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How many on this list are actively involved or seriously interested in getting actively involved in researching and portraying an authentic pirate crew?

Partying is great too, but I want to get involved with a serious, pyratically-oriented group that researches and portrays living history, and would be interested in hearing from anyone who does.

Capt. William


"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"


My Dear Captain William,

I would LOVE to join a group of reinactors. Someone once told me I'd make a perfect Anne Bonny or Mary Reade, but I'm an inlander, so it doesn't look like I could be much help. Too bad, I've been told I write some pretty darn good skits (especially about pirates), and I want to major/minor in journalism, playwriting and English now that I'm soon to be back in college in August.

But, alas...there isn't too much sea water in Tennessee. Blast it all! :ph34r:

With sincerest hopes for your group, and regrets because I wont be able to be in it,


Capt. WE Roberts

"I shall uphold my indignity with the utmost dignity befitting a person of my undignified station."


I would gladly meet with any such group that is in my area.

I live in Portland,Oregon


Capt Weaver

"No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. "

Dr. Samuel Johnson

Capt Weaver's Pirate Perversions


Capt. Roberts, and Capt. Weaver:

Honored and happy I would be to be part of any crew with ye twain! Alas, with one of us in Tennessee, one in Oregon, and the other in Louisiana, it might be hard to get this vessel afloat!

Capt. William


"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"

  capnwilliam said:
Capt. Roberts, and Capt. Weaver:

Honored and happy I would be to be part of any crew with ye twain! Alas, with one of us in Tennessee, one in Oregon, and the other in Louisiana, it might be hard to get this vessel afloat!

Capt. William

thank you Capt. William,

the sentiments are returned.I have long read yer scribbles both here and on sca nautical yahoo group and find ye to be a most knowledgeable scaliwag and I'd be glad ta call ya me matey.

Capt Weaver


Capt Weaver

"No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. "

Dr. Samuel Johnson

Capt Weaver's Pirate Perversions


Aye Capt. William, though the practicalities of our geography does make for an unlikely crew association, be it reenactor, actor, performer or otherwise, I here be looking to go on account.

And if there be any other landlocked Sea Dawgs in Virginia or in the surrounding unknown parts and also be interested in forming a pirate group, please feel free to contact me.


Alas... I cannot claim to be landlocked, but, still drifiting the tides with only me fair Katey. I would love to get involved in a pirate group of any kind and have made several attempts at contacting some of the local groups. But, without positive results. So; if any of ye find your way to Maryland or nearby, give us a bellow and we will be happy to get together. Who knows, mabye if this site keeps going and we all stay in touch, we might just be able to plan a get together at some sort of midpoint for a lot of us. I thought about this for some time and would love to see it really happen. So.... until then......... The Capt.


Well technically Virginia isn’t landlocked either, but I do be inland a fer bit, just north of Harrisonburg and JMU. According to Map Quest, I be at least a couple or three hours away from the Chesapeake, Alexandria, Baltimore and the like.

Being originally from California, sitting in my carriage for stupid amounts of time doesn’t seem undoable when done in the name of fun. After a spy of CaptCat’s profile, I see that the crew of the Matriarch be in Alexandria, Virginia as well. We should all attempt a sort of gathering of our own, maybe a point in between.


QUOTE (capnwilliam @ Jun 8 2003, 08:13 PM)

Thank ye fer the kind words, there, cap'n. I really appreciate 'em. I'd love to be part of yer crew if'n ever I gets to LA. (Louisiana, that is.)

Stynky, I've been to Virginnie, and it's quite a long sit-down in ye olde carriage. Lots of long, straight nothingness for a rather large amount of time from Tennessee. Right tedious for those of us who get lost going out of our own driveways.

Sorry, directions and instructions on manual transmissions were never encoded in my DNA; therefore, I carry a compass and drive an automatic "Mustang"-drawn carriage. She doesn't know the way to Virginnie, either.

Perchance if I ever go back to visit my fiance's extended family in VA, I'll have to look ye up! Also, if you could figure out something to round up folks about once a year, I'm almost sure I could make it.

Oh, and Capt. Flint--I'm going to try to make an effort to get to MD before I kick the bucket. I really want to meet you an' the fair Katey...an' the baby Magpie. Maybe we could dress up and hit a RenFair or something together!



Capt. WE Roberts

"I shall uphold my indignity with the utmost dignity befitting a person of my undignified station."


Hey, I live in Virginia! I wouldn't mind getting involved with other pirates to see what they're up to and collaborate a bit.

And I have to tell ya, the Matriarch crew is actually spread out around the country, and the levels of crew participation in pirate events varies substantially (my Quartermaster's in a convent--she doesn't get out much!). I wouldn't mind getting involved with other crews for extra-Matriarch work.

Black Cat, Captain of theMatriarch

Test everything. Hold fast to what is good. -Saint Paul's first letter to Thessalonika 5:21


Great Cat! Got any ideas on what we should to do next?

The Virginia Renaissance Faire in Ladysmith is just finishing up it's last week-end, this week-end. With all the rain, the faire site has been pretty muddy and with more rain predicted... I hope it's not a total wash for the organizers. (no pun intended)

I know there be a Renaissance Festival in Maryland sometime in the summer, maybe we can meet up there.

Oh hell that's too long to wait, we should just make plans to meet somewhere.


Well, we've the makin's of a crew for Virginia, at least!

The rest of you are invited to move here to New Orleans; we can pick up where Jean Laffite left off!


Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"


Aye Capt. William, New Orleans be a fine place to form a pirate'n crew.

Do you already be part of a crew presently? Or just be looking to form one in memory of brother Laffite?

  capnwilliam said:
Alas, with one of us in Tennessee, one in Oregon, and the other in Louisiana, it might be hard to get this vessel afloat!

Granted, some pirates are anchored quite a distant from other brethren, you never know who might be close enough to ya to sign articles with ya and go on the account.

And bein' a distance from the coasts isn't always a deterrant. There are crews of river pirates, Great Lakes pirates, and pirates who are willing to scourge whatever body of water or piece of dry land they can lay their hands to. There are some quite lively pirate bands even in the burning sands of Arizona (I know -- my own captain, and good husband, originated from there).

Check to see what crews have registered with No Quarter Given and are lookin' fer new members at: http://noquartergiven.net/crews.htm

A condensed version of this list is also printed in within the pages of the No Quarter Given magazine - in alternating halves each issue.

The crews listed on the NQG page have various goals and criteria. Some strive for historical authenticity and accuracy; some are just in it fer the partying, the drinking, the wenches and to look good in a dashing costume; others enjoy sailing on historical ships and firing cannons, etc etc. Some want all of the above.

If there are no crews to suit ya within voyaging distance (and in the sake of fun and plunder, many consider a few hours voyage to be worth it, so ya might not want to be so picky), then you might want to consider forming up yer own crew (even if yer the only member for the nonce). Read the article at the bottom of the webpage fer some ideas on how to start up yer own crew.

If you decide to form yer own crew, then send us yer particulars as given out at the top of said webpage, so we can post notyce of yer crew too. T'is abso-floggin'lutely FREE, whether yer a subscriber to NQG or not.

Blackheartedly yrs,

--Jamaica Rose

"PIRACY -- it may not be pretty, but someone's gotta do it!"

--Jamaica Rose

Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993


"Bringing a little pirate history into everyone's life"

Find No Quarter Given

... on Facebook: facebook.com/noquartergiven

... and on Twitter: @NoQuarterGiven


Ahoy, Stynky Tudor!

I'm basically actin' as an agent for Renato Beluche/Capt. Cobbs, who is a subscriber to our list under the name of Beluche. He is involved with a Baratarian crew that helps reenact the Battle of New Orleans at the National Park in Chalmette, outside of New Orleans; this bein' held the weekend closest to January 8.

I'm lookin to put together an authentic kit, and start reenacting. I might make my persona less directly piratical (at age 51, I don't think I could convince anyone I'd be good at storming the gunwales or climbing the riggin'!); maybe a Creole merchant or lawyer in cahoots with Laffite.

Beluche is also trying to organize an 18th century pirate group. Now here, I could put on the tricorn and cutlass and strut around in me greyin' beard, and look the part of a Captain!


Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"


Stynky Tudor--

Sounds great. If you want to arrange something, just send me a note.

Black Cat, Captain of theMatriarch

Test everything. Hold fast to what is good. -Saint Paul's first letter to Thessalonika 5:21


Capt William,

yes I'm on your seadogges list.

at least this is an addiction that encourages the furthering of historical knowledge.I am lucky in that my life partner understands my various obsessions and knows how much they mean to me-what good is life if ya don't have any passions?


Capt Weaver

Capt Weaver

"No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. "

Dr. Samuel Johnson

Capt Weaver's Pirate Perversions


Aye, Capt. Weaver, without passions, we are little better than the brute beasts!

Glad you're on me Seadogges list. Ye need to get into that "alphabet quiz": I just answered "I" ("Idlers").


Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"


Arr Capt.Cat, I see the cannon ball be shot over to me court now. As soon as we start getting week-ends with out so much rain, we should make plans.


I and others be from 'round Baltimoretowne and are also interested in groups 'round this area. Give us a hollar now will ya?


Mad Woman Cheryl

By Odin's mighty spear, I hereby snap and go berzerk!!!"


Arr Mad Woman Cheryl, a bellow and 'n 'allar be sounded as soon as we can decide on a port or tavern to meet up at. You be not that far from Capt Cat in Virginia and Capt Flint be there close by in Maryland, I think I'll be the one taking the longest voyage.

Anyone got ideas where to meet?


Mad Woman Cheryl.. I am also from Baltimore. What part of this town are you in. Drop me and Fair Katey'O an e-mail and lets get together one day. As for any plans for a larger get together; I am working on it gang, just give me a little time. Oh, and M.W. Cheryl.. I have tried to find various groups in our fair town for re-enacting, and the ones I have located have never returned my e-mails. So, I am still trying. Let me know if any of the groups contact you. We have a local ren group that we belong to. They are here in MD. as well as Arizona, California, Ohio, Illinois, etc. We have members in several states. But, none that are sea going let alone piratical in nature. Who knows; mabye you ,me and Katey, could work together to start a group here. I would be happy to work on it with you. Like I said, give me a holler and We will all get together..... The Capt.


Hells Bells!

There be plenty a' folk 'round here... well within a few hours by horseback... I'm in Pa, just outside of Pitts Burgh on the Ohio River... There be a few river pytates here, I've been havin' the same trouble contactin' 'em.... I may just havta get real close n' personal... fire a postol at 'em ta get there attention...

I'd be willing ta make a trip into Marys Land for a gatherin' wi' ye fine folk...


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



Arr, it sounds like we all be in similar boats as it were, isolated pirates looking for a fellow hearted rabble rousers.

This getting together be the making of a fine plan! Between the group of us, Capt. Cat, Capt. Flint, Dorian, MWCheryl and myself, Baltimore seems to be the central location. Is there anyone else?

I be up for a 3 hour drive, I mean sail and probably an overnight stay. Who’s with me? What are we waiting for? Do ye want to drink or drive, I mean fight?

Ok, just a cup of coffee be fine.

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