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Ok mates...

I've got this friend who feels underqualified to be a pirate. I think (nay, I *know*!) she's got it in her to join our sweet trade, but she don't be feelin' right about lettin' go with an ARRRR. Says she holds it in! What can I be tellin' her? And just what makes ye a bonafide qualified pyrate, anyway?

Help me out, mates!


I hate to contradict the eternal wisdom of Monty Python, but in this case, I think the most important question may indeed be: "Do you have your own hat?" If she does, she's in. If she doesn't, she's in, she'll just need to get a hat. And lots of other cool stuff. Because when yer a pirate, it's all about the swag.



Some are born pirate, some gain pirateyness, and some have piracy thrust upon them!

I think a good sense of tenacity in doing anything to get that treasure be the best thing... oh and some desire to be free from the constrictions, laws and morals that society chains you with...

As for the 'Arrr', how about getting her drunk, and then mebbe you could 'thrust' some pirateyness upon her :huh:

You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough.

William Blake (Proverbs of Hell , (1790))


What makes a qualified pirate?

State of mind and heart!

If you think it and feel it....then you are a pirate!


First Wench

Pyrates Of the Eastern Sea

Email - pyratesoftheeasternsea@usa.com

Website - Pyrates Of The Eastern Sea

Pirate Reenactor - Tales Of The Seven Seas

website - Tales Of The Seven Seas


Wildest dream come true ~or~ worst nightmare realized....

the choice is NOT yours....

it all depends on which mood I'm in

.... and....

how much rum there is to drink!


...but she don't be feelin' right about lettin' go with an ARRRR. ....

Oh, tell her that's the easy part.

It starts in the back of the throat.... then just let it rip...... kinda slow at first and then add a little feral growl......

Like this.......


Try a short one if that's too much...


Again: with a little more panache....... ARRRGGGGHHHH !!!!

Practice repeatedly until it becomes natural and just rolls out.

Then go buy a flintlock and some powder. Say Arrrgggh while you're loading it and as you squeeze off a few rounds.

Presto! You're a P I R A T E.


I said me first public Arrrrgh! this weekend. I just took the plunge and sat next to this 12 year boy and said Arrrrgh! It took all I had not to break into a big giant grin to match his. Me eyes are starting to tear just thinking about it.

Just have her try it out on a youngin, and she'll be hooked fer good.


:angry: B)B)

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


See, that's the trouble with stereotypes - you don't need to say "Arrr" to be a pirate - we're a much more diverse group than that.

For example, I've never been one for "arrr," but have found that "yarrrr" comes much more naturally. My brother, on the other hand, is a firm believer in "arrrggg," which I've never been too fond of, but each to their own, I sez.

And best of all, you don't need to choose only one. Every now and then I think "yarrr" isn't quite saying all that needs said, and so I step it up a notch to "yarrggg," but this is best used sparingly.


but she don't be feelin' right about lettin' go with an ARRRR.

Takes lots of Grog fer some....then ye might get more then Arrrrhhh out of her....lol



I understand your friend's feelings: I, too, felt under-qualified to be a pirate. I'm not a sailor, a reinactor, a historian, swordfighter or belly-dancer. I don't know how to work a pistol, cutlass or cannon -- and I don't even have my own hat. I had been reading about pirates, writing about pirates and I have a few piratey things about the house. But I never really thought of myself as being a pirate until I found you mates here. That's when I discovered that being a pirate isn't about forcing yourself to say "arrg" or "yarr" --- it was about feeling the "arrrg" down deep inside. Yes, you have helped me get in touch with my inner pirate. And it's the greatest feeling of all. So now, of course, I want all the swag that goes with it. :ph34r:

"Because when you're a professional pirate, you're always in the best of company!"

Get your friend in the company of other pirates, and she be on account in no time! :)

That's when I discovered that being a pirate isn't about forcing yourself to say "arrg" or "yarr" --- it was about feeling the "arrrg" down deep inside. Yes, you have helped me get in touch with my inner pirate.

That, me mate, has to be one of the strangest things I've ever read.

On the other hand, it's true!

And on yet another hand, it sounds like a pyrate inspiration/self-help book.

...I wonder if we could write one of those...


That's when I discovered that being a pirate isn't about forcing yourself to say "arrg" or "yarr" --- it was about feeling the "arrrg" down deep inside. Yes, you have helped me get in touch with my inner pirate.

That, me mate, has to be one of the strangest things I've ever read.

On the other hand, it's true!

And on yet another hand, it sounds like a pyrate inspiration/self-help book.

...I wonder if we could write one of those...


I be a poster-child for pirate self-help! :(

"The Arrgg Inside: Getting In Touch with Your Inner Pirate" by Red Bess

Keep a weather eye out for it, mate. A best-seller in the makin', to be sure! :ph34r:

  • 4 weeks later...
That's when I discovered that being a pirate isn't about forcing yourself to say "arrg" or "yarr" --- it was about feeling the "arrrg" down deep inside. Yes, you have helped me get in touch with my inner pirate.

That, me mate, has to be one of the strangest things I've ever read.

On the other hand, it's true!

And on yet another hand, it sounds like a pyrate inspiration/self-help book.

...I wonder if we could write one of those...


I be a poster-child for pirate self-help! :lol:

"The Arrgg Inside: Getting In Touch with Your Inner Pirate" by Red Bess

Keep a weather eye out for it, mate. A best-seller in the makin', to be sure! :o


What th' Devil....?!

I think I be in ther wrong thread. Which way ta th' booze, wimmin, an sword fights?



Tell her it just be fun too matey.

I agree and relate with all ye who brought it out without knowin how to sail. Its in ye and its tons o fun once its out. :)

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel.

WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>


I was one of the ones who had piracy in me to begin with, but had the stereotypical Arrgh! stuff thrown into my job. I used to play Blackbeard the pirate for Teach's Hole Pirate Museum in Ocracoke NC and loved it, until the tourist kids wanted me to be a more "storybook" type pirate. I love entertaining the little ones, but not all pirates had a peg leg, plus an eye patch, plus a parrot, pluss said Arrrgh at the end of every sentance. Tell your friend to do what I did, find a middle ground. Being a pirate is acting out a character that you want to be. It's living an adventure of your own mind creation. Don't let her feel that she has to be like every example hollywood and storybooks have made of pirates, but b whatever type of pirate your friend wants to be.


captscurvyscrew has got the right of it.

Just tell her ta be herself in the free society o' them what is in the sweet trade. That part of her what is a pyrate will come ta the surface in good time.. The Almighty knows that be what happened with me, and me crew has been tryin' ta stuff it back down ever since!

Evil Tiny

I'm not really evil...oh wait...yes I am!

Discipline is on the severe side of harsh, and I likes it that way.


According to Confuscious, or Sacratis or one o' them old wise guys.

"It may take years to discover yer inner pirate. But with prayer, meditation and plenty o' rum ye'll be scuttlin ships wi' the best o them. Aaarrrrrgggghhh!"

I think, therefor I am. Or maybe I just think I am.


Let me try to sum up what a lot of us are trying to say......With a lot of alcohol, letting go of reality, a little time, and a whole lot of attitude your friend will be a pirate in no time..... :rolleyes:

In the mean time, I'd like to give you some advice that has been passed down from generation to generation in my family. It is a simple one word saying that has helped me get by in life and you have to say it loud and proud that word is: DRINK!!!!!! :ph34r:


A pirate is a feeling an atitude . Bring her to an event and she will become a pirate, have fun thats what i do. :lol:

Keep the wind to your back , and the rum full in your mug, and your mates close by your side


And on yet another hand, it sounds like a pyrate inspiration/self-help book.

...I wonder if we could write one of those...


I be a poster-child for pirate self-help! B)

"The Arrgg Inside: Getting In Touch with Your Inner Pirate" by Red Bess

Keep a weather eye out for it, mate. A best-seller in the makin', to be sure! :lol:

How I found Pyracy in an unfree world?

Your Pyratical Zones?

The Atkins 30 day Pyrate Diet (only eat what you steal)?

Ooooooh the possibilities....



Drop a kitten six feet, and she grins...

Drop an elephant six feet, and ya gots yerself a mess ta clean up....

Sometimes bein' the biggest and most powerful is the LAST thing you wanna be.....

Mad Ozymandias Zorg the Unsnottered


Well mates... she be a pyrate now. Leastwise, she's a-comin' t' an event. Watch fer her on the Royaliste o'er the Fourth o' July event in Redwood City. She'll be a-sailin', a-cursin' and a-firin' the cannons jus' like she were born t' it.


Happy endings are absolutely luvverly. I likes 'em. :blink: Unfortunately, I have a slightly piratical problem right about now too. Ye see, it started like this. The principal o'me high school is retirin' right, so the school's havin' a dinner ta give 'im a sendoff. 'E an' 'is wife are movin' ta Florida, and so the student-councilly type folks (meself included) have to wait tables at this seated dinner fer the school. The theme fer dress is Florida. So I figured I could wear me pirate kit because of the whole Pirates in Paradise deal. I was wicked excited all week. So last night, me mother gets wind o' me plans, and gives me a big lecture about how I have to be a team player and support the whole thing and yadda yadda yadda. :blink: I sez, pirates weren't team players with their normal society, and I think my piratical style should not be cramped. Aarrrrrrghh. So, I'll be wearin' a cutesy tropical outfit thanks ta the mum (I luv 'er, really, but how frustrating.) and accessorizing with pirate gear. Thanks fer puttin' up wi' me rantin's an' ravin's. :lol:

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