PyratePhil Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 Not meanin' to gather me any replies hereabouts, but iffin' ye have a few odd moments, ye might be wantin' to think about... Do ye REALLY think ye would have been able to survive as a pyrate in the Golden Age? Without the auto-mobiles, the air-conditionin', the cable-Tee-Vee and such... With the infestations...the rats...the mutinies...the loneliness... With the REAL fights, not the ones that be foisted up'n us by them Holly-wude peoples... Ye'd be livin' large, an' no mistake, but ye'd also be livin' hard. Could ye cut the mustard? ...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum... ~ Vegetius
Rumba Rue Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 Nope. I like my air conditioning in the summer. I like being able to use soft toilet paper. I like my rum smooth and sweet. I like being Pagan. I wouldn't be able to go to Disneyland and ride the Pirates of the Carribean ride! oh for shame! Rumba Rue **Just give me a nice, ice frosted cold beer!**
Capt. Morgan Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 To be honest, I don't know... I'd like to think so, BUT... Quote Without the auto-mobiles, the air-conditionin', the cable-Tee-Vee and such...With the infestations...the rats...the mutinies...the loneliness... With the REAL fights, not the ones that be foisted up'n us by them Holly-wude peoples... . . . I'll let you know in about a year if I could make it! Touche' Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend Pyrates of the Coast "All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket." "Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."
PyratePhil Posted May 25, 2004 Author Posted May 25, 2004 RumbaRue said: I like being Pagan.I wouldn't be able to go to Disneyland and ride the Pirates of the Carribean ride! oh for shame! Lass- Tweren't true there were pagan pyrates??? I be no historian-type, but still and all... As fer the Disnee-Land - o'kay, ye gots me there! Cap't- Bein' a newbie and recluse and such on this here board, fergive me ignorance, but it be soundin' like a fearsome adventure a'comin' yer way... ...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum... ~ Vegetius
piratelassie Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 Hmmm good question. Rats don't bother me...much. As ta loneliness, I likes me own company. I've survived a modern day ocean passage on a sailboat, but I honestly don't know about the golden age. Methinks twould be quite a challenge fer us softy modern day pirates. 'Specially the food. I likes food. Nowadays ya can cook quite good meals in a galley on a gimballed stove with an oven and an icebox at yer disposal, but back then... I dunno about weevilly hardtack an' salt pork. I'd probably be fishin' on my watches. Good stuff, fish.
Merrydeath Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 PyratePhil said: Cap't-Bein' a newbie and recluse and such on this here board, fergive me ignorance, but it be soundin' like a fearsome adventure a'comin' yer way... Our sweet and sassy Morgan is tranporting soon to the sunny vacation spot of Iraq.. There are a few pics of us with a flag we gave him in Chicago in the pirate gallery Us pirates will miss him, and me especially! He's been a true matey.. Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES BLAST BREAST CANCER! GET A MAMMOGRAM AND SAVE YOUR TREASURED CHEST: http://www.myspace.c...iratesthinkpink http://www.myspace.c...oolsgoldpirates CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!
Thadius Drake Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 It would depend. In my favor: no critters bug me; used to all sorts of bad weather; and have eaten some sick stuff (hey, I work in retail). On the other hand, ask me to sail the bloody thing and you might as well give me a rope to hang myself with. So, as long as I have a job title that has nothing to do with the actual sailing of the ship (say...lookout, or better yet, captive) I should be okay. Drake
Red Bess Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 Could I have survived during the 18th century? Probably. I was a healthy child, would probably have lived to adulthood, married and bore my husband many fine sons. I'm no stranger to hard work. And I wouldn't have missed what I didn't know about. Would I have made it as a pirate? Not a chance! So every day, I thank my lucky stars I'm a modern pirate lass with on-line resources. It's the best of both worlds. :) Ladies in Scarlet: Piratical Art and Accessories
Rosalinda Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 I think I would have lasted about six months before I lost it. My skin is too delicate to survive constant exposure to the elements, I enjoy the feeling of good mattress and clean, DRY sheets, I bathe far to frequently to be considered a pirate, and I have an unrelenting need to feel the ground beneath my feet and the wind on my face when I run each morning. No, I'd bail out at the first opportunity. Rum and gold ain't everything. Gunpowder? I've got some in the garage. Cannon? I have several small, hand-held cannons of various calibre. Bucket boots and a tricorn? Don't really need them. Piratical attitute? Probably not. Sword? I have one, thanks. It looks nice on the wall of my humble abode. The opportunity to be a pirate wench? Oh, I think I'll pass. Freedom? That would be a state of mind, not a thing or a place. What am I doing here, then? Just hanging around to irritate the rest of you, singing all the while: Arrgggh ! And Yo-ho! Yo-ho! A pirates life for me !!!
privateer Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 a pirate then? born and raised aye I've a strong imunity, luck , and a lust for rum and freedom. I work very hard when i afta . and spend many a day avoiden it. ifn i was plucked up today and thrown in the mix. I'd last a bit off of charm and smarts and the ability to re-create the modern things. twas a lot of hardship and even more luck in the day... aah but to dream.* goes glassey eyed* tis a great dream o'mine to travel back and have rank on a ship sailing the carib.
Sjöröveren Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 Red Bess said: Could I have survived during the 18th century? Probably. I was a healthy child, would probably have lived to adulthood, married and bore my husband many fine sons. I'm no stranger to hard work. And I wouldn't have missed what I didn't know about.Would I have made it as a pirate? Not a chance! So every day, I thank my lucky stars I'm a modern pirate lass with on-line resources. It's the best of both worlds. :) Bess, ye wouldn't aborne me our two fine sons in the 18th century though. I never would of seen me first birthday! I were a sickly baby. Now if we pretends that I woulda lived to adulthood, then no, I couldna be a pirate. Too set in me ways, too nearsighted, too fat, too lubberly. I guess I'da been some sissy pantywaist type, readin mouldy books and never gettin any fresh air. the Fool's Gold Pirates
Capt. Iron Faith Cutler Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 If I had to, I'd do it! The nice thing about living back then is that you wouldn't know any different. If you never used a flush toilet, you couldn't miss it. Don't know if I'd go in for a life of piracy a la Bonney and Read, but privateering might have been more up my alley. Hiding your gender from the rest of the crew would be tough...but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. In the meantime, I'll settle to have my feet up, a glass of good rum and the Internet and pretend! Arr! Iron Faith A pyrate's life for me.
Captain Goodwench Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 Physically I probably could handle it. My mother birthed me with no complications, and I was her first. I had no serious childhood illnesses other than chicken pox, no serious accidents, never broke a bone! I have no allergies, a cast iron stomach, birthed all three of my babies naturally with no anaesthetic. I've had thyroid cancer, though, but survived it. Doctor said I would probably have died of old age before the cancer got me, since it's usually a slow growing one. Mentally, would I be able to handle it? I don't know. I'd probably die from the rampant chauvinism and misogyny that was considered normal. I'd probably get burned at the stake as a witch for expressing my pointed and loud point of view. Not to mention that I do like my comforts!!(won't get into that here, LOL!)
Hawkyns Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 Yeah, I think. at least a positive probably. I've lived the period life for up to a couple of weeks at a time and seen no ill effects. Lack of comfort bothers me not a bit, I'm as comfortable on a sack of straw as in the waterbed. I'm OK with my own company or in a group. When I backpacked across England last year, I was 3 or 4 days without saying a word to a soul, and only seeing them at distance or in passing. I'm a reasonable hand with a sword, for someone who doesn't use one everyday, and I can handle a gun or a whole battery. No head for heights, though, so you wouldn't find me aloft. Reasonable health, no particular hangups about doing what's neccesary to survive. I do get seasick, though. I've never been at sea long enough to see if it does go away, something I hope to remedy this year. If not pirate, then definitely highwayman. I love riding. Hawkyns Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl I do what I do for my own reasons. I do not require anyone to follow me. I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs. if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.
Perkeo Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 I've been camping in all kinds of weather and not gotten sick and eaten things that have made others sick. I've not been sailing for any length but I love the water and feel comfortable in and around it. I'm decent with a sword, axe, and fist. I don't like hights but I'd do what needed to be done......I think I could have survived as a pyrate in the golden age. Help Pyrate Minicity grow, click a link below! Pyrate Population Pyrate Transportation Pyrate Industry
La Ruisenora Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 I'd like to think I could do it. I'd like to give it a try at least..
Captain Scurvy Dog Posted June 8, 2004 Posted June 8, 2004 i've done much of the same as would've in those days in real life... but ta survive fer how long in such an enviroment... well that be the"live fast, die young" i can't see still truely pyratin' on the high seas (not going to sea, mind ye... but fightin' fer yer life n' such) after 30... but settlin' down & havin' a pyrate pub might be a consideration (not sayin' no more fightin' just slow down a bits & more "home" advantage...)
DocF225 Posted June 12, 2004 Posted June 12, 2004 I grew up on a Dairy Farm so hard work isn't a problem. I get paid to run into burning buildings now, so fear is not an opotion. I spent most of my Young Adult life in some of the nastiest places on Earth. I even spent some time on a two way firing range. (hazards of my chosen profession). Got used to sleeping wherever I could. I ate bugs, snakes, lizards and the like with no ill effects. Spent a bunch of time on the briny without issue. That said , I have aged seriously in the past few years and my earlier occupations and lifestyle have taken their toll. I like my A/C, my Satellite navigation system, Digital TV and Computer. Today, I'd rather read a book or chat online with like minded folks than cruise the deep. Doc Wiseman - Ship's Physician, Stur.. er... Surgeon Extrodinaire and general scoundrel. Reluctant Temporary Commander of Finnegan's Wake Piracy- Hostile Takeover without the Messy Paperwork We're not Pirates; we're independent maritime property redistribution specialists. Member in good standing Persian Gulf Yacht Club, Gulf of Sidra Yacht Club and the Greater Beruit Rod & Gun Club.
PyratePhil Posted June 13, 2004 Author Posted June 13, 2004 Sounds like ye paid yer dues there, Doc! Enjoy the finer things in life, I be sayin'... ...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum... ~ Vegetius
DocF225 Posted June 13, 2004 Posted June 13, 2004 Quote Sounds like ye paid yer dues there, Doc!Enjoy the finer things in life, I be sayin' ... Paid my dues ( and a few others' I expect) Ain't complainin' wouldn't change a thing 'cept maybe I'd skip moving away from San Diego and my beloved Pacific Doc Wiseman - Ship's Physician, Stur.. er... Surgeon Extrodinaire and general scoundrel. Reluctant Temporary Commander of Finnegan's Wake Piracy- Hostile Takeover without the Messy Paperwork We're not Pirates; we're independent maritime property redistribution specialists. Member in good standing Persian Gulf Yacht Club, Gulf of Sidra Yacht Club and the Greater Beruit Rod & Gun Club.
Captain Tito Posted June 13, 2004 Posted June 13, 2004 Kinda hard to tell. Would have to have been put at the right place at the right time and with alot of luck that my immune system could withstand what I would be dealt. <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel. WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>
PyratePhil Posted June 13, 2004 Author Posted June 13, 2004 Captain Tito said: ...and with alot of luck that my immune system could withstand what I would be dealt. Aye, but now they be havin' the penicillin fer that... ...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum... ~ Vegetius
Grendle Posted June 13, 2004 Posted June 13, 2004 Survived? As in, "still be alive"? Definitely not, mate. I canna tink o' a single pyrate from the 16th, 17th or 18th C. what is still alive today, Hawkins excepted o'course. But then, I prolly coulda done alright fer a while, I guess. The repetitive and occasionally vile food woulda been no worries (I ate me own "cookin'" for several years before I found a woman foolish enow to wed me) and I fights well, being large and well-found and able to think more than one move ahead. I kin sail, and shoot, hand and reef and steer. I can sew and smith and tan and coop and I be a fair carpenter. If I didn't catch a splinter or a ball, receive me death from a low blow or a back stab, get bitten by some nasty land bug carrying the plaque or the mal-air, or catch cholera or dysentery from the leaky casks in the bilge, break me fool from a fall, get ruptured or crushed on deck, buy a "short drop and a sudden stop" from bein' insolent, or just fricken flat die, I prolly woulda been a pretty successful pyrate, as handin' me foes what they deserves is a pure joy, and takin' what's left behind when they've gone to join the choir invisible is no heartache, neither. But survive? Naw, I'd be corruption and ooze with the rest o' the breed, fer sure, fer sure.
William Brand Posted June 17, 2004 Posted June 17, 2004 To be quite honest. Yes. I certainly could. Reasons: I've been homeless. I'm an excellent shot with black powder rifles. I've won awards with a musket. I can sleep anywhere. I've been a lifegaurd. I can unswamp a boat. I know most of the required knots. I'll eat anything in a pinch. I'm musically inclined. I'm not afraid of heights. I have some experience with swords. I've lived the world over. To name a few...ARRR!
captscurvyscrew Posted June 30, 2004 Posted June 30, 2004 When I lived in Ocracoke, the winters there are probably the closest thing to living as a real pirate. You can't really drive your car because the roads wash out almost every day. All the shops except Howards Pub close down, and for food, well, theres the ocean. Most of the locals take care of their own. There be many a night that my next door neighbor had taken care of my hunger by throwing us a tuna, and in return I would mend clothes for his wife and kids. There is only one way in the island, and the ferry out goes to swan quarter NC, where their isn't much else. If you needed clothes, well, K-Mart is about 4 hours away via the ferry, the bonner bridge and pea island nature reserve. There's no where local to buy socks, shoes, or any necessities other than milk and bread. Meat is scarce, depending on wheither the grocery store can get a delivery truck to come down or not. It has gotten better over the years, but six years ago, it was hell int he winters. We learned to survive htough. I loved Ocracoke. ANy island founded y pirates is a great place to live, and the place was filled with history about Blackbeard
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