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Ummm... might be wanting to just try a wig frist. they are EXPENSIVE, time consuming, need to be redone every few months and can, after awhile, smell pretty bad even if washed reg.

Synthetic cost could run you 300-600 (again, every few months they need tightening)

Real human hair could run you well to 1000 or more if you want them long.

yeah, try a wig first. :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



I HATE DREDLOCKS! It's a horrible hairstyle, looks like one hasn't washed their hair in ages! Don't do it! Once done, you'll never get the rats from the hold out. :o

Rumba Rue

**I'd rather be training cabin boys** :rolleyes:


Im working at a salon right now, and although I'm not a stylist I know a little about em.

if your hair is longish already you dont need extensions. Dreads work best for africian americans, but caucasians can do it also. The best bet would be to go somewhere to get them done, but you can do em yourself if you want. Just buy some dreadwax and section off pieces of hair, braid and then rat them with the wax, the wax contianer might have directions on it also.

There's also stuff you can buy for more temporary 'dreads' too. It gives the similar effect, but washes out at the end of the day.

hope that helps. you'll have to show us some pics if you end up doing them.

Take what you can, give nothing back.


i think thayare kinda cool i got a pic of me and then got a picture of dreads cut em out then put them on me and thay looked really cool

i reackon its a cool hairstyle but how long would i need my hair? for some that would maby reach my shoulder :lol:


probably about shoulder length would work. Me sister did fake dreads by putting elmer's glue into sections of her hair and then rolling it around. Looked pretty good. Washed out in the shower too, if ye're not looking for permanence. As fer me, I've got very curly and frizzy hair, wot dreads in the shower, or ifn I wears it down. Fun ta brush it is.


Dread are hard to start but if you keep at them, they will grow well. You have to keep them clean. Rasta make that a ritual as it follows in their faith. When I say this, I mean real Rasta. There are several who cal themselves Rasta but don't follow the whole religous doctrine. The Commitment to dreads is not a frivolis on and should be done with much care and thought. Read up on the faith and then make your decision.



Buccaneer - Services to the highest bidder!!!


I had them done for my Sparrowish kit.

My wig is a combination of synthetic and human hair. Couldn't get the right look with only synthetic.

The dreds would not hold at all with the synthetic and as I'm wearing it sailing on the Royaliste out in the bay, it goes from foggy and damp to hot and sunny and there's always a ton of wind. So strong hold was important.

So I used human hair for the dreds as they (if perfecty clean, including free from conditioners and such in regular shampoo) lock up pretty well. Do NOT over-do the wax. Too much will actually hurt your cause.

Get a really good metal ratting (back-combing) comb, as they do tend to bend and break. It takes a good strong arm and a lot of time to do it right so they will stay.

There are sites with kits for sale including combs and tons of good info. A google search should turn up good results.

I'm not sure how many close up shots are on my page of my results but I can post one somewhere if yer interested.


I heard that if you have dreds the only way to get rid of 'em is ta cut 'em off......so if'n ye gets tired of 'em ...beware...for ye will have short hair after that!!!

-Just me two Doubloons...

Deadly Drucilla


Pause My Friend, As You Pass By. -As You Are, So Once Was I. -As I Am, So Shall You Be. -Prepare You Then, To Follow Me.

(written on a gravestone)

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