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Pirate costumes fascinate me. There are many varieties. Part of me wishes to dress as a Wench, in feminine attire, but "there be times a wench needs ta grab hold of a musket" and hike up her skirts...and be a man" Ya know what I'm gittin' at ! We like the sight of a Pirate so much, we can't resist the urge ta look like one ! Arrr

I am partial to tri cornered hats, with a bit of embellishment..a maribou edge (or gold trim) to catch a hint of a breeze. We should wear a hat to enhance our confidence. If we feel "stupid" in it :..wrong hat....A Pirates hat is a constant companion. I like tights..with knickers that tie below the knee...shoes with buckles...and a moderate heel...a wonderful vest...a flouncy drapey shirt.....and the coat always gives me a tussle....I am small, and a heavy captains coat won't be easy to showcase properly..I am leaning toward a plain...revolutionary style...flared, open, and form fitting..a real "watch this action" coat....It pays to buy quality. However, the most expensive may not offer the most bang fer yer dubloon ! How many of us have longed to approach a Pirate, and ask "Where did ya get tha togs ? " We know he won't say "Wal Mart".....and choosing the right colour combination is important. I am hoping someone puts out the "Coffee table book of truly Spectacular Pirate Garb...." Pardon me words fer wanderin'..I jest had ta share me feelins about tha garb.... :ph34r:


I be thankin' ye, King's Pyrate ! The site is a place fer hungry eyes which be huntin' great Pyrate Garb.....jest when me thinks the end o the road be me final stand...another door opens up ! :ph34r:


I'm redoing my persona and I am looking for some patterns in the late 16th or early 17th century. Mostly pants but maybe some shirts. I don't do fancy, just a working stiff. Any ideas or links? I've looked at the catalogues in the material shops but there isn't anything that strikes me. Also what type of material during that period?




Buccaneer - Services to the highest bidder!!!


I don't care what is authentic for a woman to wear or not. I'm going to wear the pirate outfit that works best for me. I highly suspect that is what most pirate women did anyway.

My costume consists of a open necked shirt with long flouncing sleeves that can be pulled up to make a 3/4 sleeve. A tight bodice to keep me girls out of my way and knickers as I can't sail with a skirt and don't like to wear tights. My boots go to my knees so I can ride horses without chafing and can tuck my knickers into them.

My hat is shaped whatever way works for me that day. Most time, the brim is wide as I live and play in Arizona and Southern California. I need it to keep the sun off my face. I guess that is why I am not considered a re-enactor. I won't act appropriately. :D

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Hmmm... Dreamie.. this be an area I am still learning & researching.

A rookie m'self in Rev War re-enacting. Authenticity is a major part of poratrayal.

A bit pricy but a good place to check out G. Gedney GodwinThey have some 17th c items

I'm trying to remember the site to go to that deals with costuming. I have it on a different computer though.. the link. Eventually, I will find it again. ::goes to find it:: Ah-HA! Here it be.. the Costumer's Manifesto. GREAT info.. ideas & LOTS of pics!

For Rev War like attire or mid to late Colonial/Georgian era.... G.Gedney Godwin is one place. Jas. Townsend & Sonsbe another. Ghost Forgehas some good deals. For shoes, most everyone goes through Fugawee.

Colonial Williamsburgwebsite - has some insight on colonial/Georgian era attire, lifestyles, etc. Even #s to the shops there which I highly recommend.

Many re-enactors swear by Smoke & Firethough.

I'm trying to remember another good place to go through... Ahh.. here it is.. Smiling Fox Forge.

Believe it or not, AMERICANREVOLUTION.ORGwebsite has some 17th c info as well.

Re-enactor.net has some good links as well to sutlers... reenactor.net colonial links

I think that should be enough. Unless you wish to check out the Smithsonian... I would recommend you go to DC to see the amazing items they have there related to the Colonial/Georgian era.

::le sigh; pants; takes a deep breath:: Ok.. well.. again, I hope that helps some.


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Indeed.. so how about other periods? Such as times suitable for the SCA? I know there are countless links and information out for the Golden Age of Piracy.. but what about those of us very land locked who can't find a group locally to be with for that time period?

I know full well there were pirates long before the golden age...

anyone have any helpful information for such curiosities?

Most people want to be the sun to shine upon the brightest days.

I would rather be the moon to brighten up the darkest hours.


I know it be off topic 'ere, but....

Whereabouts in Ansteorra be ye from? I'm assumin' ye be from Ansteorra from one of yer other posts...

I may have a few answers fer ye as well.. I "float" between 1520 and 1620, depending on me mood. That's a pretty narrow "float period" compared to some of my SCA friends... :D



Captain of the Iron Lotus

It is the angle that holds the rope, not the size of the hole.


Found a site what's got patterns.....arrgghh ! Not a Bad selection. MoiRandall's I be fond o tha dropped sleeve, they called it. The shoulder seam set lower on tha arm. Like Middy blouses as well....oh...yes...and tha little bellbottoms that ended just past the knees...look cute...striped...what be tha appeal o Nautical Wear ? Masculine, and feminine combined...some what....fyne wit me.. :lol:

  Captain_MacNamara said:
I know it be off topic 'ere, but....

Whereabouts in Ansteorra be ye from? I'm assumin' ye be from Ansteorra from one of yer other posts...

I may have a few answers fer ye as well.. I "float" between 1520 and 1620, depending on me mood. That's a pretty narrow "float period" compared to some of my SCA friends... B)


Yes, Ansteorran I am.

Right now, from the Barony of the Steppes area.. McKinney specifically.

Thats generally the era I tend to float about in, considering much earilier than that bores me, mostly :)

I'd love a few of those tidbits you might have. Still working on my own persona, though anything is always good to learn, in my eyes. I'm always curious about everything B)

Most people want to be the sun to shine upon the brightest days.

I would rather be the moon to brighten up the darkest hours.


ahhh The Steppes.... I remember Steppes... Warlord XXX... flood waters up to me chest in me finest court garb, fetchin' mead for the Baroness, and fishin' people and their tents out of the 3 foot (in places) deep water. The primary reason I be bringin' a boat with me from now on! B)

So ye'll be at 25th year... I'll be workin' / entertainin' at the tavern with some of my crew. Look me up, my picture's in my profile... (yes, that ugly lookin' son of a bilge rat is really me! :huh: )

I hail from the Barony of Namron, and we're putting on the Tavern at 25th year.

For my personna, so far, what I've got worked out:


Still doing some research, haven't figured out all the angles just yet, but the ship be as accurate as I can document so far. Even the previous name of the ship is from a ship list I had found for that time period.


Captain of the Iron Lotus

It is the angle that holds the rope, not the size of the hole.
  • 3 weeks later...

Oh sorry about the late reply now.. computer kinda went on hiatus. I guess I stressed it out far over the line. :lol:

I'll be sure to look you up at the tavern, then. I'm hard to miss, really. I'm a 6 foot redheaded female.. theres not many of those around. The 6 foot part, not the redheaded part, of course :lol:

Its coming up fast, got to get the jewelry made to sell at that event. busy busy busy

Most people want to be the sun to shine upon the brightest days.

I would rather be the moon to brighten up the darkest hours.


Authentic?.........I'll tell you about authentic clothing. It is in the 90's here in Northeast Florida and this authentic wool coat is killing me...lol


I am going on an author's media cruise today on the Jacksonville princess and even though the idea is to impress the media so as to garner some coverage in newspapers and TV, I don't know how long I can keep this coat on..... I’m hoping the salon is air-conditioned else wise I'm kicking off the coat and donning my earring and eye patch and do the pirate thing instead of the British Navy thing...lol

Hope you all have a great weekend.


And I lifts a glass to the CONFEDERATE NAVY OF CALIFORNIA..."LONG MAY YOU SAIL"confederate.gif


I too be rebuilding my entire piratey wardrobe. I be using a lot of N.C. Wyeth's and Howard Pyle's illerstrations fer influence. Also trying ter cut down on the fancy cloth. Me first outfit had too much velvets and fancy trims...this next one be cottons and wools....and I be hand-dyeing everything....ARRRR!!!

Also...something I'd just like to put out there fer consideration. A lot of my co-workers be Asian, and whenever I gets ter talking about then joinin' us on the high seas, their reply is "Were there a lot of Chinese pirates?" :lol: "Of course!" sez I, and gives 'em a long dissertation. My point is 18th century European/Caribbean scallywags be not the only cutthroats out thar. Even I have ter remind mesself on it. (Set deadlights on "Swiss Family Robinson"...nothin' like 1960's Hollywood stereotypes ter liven up a family film...but still fun).

And...although he be European, I been savin' up ter make a special outfit of Eustace The Monk, a 14th century pirate rumored to be a warlock ter boot! Arrr..the middle ages, ye gotta love the color ('cause the smell just be too overwhelmin')


YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"


Well, Redd....Since the 'crash', I'm guessin' you ne'er read my post in PanHistoria on the arrival of 'Raul'....After shellin' manila heavily, whilst I was fleein' south thru the Leyte Gulf, ..Voila!!...One 'o the saltiest Asian pirates you'll ever find clambered aboard outta the jungle.....Raul 'n Thelma be 100% Phillipine pirates, an' none better ye'll find, so as far as your cohorts.......... :lol:

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