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You pose one heck of a question. My entire wardrobe and accesories cannot really be priced. All of our clothes were made by my Katey. My boots ran about six hundred. A couple of hundred per sword and I have several. My hat was about thirty. My guns range from 85 to a few hundred. Then there are various daggers and knives etc. I hope that is some help. Plus the fact that I am still getting more and making more stuff all the time. Such as .... I made my own baldric for about 30 in leather another 15 in buckles and Katey bought me a pair of gloves for around 55 .......... Best I can do mate........... The Capt.



Tha' be quite th' complicated question...

Hmmm... just as an example, th' clothes I be wearin' in me avitar pic, (bigger pic in the gallery) If all were bought;

Boots $200 +

Heavy cotton stocking socks $8

Breeches $45 +

Shirt (cotton) $30 + Linnen, add $20+

Wool & Linnen Wesket (Vest) $80 +

Felt Hat $20 +

Belt $20 +

Shoulder pouch $40 +

Cutlass $250 +

Knife $35 +

Dagger $50 +

Other Dagger $45 +

Pistol $200 +

Total $1023 +

So... Tha's just one outfit... not tha' ye really need more'n one a week... :ph34r:


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



Flintlock pistol - $80

Ill-tempered parrot - $300

Compass that won't point north - $650

Watching a spanish galleon sink softly in the caribbean sunset as you sail off with their incan gold - Priceless

Sorry, couldn't resist :ph34r:



Capt Carroll-

As Dorian & flint stated 'tis a complicated question,

also depends how deep yer pockets are, or you want them ta be.

are you interested in doing an authentic pirate/sea dog, or maybe

something more "colorful" ala hollywood, or mabey somethin'

in between. All this will have an effect on your cost for your kit.

That and what type of weapons you want fully functional repros

or non-firing replicas, same for swords. as fer yer clothes you

can get top o' the line hand sewn coats, shirts that will start

anywhere from $120 to $150 for a shirt, or an off the rack machine

sewn shirt can run you anywhere from $40 up to 80 bucks,

then there's always patterns or goodwill/salvation army

way to go. A good coat will run you probably $250 up to $500

or more depending on what and how detailed & etc it is.

Hand sewn is always (usually) more expensive, BUT I've found

that in the long run it outlasts machine sewn as far as wear.

Firearms will run you anywear from $500 up to $1,500

for long arms, this would be a new price, used is always cheaper

pistols run anywhere from $200 up to $600, again depending

on what you want (I recently saw a repro dog lock for $635!)

swords are much the same, as far as price. Both long armes

& swords can run into the thousands if you get a custom piece.

Hats can run from $15 upto $250, boots anywhere from $250 to $1,000

depending again on factory or custom and what style, etc.

There are many fine merchants and crafts people on this list, as well

as listed on NQG merchant pages. Check them out and don't be afraid

to ask LOTS of questions and don't be to hasty to buy everything

that catches yer eye.

Hope that helped some





Yes this is helping. Did pirates carry rapiers? I'm going more of the historic pirate with some hollywood, but not too much. Out off all the books you've read what did the typical captain carry? Was he different than the others in appearance? I appreciate all your help! :ph34r:


We could 'ave a ridiculously 'uge bit o' conversin on the rapier thing, but they really were a bit long ta be waving around dueling on the deck of a vessel, so not really.


Ya know.. it IS always cheaper to sew up your own clothes.. er.. costume... I did, and what would have been about a $400 coat cost me about $20 in fabric and trim... (Costume? I wear my pirate/faire/SCA stuff alla time, it's hardly a costume at this point!)

Boots on Ebay are great, I found bucket tops that would fit my husband (a size 14) for $40.. and they ARE leather!! And they are generally about $200-$300!

My hat was a black felt blank I got at an event for about $12, and added a plume and tacked up the side with a cloak clasp ($10?)

It all looks pretty great... you can always improvise on a shoestring budget!


"You have a woman's skin, m'lord! I'll wager that hides never been rubbed with salt and flayed off to make stockin's for a pirates best cabin boy!"


The wench outfits I have are the best deal going. Custom-tailored, top quality historically accurate materials, your choice of colors- Bodice/skirt combo with a chemise for $75. These are made by Becky Cristler and I'm always happy to refer wenches to her.

My captains coat is not historically accurate, but it positively screams piracy. They are currently $215 and are made by Kristi Smart. Another person I'm glad to send people to.

The leather belt with the O-ring was a rare thrift store find at $1.50

Pouch $45

Leather lace-up arm gauntlets made at no charge by one of our pirates, but I think they are generally about $30-$40

The had is a stiff felt one from an ebay seller whom you can locate on Ebay by searching for "cavalier hat" It came with a renaissance style horseshoe pin and black ostrich plumes for $29. I continually reshape it from tricorn to admiralty and back again. Love it.

Additional ostrich plumes run about $5 to $12 and you can beef them up by adding a bit of feather boa at the base of them next to your hat band.

My frilled captain shirt was a $6 thriftstore find that I added additional frilled trim at the wrists and cuffs.

My tankard is 18th century and was $350 but you can find modern tankards at flea markets from $1 to $5.

Cutlass $79 (they've dropped to about $59)

Leather sword hanger $15

Powderflask "ivory" repro $29

I'm replacing my repro triple barrel non-firing flintlock $29 with a working blackpowder Pedersoli Queen Anne $210

When wearing the wench outfit I wear a silver spanish reale that was recovered from one of the wrecks of the 1715 Spanish plate fleet. A treasured gift from my husband (what a good pirate, eh?) $400

Bosun's pipe $29

Historically accurate wrist shackles $39

Cat o' nines $10 (planning to replace this with a better one)

Tiny 3" wooden barrel that hangs from my belt and opens to reveal miniature bottles of booze and drinking vessels, the equivalent of a piratical faberge egg, $1.00 flea market find

Pirate boots are leather and a good deal at $79, but they do have a hidden, not historically accurate zipper.

Drawstring breeches in black $30

With the wench outfit I wear black leather granny boots for footwear $39 and either over the knee striped stocks $7 or if I'm going to be sword fighting, flung over someones shoulder, fending off the sea wall with my feet on the Royaliste or any other thing that requires hiking my skirts up, I wear striped tights $10

*whew!* Below are the wench outfit and the captain's


-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



:ph34r: As Queen of the Thrift Store and Garage/Yard Sale Finder,

I urge you to check out all that I have mentioned.

I've found lots and lots of goodies from shirts to mugs, from belts to trunks!

I don't think anyone in PRP will doubt me! (My latest find were two perfect wooden barstools to use for our encampment for $20.00)

I have people give me lists of things incase I find something good.


Even found a beautiful black silk blouse, with just the right sleeves and front, perfect for pirate wear, for $2.00! :ph34r:

Belts can be altered, coats can be changed, pants can be cut off, get creative, and use your imagination! :ph34r:


**Lead me not to temptation, I can find it myself** :ph34r:


Arr acquiring one’s pirate garb can be mighty expensive to be sure.

The way I did it was a piece at a time over the period of years. With a $30 or $40 for a cotton shirt here, another $40 for some breeches there, then a belt, another $20. After a while I splurged for me Doublet, $200. and another splurge for me boots, $300. All that finished off with a $20 muffin cap.

Since then, I’ve bought a couple more pairs of breeches, lots of stockings, a sash, bandanna, tinkered with and spent way too much money playing around with felt hats. I’ve even taken up a bit of sewing to reduce me costs. I’ve made more than a few pairs of breeches, a couple bandannas and pirate sashes for friends and family. I’ve failed though at my first attempt to make an 18th Century waistcoat. With all the material, patterns, reference books, time spent, I couldn’t begin to count really.

Not to mention all the other accessories of pouches, jewelry and the like, or the $100 Pirate Molly spent on me replica wheel-lock pistols. Between us and the kids costumes...

I’m, I’m, I’m starting to have an anxiety attack just thinking about it…



In addition to adding to my own gear, I'm always collecting bits and pieces of thrift store finds to make loaner gear for our pirates, especially those with limited budgets and those just starting out. Having a stock of loaner gear has helped tremendously in building our guild in it's first year because it makes things very easy for people. The other nice thing is that as our pirates gradually upgrade their costuming, they donate things to the loaner gear. One of my best donations was from a renaissance reenactor. He gave us three 60-year-old reproduction flintlocks which were purchased in Afghanistan by Iowa Senator Roman Huruska. They are big heavy pieces that look 100% real.

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



:D PRP use to have a big bag we carried every where with loaner gear. Got to the point is was too much to drag around, and too big to store in our trailer for the group. Not sure if or what happened to all of it. Haven't seen anything in quite some time.

But, trust me, if you are on a real budget like me and many others, thrift stores, garage/yard sales are the way to go.


**I had a mind once, I'm still looking for it** :D


I'm another bargain queen, Rumba Rue!

I spent about $50 on thigh high leather boots.

Apair of leather pants at a liquidation store for $2, and a perfect "piratey" shirt at Fashion Bug for $9, another at Goodwill for $0.99, a dark blue calf-length frock coat at Goodwill for $0.99, calf-length black brocade frock coat at Goodwill for $7.49, a black floor-length skirt at Goodwill for $0.99, a black satin corset top for $3.49, a bodice/vest at Goodwill for $0.99 (to which I added boning, grommets and lacing), and 50 yards of 3" lace (perfect for sleeve ruffles) for $6.00 at Goodwill.

My pirate hats are usually discombobulated cowboy hats that I'd had for a long time. The most expensive one I have cost about $22...7-10 years ago. It got sat on...became a pirate hat...enough said. And, I also purchased a feather boa for $5.00 at one of those little "kinky" shops. Normally, their $19.99, but I had a gift certificate for $15.

My cutlass, I got on ebay (Blackbeard's short sword) for a grand total of $8.00, and my blunderbuss pistol is a replica from ebay...yes, another $8.00.

I AM THE BARGAIN QUEEN. Thank you, and good night.


Capt. WE Roberts

"I shall uphold my indignity with the utmost dignity befitting a person of my undignified station."

:ph34r: Rob, Actually, I have only one 'repro or fake sword. All of my blades are real, mostly naval Rev War to Spanish American War pieces. When I took on a square rigger, I gave up a large winchester collection, and enlarged my blade collection as they 'fit' the ship. Severall 1852 Naval, U.S.Marines, French cutlass,1860 cutlass, Confederate blockade run, etc. Only a field officer's has an edge, all naval are dull by specification. :huh:

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