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(Warning: I sometimes write a lot. I apologize. If you don't like walls-o'-text, it's alright, I totally understand! Hello all the same. I'm happy to be here!)

Hello all! I'm a 23-year-old amateur seamstress with a love of costuming ("normal" clothes are so boring!). I learned the basics of sewing from my mother when I was a child, and through high school taught myself everything else that I now know about garment patterning and construction. Classes? Books? Pfft, I've got the Internet! (That said, someday I may go to school for fashion design. But that's the boring part...)

It was probably about six years ago that I first fell in love with historical fashion. I started in the middle of the Elizabethan era and worked my way backwards, absorbing any and all information I came across. Last year... I joined the cast of my local Renaissance faire, playing a (very, very, almost annoyingly) fantasy character. Amusingly, as much as I love dressing all girly, it turns out I'm not as fond of playing girly characters. So when I was recruited to the pirate crew for this upcoming season, I jumped at the chance.

Now, here's the funny thing about me... I love information. I love learning. I love fact. I will pick a subject and absolutely OBSESS over it for hours, days, weeks, etc... so you can perhaps imagine my absolute joy upon finding such an academic community such as this. I have lurked here for a while poring over every thread that catches my eye. As I find things elsewhere on the Internet, I come back here to see what you fine people have to say on subject. And yet, when it comes to what I DO with all this information that I so adore... I will willingly label myself as historically-inspired at best. I'll mix and match history with fantasy, fun with practicality, as I see fit. A large part of this is because I am, at this point, an entertainer. The patrons of the faire expect PotC, and they'll get something that they can easily identify as PIRATE. In that setting, it's more fun for me and for them.

So, yes. From bucket boots to bodices, I'm far from an accurate pirate. But it's so FUN!

So... yeah. The discussions on this board have been making me SO happy. With my earlier historical loves, I pretty much just focused on the fashion and little else. If it didn't have to do with textiles, fibers, and clothing, I didn't know much about it and I didn't care to learn. This whole pirate thing, though... suddenly, I'm looking at EVERYTHING. Bit by bit my interest is expanding. I started on here poking around the sewing forum. This past week I started haunting Captain Twill, learning about women in piracy, food, flags, daily life... I am absolutely in love with it all.

This is the first time I've been interested in not just the clothing but the LIFE of historical people, and it's amazing. I can see why so many seek to reenact the truth of it, not just the pop culture image of it.

For the most part, I am here to lurk and learn, ask the occasional question, and perhaps share pictures of the results of all this research. I have a long way to go, but I'm looking forward to it all! Thank you all for all the hard work you've put into making this site such a valuable source of information. I'm really excited to be here! Perhaps someday I'll find something useful to contribute. =)


Gwen S -

Welcome to ye lass. One thing we thread-bar' swabs needs is a good seamstress.

We be looking fer ye contre'butions most heartly.

Jas. Hook ;)

"Born on an island, live on an island... the sea has always been in my blood." Jas. Hook

"You can't direct the wind . . . but . . . you can adjust the sails."

"Don't eat the chickens with writing on their beaks." Governor Sawney


Walls of text? I like that term. I also write walls of text, often quoting liberally from period sources so that they're particularly hard to read.

From what I've seen, a lot of pirate reenactors don't start out wanting to do period correct. (Even the most staunch thread counter has to admit that fantasy pirate is more flashy and, in some ways, interesting than PC.) However, it kind of creeps up on you when you start going to serious events. It's more of a challenge and that's more fun. (Well to me it is. You sound like someone who like challenges too.)

As for obsessing over a topic, that is just a complete waste of time. ;) (This whole site is an ongoing obsession over a topic. The key IMO is to find a niche and spread yourself.)

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



Thanks for the welcomes! =)

Mission, I have a very love-hate relationship with challenges. Right now I love them. Most of the time I love them. Sometimes, we battle and they win, and then I HATE them! Hahaha.

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