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Oh, blast, not in Oregon this weekend, otherwise I really would be at that Gypsy Days and Sea Dog Nights. Not back to Portland for another month though. Sounds really fun though!

Perhaps I can make it up to the Gig Harbor thing though. :blink:


Just got back from Gypsy Days and Sea Dog Nights, and man did I have fun! Ran into Captain Cora Roberts (arrr, lass!), we were calling each other "Anne Bonny"(her) and "Mary Read"(myself), and wound up, quite by accident, purchasing matching cutlasses! Oh they are beautiful, too! Battle ready, thick, heavy, carbon steel I believe! ARRR! My girls went on a big treasure hunt witha ton of other little kids, and my oldest was chosen as Captain, and was she ever proud! THen I won a treasure chest, a pretty good sized one at that! The weather was cool, and clouds kept the heat at bay. There were ship-to-ship waterballoon flinging catapults, lots of swordfighting, witty repartee, music, drinking and general mayhem. A grand time indeed!!! Will post again if and when we go see Cap'n Bogg and Salty on Aug 23rd thereabouts... AAAHARRRR!!!


"You have a woman's skin, m'lord! I'll wager that hides never been rubbed with salt and flayed off to make stockin's for a pirates best cabin boy!"

ooh, cutlasses sound really nice!

think it'll be happenin' again next year? perhaps by then i could get down there...heh...

Every year, lady!! I'm goin next year too, gods permitting!!! THat was GREAT!!!


"You have a woman's skin, m'lord! I'll wager that hides never been rubbed with salt and flayed off to make stockin's for a pirates best cabin boy!"

ooh, cutlasses sound really nice! 

think it'll be happenin' again next year?  perhaps by then i could get down there...heh...

Every year, lady!! I'm goin next year too, gods permitting!!! THat was GREAT!!!


WOOHOO! I'll do me best to make it! Hmm...that'll be...train tickets? Car? Something. . .but I'll get there. And I'll buy a cutlass! That sounds really nice.

If I may ask, what were the prices like on the cutlasses? Just so I knows how much to save for the faire! :lol:


Well, mine was $60, but I traded for it, my old broadsword that needed a new home. They were anywhere from $60-$300 for really nice ones. The site fee was cheap as heck too.. only $10 for adults!! See ya there!

"You have a woman's skin, m'lord! I'll wager that hides never been rubbed with salt and flayed off to make stockin's for a pirates best cabin boy!"


Wow.... Really... My cutlass only cost me $38 and it's the same one. You did have a good trade there Mary my dear. I got a custom made leather frog to attach mine to my swordsman belt for only $10. And I randomly gained a flintlock (reproduction) from a young man that I believe fancied me a bit. Arrrrgh! But I be not complainin' now. Yes, Sea Dawg Nights was a grand time! More fun than a plunder in the Spanish Main!!!

"Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho a pirates life for me!"

Captain Kora Roberts


Wow.... Really... My cutlass only cost me $38 and it's the same one. You did have a good trade there Mary my dear.


Good trade... the sword I traded for it was $200 when it was bought.. I think the guy actually hesitated because he KNEW it was worth more.. just not to me! I love the cutlass more than that poor old broadsword any day.. I must name it now!!

"You have a woman's skin, m'lord! I'll wager that hides never been rubbed with salt and flayed off to make stockin's for a pirates best cabin boy!"

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