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Rebirth of a Cutlass


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I had a Cutlass I purchased for very few dubloons. The cost was certainly saved in the pot metal attachments to a pretty good blade. I gave said blade to one Cascabel, Master Armorer to work his trade upon . What I got returned was a thing of beauty. Not only substantial and of noble metal but sculpture. The guard 's edge is formed and tooled to form a Tulip. Quite appropriate for one known as "Dutch"! I have posted photos in my Gallery and will try to figure out how to post some here!

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Dutch -

Very Nice!

Cascabel -

Splendid Craftmanship!

Jas. Hook :blink:

"Born on an island, live on an island... the sea has always been in my blood." Jas. Hook

"You can't direct the wind . . . but . . . you can adjust the sails."

"Don't eat the chickens with writing on their beaks." Governor Sawney

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There be some apreciashun I be needin to express h'yar. Fust. Sir Will'm Redwake. I thanke Ye Most Heartfully!! I couldn'a figger ta git the pictures here as ye have. I am most grateful for yer kind remarks, laid along side. I hope t' be sailing the same waters wi' ye the sooner, the better!

Cap'n James. Aye, we'ns made from shipmates ta Dory Mates I s'pect. It were so fine of a day ta be wi' ye an yer missus, The pictures like right fine too. What struck me fast was the Tulip form on the guard! Only Cascabel! "Dutch" = Tulip! We'd sure like to see ye among our home port's waters.

Shipmate Peglegstrick, Thanks t' ye as well. Aye and fer certain his talents don't stop there! He works wonders with most any material ye kin put a'fore him!

As fer ye All! T'would be such a fine day if'n ye all could be in Beaufort, NC August 12 & 13. There be Pirates about!!

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The tulip makes an elegant variation on the shell-guard, which has always been one of my favorites. Is there a historical precedent or was this personal inspiration?

Just my interpretation of an appropriate shell guard design for a character known as "Dutch". I have no idea if there is "documentation" for it. There are lots of variations of shell guards, so I guess it's possible.......

>>>>> Cascabel

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