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Ah congrats Capt Scury! I be a delivery manage at a LOWES store. If you go to home decor they have period wallpaper and borders of antique maps and such. best wishes to you and yours. I be the proud da of a 6 1/2 yr old boy meself.

"That's the navy for you. Rum in the scuppers today. Blood in the scuppers tomorrow."

Thrist is a shameless disease. So here's to a shameful cure!

"Loyalty, honesty and directness are traits I admire. Insecurity, snipes and disrespect I will not tolerate in the least."


Thanks for all the suggestions. I just got a promotion at work, so it looks like I'll be moving to Maryland soon. Anyboy know anything about the cost of living there, or what the pirate scene is like?



I been offa the pub fer a while gettin ready fer the arrival o' me own little daughter later this month, so I kin appreciate what ye be goin' through.

Just 2 thoughts:

Piracy be a fine life fer yer little one;

If'n he be a chip offa the old block, yer move ta Mary-land puts ye a bit toooo close fer comfort fer the father o' a new girl up here in Rouges Island.

Bon Chance on the new arrival and with the new job.

Evil Tiny

I'm not really evil...oh wait...yes I am!

Discipline is on the severe side of harsh, and I likes it that way.


Aye, I see we be growin' pirates here. Well congrats to all the new daddies and mommies.

N'er did have little ones meself, sorry, I jest ain't mommy material.

Rumba Rue

**In the beginning there was nothing, then it exploded** :ph34r:


Now that the congradualations 'ave been said, comes the bad part. The curse of all parents. That beautiful wee babe in yer arms will someday be a teen-ager. :ph34r: I 'ave two o' those an' I kin tell ye, that be the time when YE will need be fitted fer a straight jacket an' a rubber room. :ph34r::ph34r: :) :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

I think, therefor I am. Or maybe I just think I am.


Me thanks ta ye Hawk. And Rumba, just keep in pratice!

Worse than teen-ager. She be growin' up and a-wantin' ta date fellers just like her daddy were.

There be 2 days notice fer the gun cleanin' parties preceedin' each o' her dates!

Evil Tiny

I'm not really evil...oh wait...yes I am!

Discipline is on the severe side of harsh, and I likes it that way.


Unfortunatly, 'ere in Washington state they has passed a law, makin' it illegal to scare off yer daughter's boyfriend with a gun.

Fortunately, the law don't take inta account swords, knives, clubs and other various impliments of distruction. :ph34r:

Fer me oldest daughter, I wouldn't let her go out lest her date crossed blades with me before the go. Two of em didn't even try. They decided it were best to leave the crazy man alone. :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

I think, therefor I am. Or maybe I just think I am.


Well Hawk, ti be me pleasure ta shares with ye the advice I gots when I took a most comley lass out fer a most formal date called "The Junior Prom"

"Son, I expect her home at the time you promised to have her here and in the same condition she was in when she left. Any Questions?"

I think I just be havin' it printed up an' posted ta the main hatch.

Evil Tiny

I'm not really evil...oh wait...yes I am!

Discipline is on the severe side of harsh, and I likes it that way.


Nay, sir it only mentions guns.

Aye, Tiny. That reminds me o' me safe sex talk with me daughter's lads. Only one sentence.

"No sex with my daughter is safe, savvy?"

Of course it helps punctuate if ye be sharpenin' yer cutlass at the time ye say it. :lol:

I think, therefor I am. Or maybe I just think I am.

  • 2 months later...

Ben a long time since I posted, but now that the computer is working again it's time to play catch up. Thanks to all who have wished us well. We are 7 and a half months now, so the baby is gonna be here soon. We have almost finished the nursery, as soon as we do, I'll post pictures :lol:


A blessed bit of news indead capt.

Wish en the best fer yea n' your family

I hope that me and my wife can use your story as isperation to push threw. you see my wife also has cevical cancer and we are hoping to overcome this becouse we both want a lass of our own.

Capt Tark.


  Capt. Tarkanius De Morte said:
I hope that me and my wife can use your story as isperation to push threw. you see my wife also has cevical cancer and we are hoping to overcome this becouse we both want a lass of our own.

Capt Tark.


It has been a rough road, ut worth every bit of it. We've only had one scare, and the baby is healthy and happy and on the way soon. The only thing we have to worry about now is scare tissue in the event of a c-section, so were keeping our fingers crossed


Congrads on the wee lad. They are bundles of joy. Just be careful when changing them. Sometime they likes to baptise you , the wall , anywhere they likes. I should know me own sons did it to me often, especially when ye be tired and half asleep. :huh:

Sealegs Constance

I am what I am


As to the baptising.. that happens with girls and cold air too,, as in air conditioning or in cold weather.

I hope that me and my wife can use your story as insperation to push threw. you see my wife also has cevical cancer and we are hoping to overcome this becouse we both want a lass of our own.

good luck to you both, matey, there are many ways to predict when its a good time, but I will tell ya, its easier to have a girl if you get the job done LATER in her cycle. We used the Billings method and had both girls in short time. We were supposed ta have trouble with just simple 'planting' but all went well and now I have no money but 2 healthy teens.. gads!

fertiity checking methods

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!



Afraid the pics. didn't come thru for me, still are ye sure the room is fer the little one and not yerownself? Yer wife might get mad if she finds you spending more time playing in the baby's room than the baby. :ph34r:

All in all best of luck luck to ye and yours.

I love the smell of gunpowder in the morning. To me it smells like....PIRACY!

  captscurvyscrew said:
Thanks for all the suggestions.  I just got a promotion at work, so it looks like I'll be moving to Maryland soon.  Anyboy know anything about the cost of living there, or what the pirate scene is like?

First tings, first. Congrats to ye and yer wife. I be wishin' ye both the best. :ph34r: A new addition to carry on the tradition. ( And a fine one it be.)

Second. You may wish to check with the chamber of commerce that is in the area you are moving to. They generally have listings on the net. I know the Pensacola chamber has been most helpfull with our move on the horizon. They will more than likely be your best bet for info. Also, if my mind is not play tricks, I think there is a member of this fine company living up there. Check "Where do you berth" in this same board. Best of luck and once again congrats !!!!

Privateer & Commander of "Finnegan's Wake"

Faodaidh fearg sealltainn a strigh air cridh an duine ghlic, ach comhnaichdh i an amadain.

(Anger may look in on a wise man's heart, but it abides in the heart of a fool.)

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