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My soon to be in-laws go to this every year and had asked that if anyone from the board is going to keep an eye out for them. They be Gary & Betty Hayward. Can't miss them. They're in their 70's and I'll post a pic if I can find one. But if you are going here is Betty's email. bhayward17@cox.net and you can drop her a line to meet and just say hello. Mention you know Lloyd from the pirate board and she'll make the connection.


"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty well preserved piece without an even a kiss your hand, but to skid across the line broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out, smelling of powder, shouting ARRRG!!"



Oh, yeah, I'll definitely be there. Been going every year since 1994. Last year I was part of this huge Batman ensemble, the 60's version that is. I was Catwoman, I used my own long blonde hair. Men did not seem to care-LOL!


Not sure what I'm going to do this year. I'll probably bring my ren faire garb. My guyfriend's (Batman in the pic) seamstress is working on the dress Elizabeth wore from Pirates, the Barbossa dress. Don't know if it will be ready in time tho.

Well, it's a big convention and gets bigger every year. I can be on the look out for your in-laws tho. :D


Oh Christine your outfit is GREAT! I missed the Masquerade last year.

I'll be working at the LucasFilm pavillion doing line control in costume for the special Silver Sandtrooper figure they are selling.

And when I'm not there I'll be at the opposite end of the convention center (5 football fields long), working at the Souther California Star Wars Clubs mega-table (501st Stormtroopers, Rebel Legion, Orange County Star Wars Society, San Diego Star Wars Society).

And if I'm not doing that, then I will be working as "set dressing" for some of the Star Wars panels. Last year I got to help present statues for the Star Wars Fan Film Awards. My Cinderella moment!

One week, no sleep, pure adrenaline!


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


I'll be there! Preparing for the Masquerade is the reason nobody's seen me 'round of late...

Shame on me. But anyway!

I'll be in a variety of costumes over the weekend, depending on my mood and whim. For sure I'll be bring my temporary Linsner's Dawn outfit, Lucius Malfoy (complete with very spiffy new cane), my piraticals, and if all goes well, my "Lara Goth: Doom Raider" parody bit.

Because I'm quite silly that way.

Did we mention the Masquerade? Did we mention if you don't know what it is already, I'm not telling? :) Though if ye 'ave good eyes, I won't be hard to spot.

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-


I'll be rootin' ye on, lass! If I kin get a seat, that is.

And what day is ye wearin' yer Lucius? I wants me cabin boy t'wear his Harry Potter that day. :ph34r:

Course I'll be in Star Wars garb all four days. I think I'll be in me grey Jedi robes on Friday, though. Hafta see what me bosses at the LucasFilm pavillion wants o'me. B)


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

I'll be rootin' ye on, lass! If I kin get a seat, that is.

Try try try! The more cheers I hear, the better. I need all the morale boost I can get.

Now...hopefully I'll be findable! I will only tell you that as much as I SHOULD be in a group, I won't be.

And what day is ye wearin' yer Lucius? I wants me cabin boy t'wear his Harry Potter that day.  :P

Sunday. As soon as I am done with the photo shoot that I plan to do in said Masquerade costume in the morning....Once I'm done with that (and any subsequent picture stops I get yanked into), I'll run back to my hotel, don my Malfoy clothes and make my way to sneer at the Muggles.

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-


Okay. I'll being doing my usual "Jedi on Vacation" which has become my ritual outfit on Sunday. You can't miss me.


I'm the one on the right. :P


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


Friday I'll most likely be in my faire garb, complete with my cursed coin. A friend I know of will be running around as Captain Jack Sparrow. He shouldn't be hard to find-lol! On Saturday my guyfriend wants to dress in a character he made up for a TV pilot he wrote. The name is Uncle Davver, he's some ways like Beetlejuice, a creepy dead guy, but funny. The show is like MST3K. Anyway, he wants to dress up as that, to help promote his character and show. Uncle Davver is always shown with at least 3 women, the Davverettes. So me, and 2 other friends of mine will be decked out in some outlandish costumes. Mine will be known as Bone Crawford. A vinyl black bodice, skirt, gloves and knee high boots. I may go all out with the make-up too, very white face and dark make-up. The other girls will also be all out as well with names like Elizadeath Taylor and Droola Roberts. LOL! Should be fun!


As an aside: Due to my Masquerade photo shoot being at noon, I will likely not be Lucius until later Sunday. However, it seems that Friday night I haven't found a real theme to get into yet, and I will eventually get tired of running around as Dawn, so he might come out Friday night a bit as well. We'll see!

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-



I love parody costumes!

No worries, lass. It be more important t'meets up with ye than gettin' photos


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


I'll look for you both. Only 2 more weeks to go. Crazy huh? Are you both going to preview night as well on Wednesday? It's when my vacation starts so I'll be heading down that day. :P


Let's try and find a time t'meet if we can. I'm "free" on Wednesday night and all Sunday, except I'll be at all the kids panels with me cabin boys.

My Star Wars group is going to have a late dinner at the Greek Islands Cafe in Seaport Village after Preview Night closes. You maties are welcome to join us, I'd love t'see ye.


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


I get in sometime on Thursday. I didn't plan this as well as I should have, and I didn't take into consideration the idea of Preview Night at all.

Ideally, I'll be there as early as I can Thursday....and will be dawdling until early Monday morning.

Desert Pyrate: I'll do what I can...I'd like some decent pictures of myself in that outfit as well!

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-


I'll be easy to find.

In the mornings I'll be manning a cash register at the Lucas Pavillion from opening until 1pm.

And I'll be in isle 100 (booth 130 or 132) the last hour that the dealer floor is open. Look for the San Diego Star Wars Society. :ph34r:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


I've been hearing that on Friday night there's going to be a showing of Pirates. And it's going to be interactive. Anyone else hear about that? That would be so cool! :ph34r:


Ye can bet yer scurvy tails I'll be there! Unfortunately, as much as I love CC, I cannot be there until Friday afternoon. I have a hotel room for Friday and Saturday night, so I'll be there from Friday to Sunday.

Also, Comic-con is Star Wars time for me, as I have almost no other times I can bust out the Jedi costume. I'll be wearing that on Friday, I think. Friday is SW day.

I think we should all wear our appropriate garb on Saturday. I'll be wearin' it anyway, but it'll be easier to spot who's a faire-goer and who's part of the Pyracy Boards! Me garb is a blue chemise with a black bodice and outer skirt. I have a black tricorn and a fox tail on. What say ye all to Saturday meetup at CC??

Captain Wolfy Wench


Wolfie, what be yer Star Wars costume?

And yes, Friday is "officially" SW day but Steve Sansweet's presentation is on Saturday. Then there be the FanFilm Awards on Thursday night, and the Fan Appreciation Breakfast on Saturday morning....

Too much going on!

I'll be on a panel from 3-4 on Friday if anyone wants to stop by and test their SW trivia knowledge. :(


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


Cap'n Grey, me SW garb be that of a Jedi, but it was made accordin' to Obi-Wan's Padawan tunic and robe. I tries ta' cosplay 'im, but I look too much like his opposite. :huh:

I'll try and make it to yer panel, but I fear how badly I would fare! I knows when t' give up, I do!

Captain Wolfy Wench


Alrighty, I read on the main Comic Con website that Pirates will be shown this Friday night. It starts at 7:30 and will be in one of the convention halls. I'm sure those of you going to Comic Con will most likely be going to this. I know I'll be there, in garb of course. :)


Damn! Damn! Damn!

I soooo want to go! And my little boy Death Jr. be coming into the public eye and all then too. Well...if'n any of ye run into the crew from Backbone Entertainment...just drop on by and take a peek at me little bonehead.


YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"


Aye, any of ye grand revelers see ANY info there as to WHEN they are going to release the Jack Sparrow figure (the 18 inch one ) and also HOW MUCH it will cost. I got the Lee's Toy Review and they talk about the smaller ones coming in January/February and that the 18 incher of Jack alone will be first. It just doesn't say WHEN.

Any help here will be greatly appreciated!!


<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel.

WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>


Gah...I missed far too much this weekend. But as I mentioned elsewhere, between the prep for the Masquerade and general wandering aimless mayhem, I wore myself out pretty fast.

However, I made up for it by touring the HMS Surprise because she was literally sitting in spitting distance of my hotel. The Star of India was hiding her to where I didn't know she was there until we walked over to her.

They don't call her the Surprise for nothing, I guess.

BTW: I am guessing my entry for the Masquerade was obvious?

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-


Penny lass, I be lookin' fer ye at the Masquerade but I didn't know yer proper name. :lol: Were it the one from "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen"?

Me other mate were in the Star Wars Epsiode III fight scene.

I'm glad ye got t'see the HMS Surprise. It be nicely fitted out with props from the movie. :lol:

And Captain Tito, my information sez that the Captain Jack Sparrow figure be coming out in the fall or around Christmastime.



Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

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