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Greetings from the Left Coast of the United States of America! I hail from the Los Angeles area (Burbank, CA) and am a member of that fine Southern California crew, the Port Royal Privateers.

I wanted to thank the Forum Captain for setting up this site, I look forward to seeing the activity grow as more sea rovers find this port and drop anchor for a visit.

Melusine de la Mer

"Well behaved women rarely make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

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Guest Angus MacVox

Your Port Royal Privateers is quite amazing. Hope to visit one of your events. I'm a lone newbie pyrate here in Birmingham, Aladamnbama - but with the help of some back issues of NQG and a plethora of books I have waiting to be read I'm sure I'll get caught up in no time...

Happy to be of service, I hope this forum will help more folks as far from shore as I am connect with ye practicing pyrates!

  • 3 weeks later...


I've been a piratin' fer a number o' years, and am one of the guilty parties fer stokin' the fires of the first pirate-raid party, "Pirate's Night Out", at Pennsic, many a long year ago, and am a sometime crew member of the Winona, outta the Lake of Erie. I seldom sail as much as I'm wantin' to, anymore, but tis a fine thing t' be porin' over yer site like a well-calligraphized treasure map.

Anon, Bos'n Arrow


Aye, I'm a new lass to piratin.' Now I be buried in a lot of readin matter from the NGQ rogues (back issues) an books 'bout the history of pirating, etc., with no frock er even a tricorn to me name. But I'm out here in checkin in so ye know I be seaworthy in not too long an be lookin' fer a crew to set sail with from salty Glendale California. Also been busy gettin me home tavern ready - to host any thirty skallywags that come by or even thro' a party soon. I specialize in Rum concoctions. Hope to set sail soon!



I might as well make me mark on this here page. I've been a piratin' off an' on for a few years now. Of course, I pose as an 'honest merchant' man on the Lady Washington, and an 'apprentice' on the Adventuress. A few years back, however, I got ambitious and decided to raid the east coast by posin' as a revenue cutterman. Unfortunately, someone must've warned the captain, as I ended up in a dreary brick building takin' college courses at the academy rather than plannin' a mutinous takover of Eagle. However, one day...


She was bigger and faster when under full sail

With a gale on the beam and the seas o'er the rail



For my own part, I grew up around the sea, my father bein' a respected officer in the King's Navy. When I was old enough, I attempted to follow suit by signing aboard the USS Enterprise, but found the atmosphere not much to my liking - too many rules and not enough grog. I considered commandeering the vessel for m'self, but instead opted for the more discreet option of working off my time until I could purchase my freedom.

Since then I've been biding my time; honing my fencing, wenching, and rumming skills to a razor's edge :rolleyes:



I am Cap'n Redd of the Buccaneers Fencing Club. We are a re-enactment group in Kansas. Yes I know it's a loooong way from the oceans. Not much I can do about that, but we have funn. Our club has Pyrates as well as Gypsies. They fence our booty. :rolleyes: . We have named our ship "Ravens Flight" our flag is a Skull with a Raven, wings outstretched behind it, on a Red field.


Avast there ye scurvy dogs!

Oi be Cap'n Redbeard, be ye a warned that there be a new pirate group on the seas. We be P.U.B.C.A.T., formed by the members of

"The Earle of loudoun's regemente of foote", (see our website at www.scotwars.com). At present we re-enact a Scottish lowland regiment of Covenanters from the 17th century, (and sometimes Jacobites). But we be fed up with all that po-faced puritanical nonsense, an we be going on the account. So far in this, our first year of piracy we have picked up two events, so wish us all luck, and if any of you swabs ever gets blown over to this side of the ocean feel free to pay us a visit.

Oh and P.U.B.C.A.T. stands for:

Piratical Union of Buccaneers Corsairs and Associated Trades.

Cap'n Redbeard


Piratical Union of Buccaneers Corsairs and Associated Trades


Capt. Ian Davies is who I am, Mad Dog is what they call me, and

I lead Ye Pyrate Brotherhood, berthed on Long Island, NY. We are LI's premier pyrate crew, commanding nautical festivals far and wide, with flashing steel and blazing guns. We take no prisoners, but make many friends. We love hard, drink hard, fight hard, sleep it off, and start all over again. We live perpetually in the late 17th C. world of Buccaneering and High Adventure on the Spanish Main, breaking occasionally to pay a 21st C. bill or two (Devil take 'em!).

"The Code of Our Brotherhood is Better Than All the Lies of Nations!" :D

Capt. Ian "Mad Dog" Davies,

Ye Pyrate Brotherhood

"The Code of Our Brotherhood is Better than all the Lies of Nations!"


Avast there!

I also be a (founder) member of P.U.B.C.A.T in Scotland and will look up my recipe book for piratical drinks for ye swabs!

Almost as mad as Capt'n Redbeard (well, you go that way after a good many years of re-enacting different centuries.)



Aaarrrgh! Ye scum sucking bilge rat!

Call me mad would ye? Oi've had people keel hauled fer less.

No doubt ye think's ye sound's all dark and mysterious loike, with the title of "The Nameless one". But Oi know's the truth Oi does, ye were only called that by default, because ye were the only one in the crew who could not think up a suitable pirate name fer yeself.

Oi see there's a swab here as wants a baldrick fer his sword, if ye scupper rat goes spreading rumours about yer Captain, (OK, Oi know's Oi aint been elected Captain yet, but Oi've got some mucky photos of the other candidates so's the vote is a forgone conclusion), Oi'll be sending him a brand new baldrick made out of your stinking hide! Damn yer eyes.


Cap'n Redbeard


Piratical Union of Buccaneers Corsairs and Associated Trades

  • 2 weeks later...

I cannot determine if I am "new" to piracy or not! I've had a decent-sized crew for many years, just for fun, but I did not know until last year that there were other crews, nor magazines, events, and the like! So like some of the new folks, I'm just catching on and catching up with this pirate culture using resources like No Quarter Given. Many thanks to all of you, e.g. Jamaica Rose, who have helped in this regard!

By way of introduction, my ship is named the Matriarch, and my black flag "the Calico Cat" appears to the left as my "avatar." :huh:

Black Cat, Captain of theMatriarch

Test everything. Hold fast to what is good. -Saint Paul's first letter to Thessalonika 5:21


I do be new to pyratin too, and do be lookin for a toothsome lass for a kiss and a frolic. Aye, and I do bite :P

Avast, then! I do no have enough business to keep me busy. The waters did be too quiet in the Sea of Storms, so I did come ashore for a little fun and rum!

I do be new to pyratin too, and do be lookin for a toothsome lass for a kiss and a frolic. Aye, and I do bite :P

Yer in luck lad! No Quarter Given is planning to start up a new webpage with listings of those lonely sailors looking fer a little love (. . . or lust :P ) in their life. If innerested -- send a portrait of yerself (preferably in piratical, swashbuckling, or historical type garb) and a description of yerself as well as who you might be lookin' fer. Also need to include an email address so those interested can reply to you.

Blackheartedly yrs,

--Jamaica Rose

"In lieu of true love, I'm lookin' fer bodices to rip and wenches to ravish ."

--Jamaica Rose

Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993


"Bringing a little pirate history into everyone's life"

Find No Quarter Given

... on Facebook: facebook.com/noquartergiven

... and on Twitter: @NoQuarterGiven


being too long in the king's service,I'm sorry to say that I don't speak yer prirate lingo too well as yet...but their may be hope hope for me. :huh:

I am one of those sca re enacters who spent far too much time on dry land and am now lookin for a ship to commandeer after gettin a good taste o the sea.I live in the kingdom of An Tir and we have a thriving group of pirates and rogues who call this port home as well as a good number of merchant ships to plunder and not a king's ship in site :huh:

fair winds and full mugs,

Capt Weaver

Capt Weaver

"No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. "

Dr. Samuel Johnson

Capt Weaver's Pirate Perversions


Ahoy, all!

I be Capt. William MacArthur; just Capt. William on this list, where I've been aboard for a voyage now, but just this fine morning stumbled over this topic, so figured I'd send an introduction.

I call mesel' "Captain" because I am the founder of the Seadogges, a shiphold (nautically-themed household) in the SCA. All of you are most cordially invited to join our list, at


Our theme is that of an Elizabethan merchant vessel, but we rove the seas of various places and eras in our discussions.

My lady wife Jannet is First Mate. She loves to dance and shoots the bow a bit. I do some rapier, archery, and live weapons throwing.

My persona is that of a merchant/ship owner.

Mundanely, I do administrative hearings as a civilian employee of his Imperial Majesty's Navy, and Jan teaches college English.

We are considering getting actively involved with a pirate crew, but time is a big problem for us, with work, the house, relatives, pets, and I'm also active in Masonry and do volunteer work with the reserve deputies.

Till then, I'm having a great time reading and learning about pirates, and posting to this great forum!

Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"

I do be new to pyratin too, and do be lookin for a toothsome lass for a kiss and a frolic. Aye, and I do bite :D

Avast, then! I do no have enough business to keep me busy. The waters did be too quiet in the Sea of Storms, so I did come ashore for a little fun and rum!

Bayle Domon! Are ye headin' down to Tear any time soon? I got a date in the Stone with a Dragon Reborn!

- Francisco - :D


As some of ye may know, I'm Francisco de la Beltraneja. I do the occasional piece o' scribblin' fer the No Quarter Given (although I'm sure Jamaica Rose would like me to do more than that!).

I was lucky enough to be cast as one of Johnny Depp's crew in Pirates of the Caribbean with all the credit going to Capt. Michael McLeod who went to bat for me when I had been turned down already.

See you in the pub!

- Francisco - :D


Boun giorno my fellow mates,

I would like to introduce myself. I am Luigi D'Amore, captain of the "Lamb Shark". :D

I sail from port to port with the rest of my fellow pirates( The West Coast Mutineers). Perform many re-enactments here and there but my favorite each year is "Pirates in Paradise" Never have I met better people.

Captain Mad Dog...I fully agree with your qoute

"The Code of Our Brotherhood is Better Than All the Lies of Nations!"

Arrivederci Mates



I be called Tiny and I'm the B'osun of a fine group o' men and women on the account called Free Men O' the Sea, led by the fine and gallent gentleman, Cpt. William Kidd!. I been with them fer 4 years and we been pillagin' from Halifax ta New York in the time I been with them. We've been Pirates, Privateers and even Royal Marines Irregulars, dependin' on who got the most coin fer us. We sings fer our supper as well as doing Steel and powder demonstrations.

I never ceases ta be amazed how a few well place coins manages ta keep me outa the gaol and walkin' the streets.

Evil Tiny

"Why Yes, as a matter of fact, I am bloodthirstier than thou. Why do you ask?"

Evil Tiny

I'm not really evil...oh wait...yes I am!

Discipline is on the severe side of harsh, and I likes it that way.


First to Captain Flint,

Thank you for the welcome. Looks like a wonderfull place to meet new friends and find old ones. I all ready see a couple familiar pirates.

To Evil Tiny,

We have a ships cook by the name of Tiny Williams. He is not really evil but his cooking sure is. (I hope he doesn't see this). <_<


EH? You been lov'in da cookin I did for ya last nigh dere Captin' I kno dere at' you been kiddin dere wit da ol'e Tiny Williams dere. I eard ya just tellin the Captin' grace dere ow you love bein with da tiny williams dere. An'na effin you be avin your way dere you be wishin for a ship full o' dem dere. Near brought aye tear to dis ole salt's eye dere, You are just goin to have to settle wit dat only tiny Williams you got dere tho Capti'n dere, bein a one o' a kind and all. Besides dere Captin, No one else would dare be wantin your tiny williams.


Aye, Capt. Luigi 'n Tiny, it seems to me that only pistols or cutlasses will settle THIS score a'tween ye twain! <_<

Capt. William

Fight Promoter

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"

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