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An speakin' o Cap'n Jack Sparrow...I'd like to git me hands on a little action figure of 'im me self, I would! I can only hope he'll be the same size as my little Dana Scully action figure. Things could work out quite well between the two o 'em. Especially since I had to destroy the Fox Mulder action figure after seeing that wretched movie Evolution. Scully doll's been feeling a bit lonely an' a nice little pirate feller might be just the ticket.

I find it hard to swallow that the suits at Disney would miss out on a money making machine from the sales of action figures and the like for POTC.

An' I'd like to be wearin' Jack Sparrow all over me body.

"aaaaarrrrrhhhh," she sighed wistfully.



Regarding Disney merchandise...

I have no doubts that Michael Eisner and Co will be all over any merchandising opportunities. I have a feeling that they are doing a nice slow release so that people pay top dollar when things first come out. If they flood the market with POTC stuff and things are cheap and easy to get, no one is excited about them and paying big bucks.

Right now... if you want POTC toys, you pretty much have to buy props and pay through the nose.

A few soundtrack CD's are out there but, at least here in the SF Bay Area, they are hard to come by unless you buy on-line and they are selling out as soon as they hit the shelves.

I am betting that the Johnny Depp pirate doll will come out juuuuuuuuuuuuuust in time for Christmas and he'll be on the wish-list of every pirate fan out there. I'm betting on shortages in the toystores and top dollar prices. Captain Jack Sparrow is a marketable commodity and I'm betting we'll exploit him to the hilt. Meet the next cabbage patch doll folks!!!

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



Cabbage Patch doll... that's a riot! They should make the 12" dolls like they did for the Phantom Menace release... I still have my Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn dolls on my entertainment center, duking it out with Lady Death... heehee.. let's throw Jack Sparrow into the fray!

"You have a woman's skin, m'lord! I'll wager that hides never been rubbed with salt and flayed off to make stockin's for a pirates best cabin boy!"


Bloody 'ell!

That image made me laugh so hard that I blew my tuna fish salad right through my nose!

Very ladylike, indeed!


What WERE they thinking, those Cabbage Patch creators?

I can only hope that the Captain Jack Sparrow action figure is poseable with those bendable joint thingies! Because he's gonna need to be doin' some bendin' and stretchin' and...swaggerin''!

I wonder if he'll come with a little Bottle o' Rum as an accessory? And a pair of hand irons. Yeah, we'll be needin' to do some hand cuffin' stunt work!



Oh, let's not ferget what any action figure usually looks like. The hands are way too big, the chest is bigger than any body builder (look how they "beefed" up Harrison Ford or Jeff Goldblum) and the head on the shoulders is way too small.

Yes, I cleaned that up 'cuz I knew what kinds of minds we have here.....


Mad Woman Cheryl

By Odin's mighty spear, I hereby snap and go berzerk!!!"

  Mad Woman Cheryl said:
Oh, let's not ferget what any action figure usually looks like. The hands are way too big, the chest is bigger than any body builder (look how they "beefed" up Harrison Ford or Jeff Goldblum) and the head on the shoulders is way too small.

Yes, I cleaned that up 'cuz I knew what kinds of minds we have here.....


A big handed pirate is a good thing.

  • 4 weeks later...

As a toy collector I have been waiting for POTC action figures. I just hope they don't make them too cartoony.

Get MacFarlane Productions(Spawn) or Toy Biz (LotR and Marvel) to do them...with lots of articulation and accessories....Eye swords, pistols...cutlass, and a compass that only pointts in one direction....Arr I should be in Marketeering. Ok so I coined a new word.

I am surprised at the lack of Merchandising for POTC...Geez even that horrible Sinbad cartoon did a MacDonald promotion...Or was that Ice cream...Baskin/ Robbins? Any way the mouse usually spreads themselves all over the media and the market. Maybe good ole Jerry Bruckheimer has gotten a bridle and harness on the Disney marketing juggernaut....good for him if he has...


Yeah! I was even waiting for McDonald's toys... :ph34r: I want POTC toys.. A wee lil Cap'n Jack Sparrow to play with... *evil grin* *gets far-away look as she imagines what she'd do with the REAL Cap'n Sparrow...* :ph34r:


Rawther kinky in conjunction with the idea of the local Mickey D's getting mobbed by a big crew of femme pirates all lookin' fer the same thing and threatening the clerk with their cutlasses...

"You have a woman's skin, m'lord! I'll wager that hides never been rubbed with salt and flayed off to make stockin's for a pirates best cabin boy!"

  DuCouer said:
Get MacFarlane Productions(Spawn) or Toy Biz (LotR and Marvel) to do them...with lots of articulation and accessories....Eye swords, pistols...cutlass, and a compass that only pointts in one direction....Arr I should be in Marketeering. Ok so I coined a new word.

Arrr! Did ye just use MacFarlane and articulation in the same sentance laddie?

Ye Cracks me up!

As one who has 'is finger on th' pulse 0' th' toy industry... the closest we'll get to a Jack Sparrow we'll be gettin' is the Disney 12 inch PotC doll from years ago. And ye 'ave ta hunt for 'em in the Bay of E.

Ay... and I thinks Marketeering is a real word.

"Yo Ho, all together

hoist the colours high

Heave Ho, theives and beggers

Never shall we die..."


"I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull

of yers!"

-Captain John Young - PILF

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