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Pirate Haiku

I sail the cruel sea

Just to plunder and pillage

What does that make me?

It makes me – Pyrate!

The envy of all a-shore

The dream of wenches.

My cutlass is sharp

And my musket is powdered

Frightful image, I.

The good ship is trim

Sails puff out in the fresh breeze

Salt spray in my face.

Take what I want now

Leave no tale-tellers behind

The creed of the sea.

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


Me fav'rit Pyrate Haiku still be the classic:

"I lift up me cup

To toast yer good leg

It slips out o' me hook



Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!)

"Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"


Freedom on the sea

Warm salt breeze on naked flesh

Warm salt tears of joy

Hear the rigging creak

Listen to the snap of sails

Seabirds wheel and turn

Dawn colours the sky

No clouds threaten the heavens

I'm in Paradise


Walk the decks of weathered boards,

Listen to the sounds of birds of shore.

The sails lay neatly bound,

To become unfurled when sailing around.

'Tis here I make my home to live,

Eatin' the fish the ocean gives.

The spray of the ocean fills the air,

Whilst I sit upon the deck without a care.

Rumba Rue

**I can imagine quite a lot** :huh:


I be hearin' o' wings and burgers, wings and pizza, 'n' even wings and sushi...

...but wings and fly? O, well, to each his or her own, I guesses...

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


The wind in the sails

I search for my heart's desire

The smell of the sea


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

  PyratePhil said:
I be hearin' o' wings and burgers, wings and pizza, 'n' even wings and sushi...

...but wings and fly? O, well, to each his or her own, I guesses...


Forgive me, Phil, I'm in Pyrate Special Ed. We're slow!

I get it, now!

Pass the salt, please.......!

  Rosalinda said:
  PyratePhil said:
I be hearin' o' wings and burgers, wings and pizza, 'n' even wings and sushi...

...but wings and fly? O, well, to each his or her own, I guesses...


Forgive me, Phil, I'm in Pyrate Special Ed. We're slow!

I get it, now!

Pass the salt, please.......!

Ah, me por pretty, fret not now,

Don't go out and have a big cow now,

'Tis just as I feared,

'Tis 'cause I am weird,

Accept me apology (with bow).

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius



PyratePhil, you're weird,

I'll give you that.

Near as strange as

that cat in the hat!

But no! I'll not fret,

– though I'll ne'er forget

Twas here we 'ad our first spat.

  Rosalinda said:

PyratePhil, you're weird,

I'll give you that.

Near as strange as

that cat in the hat!

But no! I'll not fret,

– though I'll ne'er forget

Twas here we 'ad our first spat.

No matter how hard I tries

'Tis a fact tha' it's me I despise

It's sad but it's true

Don't want spattin' wi' you

Would rather see Rosalinda's eyes.


Nice haiku, btw, m'lady...

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

  PyratePhil said:
I be hearin' o' wings and burgers, wings and pizza, 'n' even wings and sushi...

...but wings and fly? O, well, to each his or her own, I guesses...

He hee! Each to 'is own, indeed!

That reminds me...

I don't understand

This here sport of fly-fishing

Who wants to catch flies?


Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!)

"Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"


For naught a fly to fish by,

For naught a net to be fret,

So's here I sit without a bit,

With bilge rats with tummy's fat.

Tis, sad to say, and might I prey,

Upon this seat that I might eat,

On a rock near the landin' dock,

Where the minnows fleet, only to nibble at my feet.

Rumba Rue

**Member of the Jolly Roger Poetry Club** :D


I love the battle,

The deck slick with blood and guts

sometimes I stumble.

The smell of sulfur

Smoke and hot lead fill the air,

Let fly with cannon!

Let fly with cannon!

Let fly the iron dragon,

Belching its cruel fire.

On the sea in spring,

the sounds of splinters and blood

sing a lullaby.

"The time was when ships passing one another at sea backed their topsails and had a 'gam,' and on parting fired guns; but those good old days have gone. People have hardly time nowadays to speak even on the broad ocean, where news is news, and as for a salute of guns, they cannot afford the powder. There are no poetry-enshrined freighters on the sea now; it is a prosy life when we have no time to bid one another good morning."

- Capt. Joshua Slocum


Goin' to th' Faire

Walk-Away Rat on a Stick

That's what I hope for.

Vendors here and there

Simon, please show me your wares.

No credit? Who cares?

Bodice be strainin'

As she bends, lost in her thoughts...

I be lost in mine.

Manly pyrate men

Playin' Candyland on deck

There go me heros!

Poet and fighter

A true Renaissance blighter

He's lost beside her.

Pommel and handguard

Tang meets blade in a firm way

Whistles in the stroke.

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


Aye we be so good of poetry lovers perhaps someone should gather these verses into a book to be published. I grandly would wish it to be!

Rumba Rue

**Member of the Jolly Roger Poetry Club** <_<

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