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Can you say HOT HOT HOT? Saturday in Ojai wasn't too bad, but Sunday ye could have fried an egg on the dirt!

Aye it was a grand time despite the heat. Black Hearted Pearl and her smart alec sis Jenny, came all the way from Phoenix, Arizona ta join PRP. I can tell ye they had one fine time, and I must say after Capn. Jac 'corked' Pearl,her, life for her may never be the same! LOL! :huh:

Well, I'll be lettin' her tell ye about that interestin' manuever....it ain't what ye think! So get yer thoughts above ground....

We ooolged the men, an' o' course they oolged back. :ph34r: Threw insults and a few peanuts across the way to Robin St. Graves who t'was runnin' his booth, Medieval Fantasies right across from us. But I must say the young buck runnin' 'round in leather buckskins, sans shirt, great muscles, uh great body, (uh, oh yea, bring him to my cabin) deliverin' ice ta people who needed it. Oh yea, I need ice ta cool off me eyeballs....

Later on Sunday, Touring Gentleman and Mad Gracie showed up, aye they just managed ta come late enough ta get in half price.... pirates...

We all had a right fine time. Though most everybody was home in their respective bunks aboard their ships most likely by 10:00 pm, me who 'twas pullin' the trailer for the group, and my companion Boats, we didn't get back ta San Deigo area and home till after 1:30 in the mornin', an' didn't get to our bunk until almost 2:30 in the wee hours of mornin' darkness. Aye dead pirates are we.

Rumba Rue

** :huh: **


Aye! Rumba!!... now did you be after have'n poor Gillian out thar in all that heat?? :huh:



Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



The bird was fine, it's his 'Masters' that were dyin'.

Ya should have seen Phillistina's, green cheeked conure, Mr. Smee swimming in his bowl of water and squawking at the ice cubes that Blind Jeff put in. That was funny.

Rumba Rue

** :ph34r: **


'Ello, Rumba!

Later on Sunday, Touring Gentleman and Mad Gracie showed up, aye they just managed ta come late enough ta get in half price...


Pirates? Us? Of course not. Why? What 'ave you heard? Tell us who spilled the scuttlebutt and we'll plug that leak in short order...

...And 'ello to all! 'Twas a fine time to revisit all the scurvy dogs on Lake Ojai. Arrived with just enough time to dent the wallet and help break down the encampement. Fortunately, Blind Jeff lubricated the process (with a sturdy brew, that is). It was good to see the faces, both new and familar.

Only by great risks can great results be achieved.


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