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What's yer favorite Pirate Smell?  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What's yer favorite Pirate Smell?

    • Powder
    • Rum
    • Tar/Pitch/"Boat Sauce"
    • Boots
    • Sweat
    • Pirate Lasses
    • Pirate Lads
    • The Salt Air/Ocean
    • Moldy Pirate Food
    • Other?

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After realizing me shirts that I brought home from Fe smell like me boots, and havin' me dad ask me if I was wearin' some cologne, I realized that piratical smells smell GOOD! And maybe all o' ye scurvy brethren have a favorite! So let 'er rip, mates. What tickles yer nose?


How come none of the votes be showing up? It allus says zero votes, when I knows I voted, fer "moldy pirate food", so it should have one. It tells me that I've already voted.

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean that they're not after me.


Hmmm, that's two showin now, but neither one be mine. Moldy pirate food, that's the ticket! It ain't lettin me vote again, so I just thought I'd remind ye :ph34r:

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean that they're not after me.


I like the salty sweaty smell of a pirate lad after he spent the day sailing. It also helps if he drank a little rum too. As I don't drink meself, I get meself drunk on his kisses. Ahhhh, phermones..me favorite. :ph34r:

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


My favorites.....the sea and powder! :ph34r: Too intoxicating to put into words!

(immediately followed on my favorites list by....pirate lads and rum!! :ph34r: )


First Wench

Pyrates Of the Eastern Sea

Email - pyratesoftheeasternsea@usa.com

Website - Pyrates Of The Eastern Sea

Pirate Reenactor - Tales Of The Seven Seas

website - Tales Of The Seven Seas


Wildest dream come true ~or~ worst nightmare realized....

the choice is NOT yours....

it all depends on which mood I'm in

.... and....

how much rum there is to drink!



It's a real toss-up between powder and tar/oakum.

Got to go with the powder, though.



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



Gunpowder on her cheeks and a dab O' Rum behind her ears....lol

That be me favorie Pyrate smell.........well one of me favorite....fer sure



Me favors a sweaty rum swilling powder dusted pirate lad 'n boots wif the salt air 'n his hair 'n ocean roll'n 'n hiz eyes who dozn't eat moldy pyrate food an' who kin tar, pitch,"boat souce" the whole shebang wif finese an' style! :ph34r:

Oh....an' "Other".....iffen I haz te tell ye, then ye'd dinna understand anyways! :ph34r:


My favorite piratey smells, in no particular order...

*Blackpowder smoke

*Salty tropical air, in from the sea

*A pyrate lass's neck... there is something about a pyrate lass's neck (sigh)



Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend

Pyrates of the Coast

"All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

"Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."


Argh !

Ain`t nuttin` wot delights ta senses more`n a bucket full o` chum at 4 o`clock in da morn headin` out ta tha nor` Atlantic waters .


Do unto others.... because it`s fun !?!


(Why I voted "other") :ph34r:

Sniff ... sniff ... ah! "Eau de Tallship!"

...Tar/Pitch/"Boat Sauce"

...The Salt Air/Ocean



'Tis as fine a blend o' scents as ever Chanel struck upon -- nay, 'tis better!

Inhale deeply!


CT Ben


"But when do we SHOOT?"


Treasure...,The Musky oder of an *Old* oak strong box .,Filled with Gold..........................................................., and Mu-Shoo.......Not all Treasure is Gold an Silver mate. :ph34r:


I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"


Ahhh....rum fer me, says I. A bit o' rum an it all smells good...arrrrrr. :ph34r::(



Today I mixed up some fine ship sause for me long boat.

Boiled lineseed oil, turpintiine, a bit of old varnish, tar and some hardner. It smells great a goes on easy.

Now at 8:17 PM, there are those in me house who do not enjoy the lingering smell of that good ol' stockholm tar!


Those destined to hang, shall not fear drowning


Ye Pirate Girlfriend, Tis the best smell in the world; arr, me guinness also smells pre'y good tharrr, though it be best for drink'n, and ne'er smellen :ph34r:


Salt breeze in yer face , the smell of freshly poured rum , the smell of new burned powder mixed with the scent of well oiled leather ,the smell of a well cared for ship . These are the smells that I find most gratifyin .

Lord above please send a dove with wings as sharp as razors , to cuts the throats of them there blokes what sells bad booze to sailors ..

" Illigitimiti non carborundum . "


I'm not a good judge o smells, ever since me smeller got its own mind. Me faulty stinker has forced me dear missus Red Bess to lock up her rose-scented candle (smells like very bad beer to me) and change her shampoo (smells like cast iron pots instead of oranges.) But me dear pyrate lass still smells like springtime to me! Gunpowder only brings out the nuances already there!



Mine be gun powder 'n rum tis not just fer breakfast anymore. Me second favorite be the smell o' books kept in a tall ship fer years. Tis all that learnin that be leavin the smell.

Me likes the smell o' minds tossin' ideas like rum shots. :unsure:

  Sjöröveren said:
But me dear pyrate lass still smells like springtime to me!  Gunpowder only brings out the nuances already there!


Sjöröveren lad, that t'wer the sweetust thing I've heard all day!

Pickin' from the list above, I guess I'd have ta say me favorite smells is rum & pirate lads. So me most favorite smell is Sjöröveren walking into the room with a big ol' tankard of rum for me! :)

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