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It might be steamin...but the outfit be fittin', mate. I like it!

Well Sir, Hav'n seen you garb, I can tell you've an eye for a proper gentleman's attire...an I thanks ye kindly



Most excellent kit, mate!!...But methinks I'd lose the new fake USMC officer's sword...ye'll be needin' a spadroon type blade now...........Something to do alla the finery some justice! :unsure:

Very dashing, indeed fine sir.

I thanks ye kindly Mam. And Royaliste Sir, Ye have a fine eye fer swordware indeed. I do have one I preferes it slings o'r me shoulder and hangs bout the same way as the USMS replica. Much lighter and easier ta handle....might give it a try with me uniform but each time I do I gets the urge ta put on me earring and eye patch...lol


Very dashing, indeed fine sir.

I thanks ye kindly Mam. And Royaliste Sir, Ye have a fine eye fer swordware indeed. I do have one I preferes it slings o'r me shoulder and hangs bout the same way as the USMS replica. Much lighter and easier ta handle....might give it a try with me uniform but each time I do I gets the urge ta put on me earring and eye patch...lol


Avast ye, matey!!..Didn't mean ye no truck 'bout the sword, it just don' work with your finery, sorta jumps out like a stowaway....need that 'look 'o bone' wif the grip!..(like Horatio's in the pawnshop!)


Great outfit! You fits it well! Ye be lookin' mighty fine ta me!

Ye don't need ta tell me how hot wool clothin' can get - in 90 and up degree weather I've sweated so bad , me whole Irish dress was soaked!

Come ta think o' it, most o' the stuff I wear ta events, I sweat in. I'm an easy sweater... :lol:

Rumba Rue

** :o **

Come ta think o' it, most o' the stuff I wear ta events, I sweat in. I'm an easy sweater... :P

Rumba Rue

** B) **

I bet it be's a sweet sweat though....lol


Ah, the temperatures we'll put up with fer period fashion.

Nice duds, mate. :)

Drop a kitten six feet, and she grins...

Drop an elephant six feet, and ya gots yerself a mess ta clean up....

Sometimes bein' the biggest and most powerful is the LAST thing you wanna be.....

Mad Ozymandias Zorg the Unsnottered

Very Nice Joe. Me thinks I am going to have to get a bit more motivated.

Thankee Black Jack......that were a nice photo of yer outfit ye sent me ta day...ye should post it here so folks kin takes a look at your handi work.


Where do you live and what time of day are you not there?

It'll do ye no good, William...When I'm not aboard me first mate walks the quarterdeck with her ferocious feline, Ying Soo O'Steen.....they be a fearsome pair fer sure.



I love yer garb, mate. Ye look mighty fine in it, although it may be good for roastin' a good mate! :blink: However, think ye could take a tall pic, so we can see all of it? What kind of footwear ye officers use nowadays...?

Captain Wolfy Wench

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