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:ph34r: Blody 'eck!! Iz this a Royal Navy trick, of 'ave the Sea Gods been favorin' me ship, Sage??....Alexandria....If'n the King's Navy didn't pay ye to hunt me head, click on the website, click on the email, or click on the number on the 'travels overland' page....setting tops'l braces, next move's yours, lass... :blink: .....and..as usual,...leaving the dock Sat. morn...best call.....
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:D Aw, heck, Hey Sage...Methinks she was a mole or a tory....the wenches 'o the Brethren usually swing a cutlass within minutes or an hour, this one's stayed silent for a mite....Navy spy? Hardly a wench for a thousand miles 'don know the Royalistes' 'ere..an hour and a half away from a bone-a-fried Pyrate Ship, and she 'asn't 'eard??? Ye'd 'ave ta be livin' under a bloody rock.. Startin' ta smell like bilge.... :D .....and, we got a mole runnin thru the forum conspirin' ta mutiny, so's they could be in cahoots,..drawing cutlass...
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What say lad???

(Sniff sniff...)

Be that the heady scent of skullduggery on the winds?? :D


Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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Greetin's from the old country, 'avin' a need to leave the country for me 'ealth,now the cursed stuarts 'ave returned,I've a mind to try me luck in the Carribean(In my dreams....),Or, in my other re-enactment kit,Since the Blessed Stuarts were defeated at Culloden, I'm awa' tae the indies.

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