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Every once in awhile, whilst slav'in away fer Capn' Pike, workin' my inky fingers to the bone, someone comes in that wants something fun.

Yesterday, he came in the form of a sailor wanting a "Polynesian-style Jolly Roger, but sorta gothy, tribal, ya know what I mean?" tattoo.

So this is what I gave 'him...and he loved it.



Some days, it IS worth chewing out of the restraints! <_<

"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.

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Many thanks Stinky!

Aye, tis my own design. I specialize in custom work and plan to have a sheet of Pirate flash (the stuff that you see all over a tattoo studio to choose from) available soon. Tis a rare opportunity when someone comes in wantin' something more than the stuff off the walls so I figgered I might as well make it a bit more interestin'.


"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.


That is some DAMN fine work! Makes me wanna run out and get some more ink. Did you come up with that design on the spot? If ye did yer a creative genius.


Broadside, his mark <_<

Every normal person must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats! - Lucanus

  "Broadside" Long said:
That is some DAMN fine work! Makes me wanna run out and get some more ink. Did you come up with that design on the spot? If ye did yer a creative genius.


Broadside, his mark :ph34r:

Well, if creative genius means that I had about a half an hour before it was drawn, then I'll take this here pointy white cap off and scribble "Smarty" acrosst my forehead! :)

Coming up with this on the spot was almost a no-brainer...I "click" on an artistic level with this particular client.

Besides, I LOVED the subject matter.

Thanks Broadside. :)

"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.

  Captain_MacNamara said:
I need someone to design me a piece fit for a pirate... I can't draw worth a damn. What do ye charge fer a small design?


Isn't the practice of inking skin still illegal in yer waters, Cap'n?

In any case, if you don't have an artist you work with, I'd be willin' tae work with you. Just send me a PM or email and we'll talk.

::gets back to work on Pern's art before he keel hauls her::

"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.


Nae, s'not the art wot's illegal 'ere... tis gettin' paid fer it wot's illegal. I guess the state 'asen't figgered out a way to 'ffectively tax tattoo art jes yet...


PM sent


Captain of the Iron Lotus

It is the angle that holds the rope, not the size of the hole.


'prolly not Cap'n! Oh, sent ye a message in a bottle bout said subject. Look to the waters below.

"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.



There be a pressy in yer porthole.

(translation: you've got a present in your email.)


"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.


I asked, and I recieved! I am thoughoughly impressed with her work... I asked for something with a Maltese cross, which is in my SCA coat of arms, and the old style Skull N' Bones... I think it's perfect!


I should be able to get 'er done by halloween...


Captain of the Iron Lotus

It is the angle that holds the rope, not the size of the hole.

NICE work on both accords, Pynch. Where are you based? I just might have to pay you a visit sometime for my first tat....piratical of course. I like the Polynesian Jolly Roger...it reminds me of a carved Jack O' Lantern. Cool stuff!


Glad yer pleased, Captian Mac...enjoy and wear it in continued good health!

"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.


I'm in far by-gawd-Southern Maryland. Lexington Park, St. Mary's County to be exact. Almost an hour and a half drive south from Annapolis.

but I've been known to travel fer a bit of interestin' ink. :)

So if'n you ever truly feel inclined to go under the needle, hoist a flag and I'm at yer service.

(and thanks for the compliment. Means much coming from another designer/artist. Love the Jack-O-Lantern idea...may have to use that one!) :ph34r:

"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.


Well that's not too bad...I'm in the Philly area. What I think I might want to do is something very "period" looking, such as colonial tombstone art...a skull with wings & hourglass, etc.

I'd also like something nautical...perhaps a sloop, or some hemp rope going around my arm coupled with a sea serpent done in the style sailors used to carve in their scrimshaw.


All the elements would make for a great looking work of dermo-art.

When you think you're ready...toss a message in a bottle my way!

In the meantime, I'll post up appropriate works when they come my way.

"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.

  Pynch said:
I'm in far by-gawd-Southern Maryland. Lexington Park, St. Mary's County to be exact. Almost an hour and a half drive south from Annapolis.

Well, damn. I'da stopped in if'n I'd known. I stayed at the BW Lex Park on Friday then spent the rest of the weekend at St Mary's City for the Grand Muster of the 17th C.

Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



Ah in my twisted mind I got a picture of your post Pirate Ink, as something that must disappear in the moonlight. :rolleyes:

Good art work. Unfortunately I don't do needles otherwise I'd have a tattoo myself by now.

Rumba Rue

**Best thing of being a pirate, ye never have ta worry about what you'll wear for Halloween** :lol:


I'm scared to death of needles... But that's part of the intrigue for me. Facing my fear... And overcoming it to receive the mark of who I've become

Course... some people call me crazy. I live for my hobby

**Best thing of being a pirate, ye never have ta worry about what you'll wear for Halloween**

all too true


Captain of the Iron Lotus

It is the angle that holds the rope, not the size of the hole.
  Hawkyns said:

Well, damn. I'da stopped in if'n I'd known. I stayed at the BW Lex Park on Friday then spent the rest of the weekend at St Mary's City for the Grand Muster of the 17th C.

::bangs head on desk::

Cripes Hawkins...damned the missed opportunity! I'm equally disappointed that I missed the event in St. Mary's City! Well, a belated welcome to our little port and if'n yer ever down Mary-land way again, hoist a flag, light a fire...let your presense be known.

::astonished...since no one EVER comes this far south!::

"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.


Rue, Duncan...it's a differn't sort of needle. I'm no fan of the intrusive kind of medical apparatus m'self. A tattoo needle is much less intrusive and although the duration of time is longer, it's more irritating than painful.

Usually, your endorphins kick in after about 10 minutes and take the edge off, but by then, your tat should be done Duncan!

"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.



aye, the beauty of a simplistic design!

My first tattoo was done by an idiot with a home-made gun (myself). My second one was sort of an extention of the first, making an arm-band, and though the guy used a professional rig, he went way too deep in spots... This time, I'm going with the pro who did my Lady's tattoos...


Captain of the Iron Lotus

It is the angle that holds the rope, not the size of the hole.
::gets back to work on Pern's art before he keel hauls her::

It's not the keel haulin' ye need ta be worried about Pynch

It's the floggin' that'll be happenin' before... :)

  Cap said:

::gets back to work on Pern's art before he keel hauls her::

It's not the keel haulin' ye need ta be worried about Pynch

It's the floggin' that'll be happenin' before... :)

::runs screaming and covering her bum with a drawing::


"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.

  • 2 weeks later...

The moon brings the tides, the tides bring the sailormen...and gaw'd love 'em they came for more work of the nautical kind. Looks like my tribal/gothic/polynesian jolly roger owner wants to build a tribal/goth/polynesian sleeve!

Today's offerings:




"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.

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