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Tied in knots just below the deck

a giant rope around his neck

his nerve are jangled he's a wreck

he feels he can't get out

The rats could gnaw and set him free

but his head is resting upon his knee

he calls the jailer "heed my plea"

but she never hears him shout

"Wash the water from the sand

hang my broken heart from the mast"

he sings a delerious love song

'cos he's living in the past

The pelican gives him the "hairy peeper"

and calls him an "old side eye"

"Damn my sox and curse your feathers

I think it's time to die"

The pelican brings him a cutlass

and a little bit o grog

the ship and dock are hidden now

both covered up with fog

The pelican leads him up the ladder

one slow step at a time

our captive now released and free

struggles with his climb

His jailer lies upon her bed

but shes nothing more than bones

he knows the ship is out to sea

and so he sits and moans

The pelican then goes over the side

to catch them both some fish

our hero sets the table

with a tankard and a dish

His jailer walks into the galley

and licks her lipless lips

she reaches for her cutlass

but finds two bony hips

The three of them are quite adrift

and oh the ship is slow

But fate steps in as fate does at times

and sends a UFO

The aliens watch the pelican move

his well honed beady eyes

from one side to the other

beneath the starry skies

Our captive hugs his skeleton girl

as the alien scratches his chin

how did I come up with this crazy poem ?

and when did it begin ?

C May 19 2004 Dream Wench :ph34r:

  • 4 weeks later...

Dream Wench,

Lovely words lass, but yer making me head spin. :ph34r:

Somethin' in the rum

Rum? Did somebody say rum?

Doc Wiseman - Ship's Physician, Stur.. er... Surgeon Extrodinaire and general scoundrel.

Reluctant Temporary Commander of Finnegan's Wake

Piracy- Hostile Takeover without the Messy Paperwork

We're not Pirates; we're independent maritime property redistribution specialists.

Member in good standing Persian Gulf Yacht Club, Gulf of Sidra Yacht Club and the Greater Beruit Rod & Gun Club.


rum ?........................

where ?.....

lovely word lass. me thinks tis' time ye took some down time 'n head fer open water.

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