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Ahoy Iron Bess,

I'd be beholdin' to ye if you could answer a question for me regarding POTC...perhaps it be a weird question.

**Turns off the pirate speak for a moment**

It seems that Disney releases a loads of official merchandise for their family friendly movies and such. But something dawned on me when I took my wee lass of a niece to the mall last week. We popped into the Disney store and it hit me...I don't remember seeing any official merchandise in stores at all, and come to think about it, none on Ebay either. However, there are TONS of what I am sure are illegal pirated items there as we speak...clocks, t-shirts, calendars, computer printed "photos" that are being passed off and the real deal. The only "real" items i've seen are the movie posters and the 18inch dolls available in October.

Is Disney just turning a "blind eye" to all the bootlegged merchandise?

**Turns on pirate speak again**

I be thankin' ye fer yer time lass. If ye can't be answerin' me question, it be ok.

Morgana Bloodheart


(No pirate speak whatsoever....)

In plain, Queens English... Disney does not have a blind eye they are simply stupid.

Disney has no policy to merchendise *live actions* films. They only do things with official sanction for animated movies. I think we all know there is no lack of Little Mermaid or Brother Bear stuff.

Disney simply does not and will not Merch live action movies.

However.... with so many of us pointing out the overwhelming demand for Pirates goods we have a small dlimmer of hope that with the next two films they may relent. We have appealed to their greed and pointed out the money other people are making off Pirate goods. But DIsney has a major problem in Michael Eisner. This is the man that keep sending memos that in no uncertain terms was Johnny Depp to act that way!!

I hope this helps. :ph34r:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


Disney simply does not and will not Merch live action movies.

Ok, I can understand that. But any marketing director worth their salt would see the potential money POTC could roll in and decide to make an exception. Whose decision is it anyway to market the merchandise? They outta fire that person. (sorry if its someone you know)

But DIsney has a major problem in Michael Eisner. This is the man that keep sending memos that in no uncertain terms was Johnny Depp to act that way!!

I'm a bit behind on this whole deal. Why don't they get rid of him? :ph34r:


ARRG! Forgive my clueless-ness regarding Disney's merchandise policies. I have no kids of my own, so I really don't pay too much attention animated movies geared for children.

I can't agree with you more when you stated that other people are making a mint off of Depp and POTC in general. These people are pirates in every sense of the word and pardon the pun, but it's my opinion that Disney "missed the boat" when it came merchandising this movie. I think that profits could have been doubled, trippled on to infinity. As much as I love those new NECA Sparrow dolls, I think it's a little odd that they will be released almost 1 1/2 years after POTC.

To play the Devil's Advocate, I do think over -saturating the market with movie related merchandise, or any kinds of merchandise can ruin the credibility of whatever movie and/or product. Does anybody remember what happened with music groups like "N'Synch & Spice Girls"?? Lordy, lordy, lordy. Bedspreads, toothbrushes, pencil erasers, notebooks..and list goes on. This type of merchandising I don't care for or agree with, it's just plain overkill. I think this could possibly hurt Johnny Depp's credibility and career.

If my memory serves me correctly, I think read somewhere that Disney wasn't/ isn't doing to well financially.....I guess I don't understand the rational behind that decision. The Powers that Be must have known how huge this film would be. I have a gaggle of nieces and nephews that wanted "Jack Sparrow" toys, hats....

I am a lurker at several boards and I'm sure you have also read posts like "Where can I get this costume" or "I'm looking for an Aztec gold medallion" and on and on and on. Shoot, I went to the Michael's craft store in the other day to get some silk flowers, beads, baubles and a new hot glue gun when I walked past a display of adorable animated pirate ships that in my opinion, based on the "Black Pearl" and the "Dauntless." I'm sure if there was no POTC, there would be no adorable $50.00 animated pirate ships that light up and make sounds at Michael's Craft store.

But DIsney has a major problem in Michael Eisner. This is the man that keep sending memos that in no uncertain terms was Johnny Depp to act that way!!

I see how that would put a damper on the situation. From this bit of information, I can tell that this man has no foresight.

I can ramble on forever, so in closing I say "YES" to POTC merch, but don't over do it and offer a selection of nice, quality items.

**Coming down off my soap box and turns on pirate speak again**

ARRG!! I be thankin' ye again and 5 tankards of rum for responding to me long winded post.

M. Bloodheart


I major factor in Disney NOT doing live action merch is that they have to PAY the folks whose likeness they use. Greedy is as greedy does.

The truth is there are no better Pirates in the world then Disney.

As I said, I think there will be things available after these films. they see the boat they missed with the first one (that they had little confidence in...) and we think they will do better this time around.

We all hope so. :ph34r:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


I'm a bit behind on this whole deal. Why don't they get rid of him? :ph34r:

Um, back in March the shareholders voted overwhelmingly to "get rid" of Michael Eisner, but his hand-picked board of cronies will not do that. They would rather run the company into the ground than get rid of him.

Roy Disney, the last family member working at the company, resigned in protest because of Eisner and his stupid, egotistical decisions.

Yes the company is losing TONS of money in all things Disney: theme parks, movies, merchandising, you name it. Stockholders are hopping mad at the way the company is being mismanaged but they are being largely ignored (speaking as a stockowner).

For more information on the Disney-debacle, go to Save Disney

(Sorry t'speak fer ye, Bess; but I needed t'vent me spleen - as it were. I'd much rather be guttin' Eisner! ARRRRRGH! :ph34r: )


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


:( WOW! Thank you for the link Capt Grey! I just got done reading several articles at www.savedisney.com. Holy cannonballs! What exactly is the source of Eisner's disfunction? Looks like things are going from bad to worse. :(

Me thinks I hear Mr. Walt Disney roll over in his grave. Roy Disney must be heartbroken to see his uncle's hard work, vision and passion going done the drain. Boy, I sure got more info than I expected by asking a simple question regarding POTC merchandise.

I've been hearing for years how Euro Disney is a disaster, why don't they cut their losses and call it a day? Perhaps then Both US theme parks can be upgraded.

Can't believe Eisner wasted time dictating memos regarding Johnny Depp's interpretation of Jack when it seems there are more pressing issues to tend to like hiring Nicole Ritchie to voice Nemo for the straight to video sequel of "Finding Nemo"..now there's a solid business decision. :(

Iron Bess, exactly who didn't have confidence in POTC? Eisner? Or The Powers that Be in general? I just find it hard to believe that he didn't have enough common sense to see what an enormous hit he had,

(Sorry t'speak fer ye, Bess; but I needed t'vent me spleen - as it were. I'd much rather be guttin' Eisner! ARRRRRGH! :( )

(Lifting up a small, gooy blob from the deck and lift'n it in yer direction)

Uh.... this be yer spleen lass?? :(

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Roy Disney must be heartbroken to see his uncle's hard work, vision and passion going done the drain.

Not in the least. Not for Walt's sake anyhow. Roy and Walt did not, by any streatch of the imagination get along.

Iron Bess, exactly who didn't have confidence in POTC? Eisner? Or The Powers that Be in general? I just find it hard to believe that he didn't have enough common sense to see what an enormous hit he had

It was Eisner. He was afraid everyone would think Jack was gay and what was worse, Ted and Terry and a much better title for the film (no, don;t ask...) and it was Eisner insisted they use Curse of the Black Pearl.

And he's not even seen it yet. :(

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



I didn't think J.D/Sparrow came off as gay..full of himself YES! Gay NO!

Eisner never even saw the film? He never saw what made Disney over 700 million doubloons? Ahhh to be a fly in Eisner's brain...


I'm sure this has been said several or many times before... but Eisner has no Disney magic! Or the ability to see it.

He hasn't seen the film yet?! What the bloody hell? ::Shakes head::

:) I've seen some recent merchandise lately, besides a couple more shirts, albeit only Jack & Will :( .... I saw the other day those, as well as Jack & Will stickers.... even my friend bought a throw/blanket. Again, Jack & Will. Obviously, what PotC is out there, we've noticed it sells like Ty Beanie Babies when they came out!

I'm in a couple chat lists of costumers attempting to recreate the costumes. Mostly Jack... some Elizabeth & Barbossa.

Even Simplicity ( as we've started to discuss elsewhere on the Pub) has a Sparrow-like pattern out. I've heard of quite a bit of people buying this pattern, granted they would loved to have had this last year. But still, there is still a popularity to PotC in some areas.

Ooooh, where have their minds gone. LotR, Hellboy, Matrix, etc.... all of them have merchandise, LotR would be the only one that could compete well enough with PotC merchandise. I think the merchandise would work to get to youth & kids who have not seen the film, only cause some parents refuse to allow them to see it, thinking it's horrible... LOL, frankly I think that Harry Potter is scarey than PotC.

Let's hope that Jerry B can make a big difference eventually. As well as the Writers, the Actors, etc.


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

I didn't think J.D/Sparrow came off as gay..full of himself YES! Gay NO!

Eisner never even saw the film? He never saw what made Disney over 700 million doubloons? Ahhh to be a fly in Eisner's brain...

I meant to say... he'd not even seen the film before he started sending out edicts.


Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


Let's hope that Jerry B can make a big difference eventually. As well as the Writers, the Actors, etc.


I think we all have a MUCH better chance of seeing merch this time around folks. Disney may be cheap but they are far from stupid where squeezing coin from the public is concerned.

They learn a lesson very well.


Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Wow Im with all of you..Eisner needs to walk the plank for sure..But no shot..He can starve to death on some little Isle..As for the way depp portrayed Jack..I think it wasfunny and very cunningly portrayed..Most see Jack as a drunk and kinda weird..Personally I saw him as allowing people to see him the way he wanted to be seen..Makes him very cunning. But Back to Eisner..He needs to be thrown out. And fast.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png


(Sorry t'speak fer ye, Bess; but I needed t'vent me spleen - as it were. I'd much rather be guttin' Eisner! ARRRRRGH!  :( )

(Lifting up a small, gooy blob from the deck and lift'n it in yer direction)

Uh.... this be yer spleen lass?? :(

Uh, sorry 'bout the mess there, lassie. :(


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


(Sorry t'speak fer ye, Bess; but I needed t'vent me spleen - as it were. I'd much rather be guttin' Eisner! ARRRRRGH!  :ph34r: )

(Lifting up a small, gooy blob from the deck and lift'n it in yer direction)

Uh.... this be yer spleen lass?? ;)

Uh, sorry 'bout the mess there, lassie. ;)

(Shrug) It's okay... I have that new Mr. Clean Eraser. :D

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


I meant to say... he'd not even seen the film before he started sending out edicts.


Iron Bess thank ye fer clearin that up fer me says I. :)

The fact that he was wasting time sending out memos about somefin' he ne'er set 'is eyes on before will be makin' no sense at all. Makes Ol' Eisner look like a drunk bilge rat...what say you? ;)

I meant to say... he'd not even seen the film before he started sending out edicts.


Iron Bess thank ye fer clearin that up fer me says I. :)

The fact that he was wasting time sending out memos about somefin' he ne'er set 'is eyes on before will be makin' no sense at all. Makes Ol' Eisner look like a drunk bilge rat...what say you? ;)

(Shrug) I say we can do better and he should leave sooner then 2006.


Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Someone over at Disney needs to have a labatomony! Oh wait, someone already seems to be without brains.. well then again........ maybe less will help.

It does not seem to me that having to pay an actor for his likeness should be a deterrent to making items for an action movie. There are "Spiderman" toys. There were "Batman" toys. (Yes I know those did not come from the Disney studios.) Is the POTC game an exception? Are not likenesses used there also? There always have been and always will be toys from movies. There are many other options if that is the case. Even if a studio only makes 10% off a toy, that is still a profit. Here, over a year after the movie was first released in the theaters, POTC is still a money maker. Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy can only carry Disney so far. They have been the ground work for Disney for years, but in this day and age, kids, and obviously adults, want more.

It sounds to me like someone over there needs to take a HARD LOOK at where they are going and what they are doing. I may agree that POTC was a bit underrated before it came out. But the bottom line is, box office numbers tell the story, regardless of what critics say. All one simply need to do is OPEN THEIR EYES and see that POTC is nothing but a profit maker. One simply need look at fanfiction.net (A poor example, but it suits the purpose.) Most movies listed there have anywhere from 50 to 500 stories. POTC has over FIVE THOUSAND. Anything that is remotely related to POTC on eBay is extremely popular. Just look at the theater posters and, I dont know what they are called, but the carboard cutouts of the characters. There is even a cult following called POTC Interactive for the movie. (Much like the Rocky Horror Picture Show.) I mean, heck everyone is trying to make a buck off the movie. People are even selling screencaps on CD's over at eBay. (Copyright infringment yes, but no one seems to be looking.)

But then again, someone might have other motives of where they want Disney to go. Disney is a symbol of innocence and childhood. And it will be a sad day when Disney is gone and future generations will not be able to enjoy the same as we have. The stockholders of Disney should call to arms and rid Disney of their terrible curse.

*Jumping off the soapbox*

The stockholders of Disney should call to arms and rid Disney of their terrible curse.

We did. Almost 70% of the votes were against Michael Eisner being re-elected to his posts (Chairman of the Board and President of Disney).

This was uprecedented in the history of shareholder meetings and Wall Street was very quick to take notice. However, the board of Disney ignored the will of the stockholders and merely asked Eisner to step down as Chairman. He was replaced with one of his cronies, so he still holds power over the board.

Very sad. And as Bess said, it looks like he's going to run the company into the ground before he leaves in 2006. Evil man. :lol:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


In the end, I do believe his Karma will even the score.


Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Sounds like certain top officials at Disney need to be taken out for a bath, because it sounds pretty dirty to me. Palms being greased and deals being made behind closed doors. But then again, in what corporation doesn't that happen anymore.

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