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Because they ARRRRRR!

(as told to me by my favorite four year old).....

Greetings and salutations to all. This is my maiden voyage abord this sieve.

Could you hand me that bucket? I haven't quite gotten me sea legs yet.


....dances on tables when drunk......


Hey............Run to the pier......the fish arrrrrrrrr hungrey!!! LOL! :huh:


"Quarter" Master

Pyrates of the Coast

"Permit me aboard and I'll be takin' over yer ship...

Don't permit me aboard and I'll still take over yer ship"


WHO be the pasty-faced rabbit-sucker what say's we be grouchy?!?

A fine keel-haulin' to th' jackanape - imagine, th' nerve callin' us grouchy! Arrrrrrr!!!


...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


Ye just try spendin' yer days being' shot at, started or flogged, draped over a yard in a freezin' gale, yer nights with a hunnert o' yer closest mates sharin' their BO, halitosis, and swamp gas in a room no bigger'n that, awakened every couple o' hours for a turn at the watch, food from a barrel that seen better days when ye was still soilin' yer knickers, and cap all that fun off with the chance o' dying from disease, violence, ack-sea-dent, drownding or murthering crewmates mad with the grog they stole from the locker, and Ah'm guessin' ye'd be a might grouchy, too.


But it beats clarkin', fer shur, and nobody get's out o' this life alive, anyway.

  Captain Scurvy Dog said:
Calls me Grouchy agin' and the Death Ye be facin' will make Men's Blood Run Cold fer a Thousand Years!

Would ya be showin' me the color of me insides?


....dances on tables when drunk......



Pirates be grouchy because of that there pirate accent, damn yer eyes!

Saying Arrgh! all day long with the correct rattle to it can really hurt the back of yer throat. After a weekend of pirate re-enactment it be days before Oi can talk proper again!

Arrrgh! cough, cough.


Cap'n Redbeard


Piratical Union of Buccaneers Corsairs and Associated Trades

  • 2 weeks later...

Pirates are only grouchy when they're especially pleeeesed with something (a raid, plunder, rum.....). The rest a' the time ther're just plain mean (it's a tradition at sea). They're at their best when they're mean and creative.

Ye must a' caught 'em on a good day.

yer not related the that clown crusty are ye sir? if ye are ye' can just put yer head in that bucket.

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