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Flogging Molly goes PIRATE!

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A lot like that, but they also do some very quiet, sad tragic ballads that will put a tear in yer eye. Stuff about the Irish Famine, the workers who were exploited in the West building railroads, WWII, stuff like that.

I haven't seen them live yet. I was just turned on to them about a year ago, and they are only now going out on tour for this new album. I'll probably catch a gig at some point.


I have seen them, and they rock! PLus, during intermission, they go out into the crowd and talk to their fans. Which, in my oppinion, is very good of a band.

Which one is your favorite song?

I really like "Devil's Dance Floor"


Yar, I knew ye'd find out about Flogging Molly th' minute I seen the post.

My fave is "Salty Dog"


Never give up--Never surrender!

Remember -- A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...BUT a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"

Live while yer alive--an' when yore dead be done with it!

  Lady Sakura said:
. . . during intermission, they go out into the crowd . . .

Arr, that be very cool indeed. . .

Sounds kind of like the old days of punk rock when the person(s) in the audience that were just standing next to you drinking a beer, have climbed on stage and started playing, while the band you just watched is mingling in the crowd. Small club spaces to see bands is the best!


Yeah my previous fave was Salty Dog, as well as Drunken Lullabies, and The Likes Of You Again.

NOW, it's Seven Deadly Sins and The Queen Anne's Revenge! HARRRR! :)


Drunken Lullabies is good. And Likes of You Again is good, too. Heh... Basically, most of their songs are really good in my book. I'm just an all around fan.

And this cd has some great stuff on it. At least, what I've heard on the website is good.


Hell yeah! Their old site (just got a fancy new redesign for the new cd) had a quote on the home page that described FM as a "Guiness soaked musical body blow". Sounds like heaven to me! :ph34r:


If'n ye loves Flogging Molly--

Ye gots ta like Dropkick Murphy's

A Boston-based, Irish-American, Woikin-Class punk band.

Technically, they're not a punk band (fulla poseurs), they're More of what the Brits call an Oi band.

These guys bring their grandparents to the concerts, sing Union songs, songs supporting cops, and they do a wild rendition of Amazin' Grace, complete with bagpipes.

An' one of their most famous logos is a skull wearin a hockey helmet, dagger in its teeth, over a pair of crossed hockey sticks.

Never give up--Never surrender!

Remember -- A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...BUT a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"

Live while yer alive--an' when yore dead be done with it!


HEY man, you stole my thunder! :) I was gonna recommend Dropkick Murphys here! There are KICKASS too! I believe they did the fight song for the Bruins, it's on their latest cd.

They are close runner up with Flogging Molly. Much more creative than your average bar-rock punk. :)


Got it--Love It! :ph34r:

Its the best since their last one. Queen Anne's Revenge should be the the theme song if they ever make a real movie about Blackbeard.

BTW Dropkick Murphy's is workin on a "new" fight song to help the BOSOX win the World Series. :huh:

A milder, yet energetic band ye may like is Gaelic Storm. More traditional than rock, but that don't stop them from kickin' some musical booty. :huh:

Never give up--Never surrender!

Remember -- A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...BUT a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"

Live while yer alive--an' when yore dead be done with it!


Gaelic storm!!

I love them, they're kickin'some serious *ass too":)

For those who don't know, they're the irish band in the movie Titanic, playing at the "real party"Jack's taking his first class missy to.


Flogging Molly is one of my favorite bands, I personally think they are better live than on cd. Arr, but thats just my opinion, which on my ship makes it law!


Dropkick rocks as well!

"They'll have to kill me before I die"



I've had the CD for about a week, and it's all I have been listening too. I love it!

If you like bagpipes I would recommend Wicked Tinkers. Very different sounding music but great nonetheless. The have a snare drum, a base drum, the bagpipes and a digeridoo.

Men are like a deck of cards - You need a heart to love them, a diamond to marry them, a club to beat them and a spade to bury the bastards.

  Toe Cutter said:
Flogging Molly is one of my favorite bands, I personally think they are better live than on cd. Arr, but thats just my opinion, which on my ship makes it law!


Dropkick rocks as well!

why do you say that toecutter i mean i havent seen them live but my friend said that they were awsome when he saw them at i think he said the house of blues

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff


I was at the Celtic Music Festival in Long Beach a few weeks back, and I had seen a patch of this band on one of the punk-looking kids. The patch was very pirate-esque, and I began to wonder if maybe it was worth looking into this band. I suppose I was right. Thanks for this, Joshua!

Captain Wolfy Wench

why do you say that toecutter i mean i havent seen them live but my friend said that they were awsome when he saw them at i think he said the house of blues

I saw them live earlier this year at the Roxy in Atlanta and just thought it was the best performance I had ever seen.

They were tight and intense, don't get me wrong I listen to their albums all the time, especially Swagger, I think Salty dog is probably my number 1 favorite song.


Getting the new album tomorrow.

"They'll have to kill me before I die"



Well I got Flogging mollys new album today.... it's missing something... just not as good as their other two.

It has some good songs on, but nothing that really stuck out.

"They'll have to kill me before I die"


I was at the Celtic Music Festival in Long Beach a few weeks back, and I had seen a patch of this band on one of the punk-looking kids. The patch was very pirate-esque, and I began to wonder if maybe it was worth looking into this band. I suppose I was right. Thanks for this, Joshua!

aye was this tha patch ya saw?


"They'll have to kill me before I die"


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