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Bumper sticker ideas

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Guest Angus MacVox

I was thinking of having some bumper stickers made at some point to promote pyracy.com - what should they say?

"I'd rather be pillaging."

any other ideas?


it's based off of a joke that I heard many many moons ago and it became the ship's motto: Burn, Pillage, Plunder.... We're romantic that way

I think the joke was how to tell what kind of a pirate you are.

In which order would you do the following?

Burn, Pillage, Plunder or

Plunder, pillage, burn?

if you chose the first one you were romantic because you were pillaging by fire light.

if you chose the second then you were practical.

Guest Angus MacVox

I dig the prepare to be boarded idea the best so far... but keep 'em coming & post to this thread whenever you come with one... when it comes time to print up a sticker, hopefully later this summer, I'll put up a poll of the best phrases and the one with the most votes will be printed... I should be able to mail them to you for free with a little contribution for shipping.


So far I like the "If you can read this, prepare to be boarded" and "Tailgaters will be keelhauled" options.

Other good ideas might be stolen from NQG's "buccaneer buttons" collection, perhaps? E.g. "We're not Pirates! We're Redistribution Economists." or "If you can't dress like a pirate, why dress at all?"

I'll lend some thought to more ideas. I definitely want one of these stickers when the time comes.

Black Cat, Captain of theMatriarch

Test everything. Hold fast to what is good. -Saint Paul's first letter to Thessalonika 5:21


How about "Support wild life...sail with a pirate" or "My wife said she was going to leave me if I don't give up piracy...God I'll miss her" or "This vehicle protected by a .50 caliber flint lock"


How about "Cabin boy on Board" or "My other vehicle is a Schooner" :huh:

I was going to suggest

"My other vehicle is a tallship" in the middle with a skull and crossbones on one or both sides of the bumper sticker.

Morick Towain

Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas

Morick Towain

IBoRP #116

Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas


I've had a license plate frame on my cars for the past, oh, 7 or 8 years that says, "My other car is a Pirate Ship."

Melusine de la Mer

"Well behaved women rarely make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Other good ideas might be stolen from NQG's "buccaneer buttons" collection, perhaps? E.g. "We're not Pirates! We're Redistribution Economists." or "If you can't dress like a pirate, why dress at all?"

Stolen!!! From my button collection?!!? How dastardly you are.

At least you are blatant about it.

Oh well, I admit I have stolen (or modified) some of my ideas from all sorts of places, so I probably shouldn't protest too much. In fact, I've been finding a few choice new sayings here amongst the bumpersticker suggestions that will work splendidly for new buttons.

And I do have quite a few ideas for bumperstickers (several were printed up in No Account Given 1 and 2, the spoof versions of NQG). I just haven't pursued what it takes to get them printed up. If any of you can suggest inexpensive ways to print up small batches of bumperstickers, I'd be glad to learn about them.

Blackheartedly yrs,

--Jamaica Rose

"Cargo Acquisition Coordinator"

--Jamaica Rose

Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993


"Bringing a little pirate history into everyone's life"

Find No Quarter Given

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Capt Weaver

"No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. "

Dr. Samuel Johnson

Capt Weaver's Pirate Perversions


:huh: Which one of my personalities do you find offensive? :huh:

Just what every pirate needs on their traveling 'ships'.


**Hey let's moon the next passing ship!** :huh:


Jamaica Rose--

I would apologize for suggesting we steal your button ideas, but hey, we're all pirates here! :huh:

I have to say I don't favor the "my wife" sticker... make one that works for the women as well as the men!

Black Cat, Captain of theMatriarch

Test everything. Hold fast to what is good. -Saint Paul's first letter to Thessalonika 5:21


Ahoy again!

How about..."Pirates do it with their boots on"?

Or maybe..."That's NOT a cutlass in my pocket" (for the sailor men)?

Maybe you could ask Charity/Brenna for her quote..."Get your slit throat off my dagger." That's a good one.

Heh, heh, heh.


Capt. WE Roberts

"I shall uphold my indignity with the utmost dignity befitting a person of my undignified station."


Oh, and Jamaica Rose...

You might want to check out computer stationery stores. I have heard of coated (weatherproof?) paper that has a peel-off sticky back. For a few prototype bumper stickers, you could do worse.



Capt. WE Roberts

"I shall uphold my indignity with the utmost dignity befitting a person of my undignified station."

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