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Pirate Poets

Red Bess

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I've seen a quite a few poem postings, and I'm wondering how you poets would feel about starting our own thread to post poems and comment on them. I write poetry myself from time to time and I think it might be fun to have a specific place to share our work. Whadda think? Stynky, any ruling on this?

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I be flexible. Me poems number 500 or so...but..I be postin' tha ones pertainin' ta Love an water, The Sea..Pirates....an Ghosts o the mind with a Nautical angle. I be thinkin' me havin' fun with tha Scots Ebonics..from another tyme...The bizarre.."stretchin' o the mind"..be good ta ward off Neuroses....In a high wynde Tyme travellin' souls collide in peculiar ways. Let 'em talk I say ! A private meetin' place..all well, and good. All are welcomed...as far as I be concerned. Iffin' it gets too bad..we kin fashion restraints from worn out sails..and let 'em out on Sundays only.


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As much as I be a poet myself, I do agree that a seprate thread for such is better, as it don't quite belong in the Rabble Rousing section here. Perhaps under Pirate Pop etc.

As I am feeling a bit inundated with it here.

Rumba Rue

**I live in my own Fantasyland and they like me** :huh:

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This Wench be goin' thru phases. When I hit tha road to head West inta the San Luis Valley o' Colorado..in a fortnite...me Poems be scarce on tha board. When I travel..the pen be catchin' things ta share later. Modems be hard ta find along the RV trail..an' usually me head be tired...from avertin' me eyes o all the tacky franchises, an' sign pollution..but tha open road..be another story. I see tha riverways..an Mother Nature...if my Poems be a bit too numerous....I have a velvet leash for em..I kin hold 'em back at will...not one ta make a pest o meself..unless....I see someone bein' mean ta Nature...then I git on 'em. I plan ta videotape meself readin Poems ta herds o cattle...(or donkeys) hopefully in Pirate Garb..or a reasonable facsimile... :lol:

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Sorry to hear your feeling a bit inundated with all this poetry RumbaRue. I sometimes feel that way me self with every other topic or comment seeming to be about POTC.

I personally do NOT feel that we need a separate section for this. If it should be posted in a different section that Rabble Rousing , then so be it. Otherwise, I think we have enough sections to post this topic. .. Just the thoughts of this old capt. who also considers himself something of a poet................ The Capt.

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I be thinking it good to have somewhere organised to put poems. I be the sort who don't like posting em separately unless it be a place specifically for em, else I'd be posting a few o' me own.

Because the world does revolve around me, and the universe is geocentric....

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I'm not proposing a separate Topic -- just a thread -- and under Pirate Pop would be fine by me. And I guess, since this is a pirate board, I'd post poems like Dream Wench says -- about the sea, pirates, things with a nautical angle. I've posted a couple poems in the past for special occasions, but I think I might post more iffen we start our own thread. And maybe some others might feel encouraged to do the same. Sound good? I'd be happy to start...

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A thread fer poems abou' tha sea?

I agree mate, I agree.

I'm not much good fer rhymin stuff, but I writes poems. B) Lots o' them. I think a separate thread would be great, because ya don't have to go rootin' through other stuff lookin fer the poems

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