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Ahoy thar Ace. I thank ye for tha tatoo pic. One of me scallyw...er, shipmates was planning on using Depp's tat and customizing it for his back or shoulder. I will let you know how it goes. It might take him a while ta get it.

Thanks again,


  Bloody Charity Kidd said:

Thank you and I await your response.

Cap'n Pike said, and I quote:

"When you pay for art, better to have it facing you than turning it's ass your way."


I interpret that as:

"It's polite to face someone, to pay attention to that person. Turning your back indicates disdain, my dear Pynch. We approach the art of the tattoo in the same fashion we approach our clientelle, with respect. Now would you like some tea?"

Okay, I made up that last line.


"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.

  Pynch said:
I interpret that as:

"It's polite to face someone, to pay attention to that person. Turning your back indicates disdain, my dear Pynch. We approach the art of the tattoo in the same fashion we approach our clientelle, with respect. Now would you like some tea?"

Okay, I made up that last line.


Thank you my dear Pynch. Most appreciated. Now pass the tea, please.

Plunder Bunny Jackie Sparrow Bloody Charity ButterCupChuckleButt Kidd

  Captain_MacNamara said:
speaking of tattoos... I am undecided on where would be a good place to put the one you designed for me... mayhaps a suggestion? :D


Your tattoo will work almost anywhere, due to it's size and proportion. If you want to keep most of your ink hidden (which I heartily support, it's like finding a prize in the bottom of the cereal box!) then the back of the shoulder, hipbone, bum, calf or chest are all good spots. If you want to show it a bit more, the arms are a good spot.

Having said that, I'd say it's too small for the upper arm (it'll just "float) and I'd be hesitant about placing it on the inner or outer forearm or wrist, unless you already have ink in those locations and said work doesn't hinder your job or social status. Common as they may be, tattoos in these locations are still considered undignified and 'trashy' by mainstream America.

You neck, hands and feet are no-nos.

Of all places suggested, your chest may be the most painful. I wouldn't even try to go on the stomach or ribcage....ouch!

"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.

  Captain_MacNamara said:
speaking of tattoos... I am undecided on where would be a good place to put the one you designed for me... mayhaps a suggestion? :D


Well now.... let's be after see'n yer body parts first mate!

C'mon then, let's have a look.... :D

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Hmm, I have to disagree about the upper arm location. I have a fairly small shoulder tattoo and it doesn't really look out of place.

Though now that I think about it, this tat is about twice as long as it is wide, which sort of makes it "match" it's location. So that might have something to do with wether or not it "fits."

The Duchess

  Duchess said:
Hmm, I have to disagree about the upper arm location. I have a fairly small shoulder tattoo and it doesn't really look out of place.

Though now that I think about it, this tat is about twice as long as it is wide, which sort of makes it "match" it's location. So that might have something to do with wether or not it "fits."

The Duchess

It's all pretty general, Dutchess, and I'm going by the size of his design (approx 2") in proportion to the arm of a full grown man. A 2" tat on your l'il shoulder is going to look much more appropriate than on his big 'ol burly arm.

::takes a moment to fan herself at the thought::

But then again, we can only tell if Duncan does as Bess suggests, so...

Show us yer guns lad!


"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.


I am in terrible shape...

Ok... I'll show you a picture if you promise not to laugh...


Ok... here's a picture I found of me and my son cleaning out his boat.



Captain of the Iron Lotus

It is the angle that holds the rope, not the size of the hole.

::swoons, passes out and inadvertently tattoos QWERTY on her forehead::


"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.


What I want to know, and perhaps Cap'n Enigma n' Pynch c'n tell me, is why fully grown adults get cartoons tattooed on their arms. Don' mistake me, I'm an adult (legally, anyway!), and I'm an animator, so I've nothin' against 't! I jus' wan' t' know why. When I get my tattoo, it will be a realistic-looking wolf, and for good reason; wolves mean a LOT to me.

Aww, Cap'n MacNamara, 's a fyne pi'ture of ye and yer son! 'S lovely. :)

What I want to know, and perhaps Cap'n Enigma n' Pynch c'n tell me, is why fully grown adults get cartoons tattooed on their arms.

Ahoy, Wolfy!

Actually, there's a story behind this tattoo (I believe that a good deal of inks have a more or less "secret" story): The bird that you see on my right forearm is a plush vulture that a former girlfriend gave me:


After we separated (No, it's not one of those tattoos that lasted longer than the love pirateWink.gif), I decided to make him a tattoo. I converted him into a toon in the same pose like the sparrow on Captain Jack Sparrow's arm.


He looks so damn confident in spite of his small wings, that he is my symbol for endurance and fortitude against all odds.

BTW Wolfy: It's a strange conicidence that you should have a predilection for wolves, for I do too, because of my first name, Wolfgang.

That resulted in another tattoo, a wolf's paw on my right upper arm (own design as well):



"The floggings will continue until morale improves!"

  Captain Wolfy Wench said:
What I want to know, and perhaps Cap'n Enigma n' Pynch c'n tell me, is why fully grown adults get cartoons tattooed on their arms. Don' mistake me, I'm an adult (legally, anyway!), and I'm an animator, so I've nothin' against 't! I jus' wan' t' know why. When I get my tattoo, it will be a realistic-looking wolf, and for good reason; wolves mean a LOT to me.

Hey there Wolfy,

Well...my only explaination is that a body's tast in art is a verrrry personal thing. What may seem a frivilous waste of dermagraphic acreage to one may be the skin-equivalent of the Sistine Chapel to another.

what I mean is, Taz seems a wee bit, well...stupid to me, but may hold a deep meaning for the person getting it.

Not all tats are done in good taste using good sense. Some folks just want ink, and could care less what it may be. Some have to have something right at that moment. Others find that a "cute" tattoo is perfectly acceptable for the rest of their lives.

I'm pretty happy slavin' fer Cap'n Pike no matter what the person in my chair wants (long as it's somethin' I can talk about at the family "mess"), but people like you, Enigma, Duncan and the like...who really think about what they're willing to engrave on their hides, are my favorites.

"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.


Capn Enigma, that tattoo is great. I always love a good parody.

Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!)

"Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"


Pynch... you ever wanted to post something.... not dirty.. not bad... but it just (damn sounds likea dumb a** Bubba)... it just don't sound right...........

wanted to ask you about how many request you have had to do "Jack Sparrow" tattoos.....

  Patrick Hand said:
Pynch... you ever wanted to post something.... not dirty.. not bad... but it just (damn sounds likea dumb a** Bubba)... it just don't sound right...........

wanted to ask you about how many request you have had to do "Jack Sparrow" tattoos.....

Not one Patrick. None, Zero, zip.

And I'd welcome a chance to do one. I like "old school" artwork.


"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.


Folks keep tryin' ta talk me into gettin' the Sparrow tattoo as i spend quite a bit of time re-doing it with the old sharpie before events. :ph34r:

I've actually have been considering it. but then there's the folks who think that it would be crazy.

Not that I'm a fanatic about accuracy, just that it would be a cool reminder of my time spent portraying the character.

Then again it would be me first ink and I'm a little chicken to boot. :rolleyes:


Just my two dubloons worth o' advice, Ace...ye may want to stick to the Sharpie Tat. Permanent ink is a helluva committment...'specially on such a visible area.

Of course, this is coming from a woman who is seriously considering tattooing a dagger with "Death Before Decaf" on her calf.


"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.


You can buy "tattoos" for a ink jet printer. I found them at OfficeMax. Just print them out and paste them on.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

  Black Hearted Pearl said:
You can buy "tattoos" for a ink jet printer. I found them at OfficeMax. Just print them out and paste them on.

Oh that's it...I'm outta bizness in this port! :lol:

"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.

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