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It's some time in August at Balboa Park. I missed out on it last year cuz my work schedule was really crazy then. I don't want to miss it this year. Some friends and family went and said it was pretty good and a lot of fun! Anyone here planning on going?


Ain't never heard o'it, lass.

But I'll be askin' me Ren friends about it and gets back t'ye.

Do they allow pirates? Some o'them faires don't take too kindly to us buccaneers.


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

  Capt Grey said:
Do they allow pirates? Some o'them faires don't take too kindly to us buccaneers.

'ell that's half the fun ! :huh:

be sure ta post the dates. If'n I be in the country I'll be there.



ARRRRRGGGGGHHHH! That be a hefty price fer admission, lassie! :o Dunno if me poor, threadbare purse be able t'support that.

But mayhap the winds o'good fortune will change me predicament by then. :o


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


I went last year. It's ok, but shade is very lacking. A hot day it t'was.

That faire is extremely strict on the participants who work that faire - strictly Renaissance and nothing else. They won't even allow a pirate group to participate unless one is willing to conform to their rules i.e. must be Renaissance costumes, must be Renaissance look to encampment, and the list goes on. I know, because I checked into it for PRP and was given a flat no.

There were some merchants that I hadn't seen elsewhere, but the prices were above the sky limit!

Will I go again? Probably not, costs too much for everything.

Rumba Rue

**What part of arrrgggghhhh didn't you get?** :o


*eyes the price of the San Diego Ren Faire* it's a cute little faire, though for $15 that puts the price close to what the Renaissance Pleasure Faire is up in Devore, Ca. and the faire down here is itty bitty! Granted, when you think that a DVD goes, on average, for about $15. *shrugs*

If memory serves me correctly you can do a complete circut of the faire grounds in about 10 minutes, and that's with poking around in a few of the booths. There's one main stage area, then a couple of trees which have harpists that play under them.

The main reason why my crew and I hit the San Diego ren faire though is because it's half an hour away from where we live and there's this one stand in there that sells the Best Home made birch bark root beer Ever! That and we have this hope that if people continue to go to this faire maybe it will get bigger and then we won't have to drive 3 hours to a large faire, 'cuz well we're lazy and don't want to drive that far.

Meh, rambling again. :P

oh yeah, I remember part of my point. As long as you're a customer no faire is really going to care what you show up as. I've seen everything from fairys wearing pasties *twitch* to Victorian era garb at faires. Participating in it is where things change.

*with that wanders off to eat some cheese and listen to the Ben Gunn Society sing "hey Monkey"*

  Capt Grey said:
Do they allow pirates? Some o'them faires don't take too kindly to us buccaneers.

(Captain Dog chokes on his rum & some spouts out his nose as he laughs hysterically)... DO THEY ALLOW PYRATES? HAHAHAAHARAHARAHARAHAHRAHRAHAHRAHR .... OH THAT BE THE BEST JOKE ME EARS HAS EVER HEARD!


LOL! :ph34r:

Glad I be that I could tickle yer funnybone, mate.

Actually, stormin' the gates ain't such a bad idea afterall... :ph34r:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


OF COURSE they allow pirates... I haven't encountered a problem yet, but who knows. I posted the SD ren faire on the calendar awhile ago, and it's now up in the upcoming events on the main forum page.

I plan to be there, but I'm not sure; SD is far from LA.

Captain Wolfy Wench


I'm also going to try and check it out. I'm having faire withdrawals. Last one I went to was the San Bernadino one in May. Yup, I need to go to another faire again. B)

  Christine said:
I'm also going to try and check it out. I'm having faire withdrawals. Last one I went to was the San Bernadino one in May.  Yup, I need to go to another faire again.  :blink:

You have NO idea. I am so suffering from FWS (faire withdrawl syndrome). I keep watching Ever After and PotC, listening to Renaissance Lute music and bidding on toys for my garb. Am I losing it? XD

Captain Wolfy Wench

  Captain Wolfy Wench said:
You have NO idea. I am so suffering from FWS (faire withdrawl syndrome). I keep watching Ever After and PotC, listening to Renaissance Lute music and bidding on toys for my garb. Am I losing it? XD

Captain Wolfy Wench

Yes. I prescribe the following remedy.

Send all of your garb, weapons, trinkets and loot to me and I will hang on to them until such a time as the doctors feel that it is safe for you to have them again. Aye.






Aye it's the "Red Wake Shopping Network" me hearties. 'E sounds like one o them tv preachers doan 'e. "jest send me all yer loot and I'll see that ye get saved...." :blink::lol:

Yer killin me ...All this talk of a Faire IN San Diego is jest not right. I be a Native Son fer pete's sake and I can't get back there fer love ner money. Curse this filthy burg.

Guess I gotta wait for the New York Faire next month.

Doc Wiseman - Ship's Physician, Stur.. er... Surgeon Extrodinaire and general scoundrel.

Reluctant Temporary Commander of Finnegan's Wake

Piracy- Hostile Takeover without the Messy Paperwork

We're not Pirates; we're independent maritime property redistribution specialists.

Member in good standing Persian Gulf Yacht Club, Gulf of Sidra Yacht Club and the Greater Beruit Rod & Gun Club.


I know some folks aren't to fond of the SCA, but piracy is becoming more popular within it. There's even some Pirate Tourneys being held down here in Caid (San Diego area). Though what my crew and I do when going through faire withdrawl is:

hit an SCA event

Visit the Star of India

There's Movie night at the Star of India

Go camping and have our own Pirate event


PoTC night, which we've done with a slight Rocky Horror Picture Show feel.

Make garb, expecially hats

Plunder a flea market for those must have finds

TAVERN PARTIES because it bears repeating

or play 7th Seas as a LARP.

*wiggles* so much fun.

  William Red Wake said:
Yes. I prescribe the following remedy.

Send all of your garb, weapons, trinkets and loot to me and I will hang on to them until such a time as the doctors feel that it is safe for you to have them again. Aye.

William Red, I dun think ye'll be too 'appy with the wench-y garb that belongs t' me. Honestly. 'S had my bare torso in it. :huh:

I haven't really looked into joinin' the SCA, but I'm thinking I should, becuase I just NEED to attend more events. And there are some, other than the faires.

Ah, Charity, those sound like sweet things t' do. I wish I knew more of me kind, lassie, really, then I'd've had me own faire!

Captain Wolfy Wench

  • 3 weeks later...

I found out there is coupons for this faire, not sure for how much off tho. It can be found in the San Diego Reader and the San Diego Family magazine. :lol:


Change of plans. Although I need faire right about now, any thought of one is depressing me too much. Ever since I lost my beautiful wolfy wench costume at Comic-con, the thought of faire makes me cry. It was beautiful work, and $80! Such a steal, and such talent!

Plus... I think it's just too much to drive down to San Diego so soon. Too soon.

Captain Wolfy Wench

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