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***Shameless Plug forthwit***

I wanted to let the women know and yes, guys, you are welcome too, to a site that is for the women of re-enacting and living history. It has info from the Colonial to the 1940's. I am the webhostess' of this site and we are also going to have a special location just for pirates and their wenches since that is an impression of mine.

Hope you come by for a visit.

Ladies of Re-enacting

***Shameless Plug Over***


Ooh, great! It's great to have websites like this that get people together.

It looks great so far, but of course you seem to be missing that Renaissance/piracy page... :lol:

Captain Wolfy Wench

I know I am missing that page. I need to get it up but since I have not done alot of Renaissance era but have done the piracy impression, I am going to have to research. If you or anyone else has any links or info; please pass it on via e-mail. It would be greatly appreciated. :lol:

Tell us when you've gotten the piratical pages up!

Captain Wolfy Wench

Well I have two pages up. One that is basic history of pirates and then one of biographies of female pirates that will change monthly. I have attached it to the Baroque period page since that is when the Golden Age of Piracy was. Now I need to get a page up for clothing and such. If you ladies have personal pictures as pirates, we are going to place a page up of picture of female living historians.

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