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General fishin question, mates:

What sources do ye know of for copies or records of ships articles for privateer or pyratical vessles? I knows of a couple, but would like ta collect the whole set :)

Mayhaps we should write our own set as a crew.

Anybody know howta write?


Drop a kitten six feet, and she grins...

Drop an elephant six feet, and ya gots yerself a mess ta clean up....

Sometimes bein' the biggest and most powerful is the LAST thing you wanna be.....

Mad Ozymandias Zorg the Unsnottered


Zorg... WAYYYYYYYYYYYYy back when this site was still a youngin.. there were a set of articles written up and posted here. If they still exist, then you can find them with a little research here. A great many of us agreed to said artticles. However, being as we are pirates, and were drunk when we read them, and were drunk when they were written, and don't read too well as it is,,,,,,,, well, I guess that sort of speaks for itself. In other words, go ahead and draft a set of articles. I am sure that we will give then the same consideration that we gave the last set.... The Capt.



We've a rather nice 'set' 'o articles for the Royaliste, but ye'd be needin' to speak wif' me Quartrermaster, Poison Quill, for a copy....Sorry, but we've signed RRRRR articles already, Mate. :)



Aside from being used for "gunnery" practice, what position does Helluva hold on yer ship???

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.



No, I've not had the pleasure of meeting that lass, but from what Ive seen on this board, she seems ta hold pretty much any position she likes :)

Drop a kitten six feet, and she grins...

Drop an elephant six feet, and ya gots yerself a mess ta clean up....

Sometimes bein' the biggest and most powerful is the LAST thing you wanna be.....

Mad Ozymandias Zorg the Unsnottered


Ditto!..As wif' most 'o me crew, they pretty mush do wot' they feel like doin', an' once in a while, it all works!! ;) I'm thinkin' the 'equality under the Black Flag' style keeps most all 'appy!! :)



In the book "Under The Black Flag"

I there is a copy of the ship's articles from I believe

Bartholomew Roberts, or Rackham, one of those guys.

Describing in detail the ships arfticles for signing on,

compensation, punishment & and etc.




You know, it hit me....and this was more than likely, all done without lawyers. Wonder where they got the idea in the first place to have such "Articles"? And would ye dare argue a point with the Capt?

Captain of The Morrighan.


Since pirate crews had no established heirarchal authority like the navy or merchant vessels they had to have some method of keeping order to prevent totally anarchy (as oppose to the semi-anrachy they were used too ;) ). The articles establish rules (more like guidelines :D ) to ensure the smooth running of the ship and establish methods for dealing with problem amonst the crew.

As far as arguing a point with the captain is concerned ... these are pirates afterall if you disagree with the captain you can vote him/her out!

Zorg as far as the articles Cpt. Flint mentioned they are on the last page of Rabble Rousing about half way down topic title Pyrate Artikles by Dan Servern dated Feb. 14, 2003.

Could of sworn I sent them to you. :D

Forgot to add there is a nice section on the Below Deck feature on POTC DVD. It's in the Captain's quarters.


Just read something interesting about pirate articles...I've oft heard that Capt. Bartholomew Roberts' ("Black Bart") very detailed articles are held up as a typical example of period articles: yet it seems that Capt. Bart was a very a-typical pirate captain.

36 years old and an honest merchant seaman when he was captured by fellow Welshman Capt. Davis, Roberts was a straitlaced and religious man who didn't drink, swear, or dance. While more than a bit out of place among his new shipmates, nevertheless he was respected for his seamanship and courage.

Six weeks later, when Davis was killed, the crew elected Roberts as Captain. In that role, he introduced a detailed set of articles that forbade such things as gambling for money, fighting on board, having women or boys as crew members, requiring lights-out at 8:00 PM, etc.

The crew went along with it, apparently and for the most part, since he was a successful prizegetter and since loopholes were permitted (duellists could still settle their difficulties on shore, carousers could still drink on deck after hours, e.g.)

All this from the excellent work CAPTURED BY PIRATES, edited by John Richard Stephens, and available from Fern Canyon Press.

So, maybe Roberts articles aren't typical at all. (?)


Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"


Im mainly curious, and Red Mawia I knows we've had this discussion afer, what exists of the Articles outside o Robert's rather detailed set? It seems ta me that even Teach was voted out of the captaincy at one point.

Z :angry:

Drop a kitten six feet, and she grins...

Drop an elephant six feet, and ya gots yerself a mess ta clean up....

Sometimes bein' the biggest and most powerful is the LAST thing you wanna be.....

Mad Ozymandias Zorg the Unsnottered



The Wonderful Wizard of..

I asked on the academic piracy list I am on if there was book with various pirates articles. Sean Miller of the Daring Douglass sent a link to his site which has various ship articles for sale. They include: Black Bart, John Phillips, & George Lowther. There is also one of dubious origin for Brethern of the Coast.


You can by the set! :)



Just got in the Library a book titled "Pirate Wars" by Peter Earle Methun, 2003 ISBN 041375880x. On page 172-173 there is a bit on articles with endnotes refer to other printed material. Here's an excert:

"Pirates of the Gold age bound themselves on an oath to obey what they called 'Article of Regulation' and these were taken very seriously. since 'if we once take the liberty of breaking our articles and oath, then there is none of uscan be sure of anything'.

The book is about $35,00.

I put is as a rush cataloged and charge out to me. :ph34r:


Thank ye kindly fer the sites, Maria,

I agrees the "breathren of the coast" articles smells a bet,

no wonder theys not got a photo online.

But the rest is fine. I especially like the black spots, only $1 fer five

Now if I can just think of five people......hmmmm.


Drop a kitten six feet, and she grins...

Drop an elephant six feet, and ya gots yerself a mess ta clean up....

Sometimes bein' the biggest and most powerful is the LAST thing you wanna be.....

Mad Ozymandias Zorg the Unsnottered


The famous "Pirate Ships' Articles" which are often seen floating around are those by [the Dread] Bart Roberts, and are not necessarily typical of the Articles signed by a pirate crew.

Roberts, after all, wasn't typical.

The key to Ships' Articles, however, seemed to be the "all in on the account" nature of a signing - proof that you were in this with the rest, and so unlikely to turn traitor since you'd be as guilty as the rest.

Privateering, of course, was yet another matter entirely.

Hope that's a useful start.

- Calico Jack

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