiem Shark.

["And it took him long enough!" says you]

That, in turn, prompted me to wonder what fictional pirate books might come closest to historical accuracy in the view of my fellow denizens of "Ye Olde Pyracy Pubbe"

Many Thanx in Advance,

The [super-Annuated] Corsair.



The Requiem Shark is a novel about Bart Roberts' crew--from the point of view of a crew-member.

Some big words.

Although it only came out a few years ago, it's not an easy volume to find--probably because its a complete opposite to romantic swashbucklers.


The Corsair

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