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The complete details came from DVDAnswers.com

"Disney has announced plans to release a three-disc edition of Pirates Of The Caribbean this November. I'm afraid

that details are still pretty sketchy on this one at the moment, although we can tell you that it will be made up of the

standard two-disc set already on the market, along with a bonus disc containing eight new bonus features. The set

will be available to own from the 2nd November this year, priced at around $29.99"

Hmmmm, that's interesting. :lol:

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Those bums! Why can't they sell this special feature thing seperate? The first 2 discs are exactly the same! The only other difference is the 3rd one. Disney sucks when they pull this crap! Argh! :lol:


Just 8, huh?


Hmmm... will be tough... Partially agree with Christine on that. Since I already have 2 of the 2-disc DVD. One from Wal-Mart for that coin, the other from Blockbuster for the rental card. Hey, I grabbed what memorabilia I could. But, neither can top my standee of Barboss! :::HUGS grinz:::

Hmm... I Guess, we shall see what it will be eventually. Hopefully more with Barbossa... since there is little that have Rush as Barbossa in the bonus'.

Again... only 8?!?


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


*ponders* I wonder if they'll have this with the rentals? Perhaps I'll rent it first and then decide if it's worth buying. :lol:



I cannot wait to get it, just the thing i need...and the thing we all need to tie us over until 2006.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was due to that late release of POTC2

OH WAIT...that sucks, so you have to buy three?

I already have the two disk set, so if i have to buy the three dvd set i will have it double..doesn't seem fair.

I hope they bring it out on it's own too :huh:


WHAT THE #@*&^@#&?!?!

Disney proves that sometimes, they can be pirates like the best of us. I was thinking, so innocently, that the new DVD will be a NEW box, a DVD set with 3 discs in it, not the regular 2-disc set and third disc packaged with it!

Arrrgh, this is the worst news ever. I've never seen anything like this before!

Captain Wolfy Wench


I'm glad i'm not the only one thinking this.

It's insane, most people have the two dvd set already, and left aside the fact you MIGHT be able to sell it (i can see most people who don't have it yet buy the new THREE dvd set), it's just a mean way of making more bucks.


AArrrr! Bloodthirsty wolves! They'll milk us dry, they will... oh well. Anything to feed the habit, I guess!


Christine Posted on Aug 29 2004, 11:04 PM

  *ponders* I wonder if they'll have this with the rentals? Perhaps I'll rent it first and then decide if it's worth buying. 

Ah, now there's an idea... we can only cross our fingers... B)


Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend

Pyrates of the Coast

"All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

"Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."


At leats if Disney released a new boxed set, we could look forward to new cover art and design for the discs and packaging. I'm really a whore when it comes to new stuff and novelty... I will treasure the same exact DVD set as something else I have just becuse the packaging is new.

*gnashes fangs* Disneyyy... they're pushing it now!

Captain Wolfy Wench

  • 2 weeks later...

I have haerd about this only very littlely from a friend o mine on another fourm. And I looked it up on Amazon.com and it looks like it really is spoused to come out. Its bascially the same as the first disc set that came out in December last year but they have added on a third disc to it. Which unfourently I know very little about just what all they are planing to put on the third disc. But acording to what I saw on Amazon this is due to come out in November on the 2nd or the 3rd.

:huh: only problem for me is if I really wants to get this I will have to sell my first dvd copy of POTC.


Amazon's price on this is $24.59 and here is the link if you want to check it out


  • 1 month later...


From DVD Times comes some details about the Special PotC 3 dvd set:

Buena Vista Home Entertainment have announced the Region 1 DVD release of Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Lost Disc for 2nd November 2004 priced at $29.99 SRP. Released in time for the holiday season, this new set packages together the existing 2-Disc SE with a 'Lost Disc' containing 8 never-before-seen bonus features...

“Becoming Captain Jack”: The film’s star Johnny Depp divulges revelations about fulfilling his boyhood dream of playing a pirate and his unique “take” on Jack Sparrow.

“Becoming Barbossa”: Dive deeper into how actor Geoffrey Rush fleshed out his villainous character.

“Thar She Blows!”: The film’s ship Interceptor is featured, from building it to blowing it up.

“The Monkey’s Name Is Jack”: Meet Levi and Tara, the two tiny masters of mayhem who play the infamous primate pirate, and get Johnny Depp’s and Geoffrey Rush’s recollections on working with them.

“Pirates Around The World”: A fun comparison of dubbed versions from across the seven seas.

More “Fly On The Set” Featurettes: Join the filmmakers as they create additional key sequences from the movie.

“Spirit of the Ride”: Johnny Depp, director Gore Verbinski and more of the filmmakers reflect on their earliest memories of the attraction and how it inspired the film.

“Sneak Attack Animatic”: Before executing the movie’s sneak attack sequence, the filmmakers created animation based on how they visualized the scene – and here is the animatic for this exciting scene.



It's better then i hoped for, Jack the monkey special AND...Barbossa and how Geoffrey saw/did his character, my god..this is wonderfull B)

A petty they cannot say if it will be sold here..Bess, do you know if it's released internationally?

If that was certain i'd wait until it comes here, it would be wonderful as it would cost me a lot less then :)


Woo-Hoo!!! Feeling good now-lol! I know what I am getting meself as an early birthday gift. I won a gift card at my work during our staff meeting. The card can be used at retailers like Blockbuster or the Wherehouse. It's for $20. I'm holding on to it til November 2nd and then will use it towards this gift set. It'll only be a smaller amount to pay then. Happy early Birthday to me! <_< Gee, how will I top my actual birthday 4 days after that? B)


Awesome. Thanx for th' info, Silver Steele.

Aye, I'll definitely be buyin' it. When is the issue. B)


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


As always it's cheaper to pre-order the 3DVD set of POTC at Amazon.

Thanks to Santa coming early i was able to order it YAY..I'm truly happy :)

I've a friend who has an account with Amazon and a credit card (which i don't) and at request she pre-ordered the 3DVD set, because you get it cheaper when pre-ordered and ofcourse you know for sure that you get it :)

I'm real happy because the Barbossa bit and the Jack the monkey bit are something i am SOOOOO looking forward to :)

It's said to be arriving here around the 15th of November which is great because there's a memorial for all who've passed away the 11th of November in the nursinghome mum was in, and i'll be very :sad:

I'll have something to make me smile again :D


Hmmm...don't know if ordering it from Amazon will exactly be cheaper. The shipping and handling charges will end up making it cost about the same. At least going into the store to buy it, you get it right away, no waiting at all. :)


Yes, but again, maybe not for Dutch and other European fans.

Sofar they cannot even promise it wíl come here, probably will but when?


Oh I am difantly getting this lol espically now that I know what the bloody heck is sppoused to be on the third disk now... ;) but I am still going to end up selling off me first DVD kind of bites...but I am way to much of an adiect to not buy this.


I just wanted to let you guys know, maybe if you're quick you can still pre-order the 3 DVD SET at Amazon.com.

In any case, i got word from my friend who did it for me, as she's an account and credit card, that they wrote her the DVD had been shipped to me, and this was Wednesday!!!!!

"Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 12:09 PM

Subject: Your Amazon.com order has shipped >

> We thought you'd like to know that we shipped your items today, and that

this completes your order.


> Thanks for shopping at Amazon.com, and we hope to see you again soon."

I'm dead happy ánd dead surprised, as Wednesday is almost a week before official release date.

So anyone who wants it badly, if you pre-order it's not only cheaper but also faster.

I never knew this as i have no account with Amazon.

What a dad i have :) ...new sewing machine, dvd player and my 3 dvd set..christmas's come early and it's helping to make me smile, need it right now...


What else is on this lovely gem so I can know whether to cancel that check to Greenpeace so I can buy the new edition.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.

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